Booking terms and conditions Last Updated 18. mai 2023

1. Presentasjon av plattformen

Disse vilkårene og betingelsene er ment å definere vilkårene for bruk av nettstedet og forholdet som er etablert mellom nettstedet og dets brukere.

Bruken eller deltakelsen i tjenesten til Indie Campers Central Services Unipessoal Lda.s nettsted utøves, uten unntak, under forutsetning av at brukerne overholder disse vilkårene og betingelsene.

De generelle vilkårene og betingelsene gjelder for all bruk av Indie Campers-plattformtjenesten for leie av kjøretøy. Verten og den reisende (begge betegnet som "Brukere") erklærer å forstå og godta disse vilkårene og betingelsene.

Nettstedet foreslår en formidlingstjeneste mellom brukere, der verten gjør leie av kjøretøyet sitt tilgjengelig, og den reisende kan bestille et kjøretøy tilgjengelig på nettstedet ved å bruke det som en del av en leie i henhold til vilkårene avtalt mellom partene.

Nettstedet fungerer hovedsakelig som en mellommann og assistent for brukerne når det er nødvendig å validere elementer og dokumenter for å annonsere for kjøretøyet eller leie. Brukerne må respektere pliktene og forpliktelsene som påtar seg med feiringen av avtalen.

Verten er alene ansvarlig for deres annonser og tjenester. Når du foretar en reservasjon, signerer reisende en kontrakt direkte med verten og ikke med Indie Campers som ikke er denne avtaleparten i leiekontrakten eller deltar i den på noen måte.

Indie Campers ber om at brukerne leser disse vilkårene og betingelsene nøye. Dette er vilkårene og betingelsene som verter leier ut kjøretøy til reisende. De reisende godtar disse vilkårene når de signerer leieavtalen.

Brukere kan kontakte Indie Campers gjennom kundestøtte eller via e-post via de tilgjengelige kontaktene på nettstedet. Spørsmål knyttet til kjøretøyet eller selve utleien bør imidlertid behandles direkte mellom brukerne.

Skulle Indie Campers måtte kontakte brukere, vil de gjøre det per telefon eller skriftlig via e-post eller adresse som brukere har oppgitt til Indie Campers ved registrering på nettstedet.

2. Endringer av nettstedet og T&C

Indie Campers forbeholder seg retten til å endre disse vilkårene og betingelsene når som helst. Brukere vil bli varslet på forhånd via e-post om endringen deres minst 30 dager før den trer i kraft.

Indie Campers forbeholder seg retten til, i ekstraordinære situasjoner, å anvende vilkårene og betingelsene på en tilpasset (eller justert) måte hvis og i den grad det er uunnværlig for å sikre plattformens legitime interesser.

3. Presentasjon av betalingsleverandør

Transaksjonene gjøres av Stripe som behandler betalingene på en sikker måte. Stripe Technology Europe, Limited (STEL) er autorisert av Electronic Money Institution og regulert av Bank of Ireland (referansenummer: C187865). Indiecampere kan ikke holdes ansvarlig for betalinger gjort direkte mellom brukere. Plattformen garanterer kun sikkerheten for betalinger gjort gjennom Stripe-partneren.

4. Reisendes vilkår og betingelser

4.1 Reisenderegistrering

Reisende som ønsker å foreta en reservasjon på Indie Campers må registrere seg på nettsiden, da vil de legge inn sine personlige detaljer og bevis på dokumenter. Indie Campers vil ikke være ansvarlig hvis informasjonen gitt av brukeren er feil. Noen dokumenter kan bare legges inn etter bestillingsbekreftelsen, men aldri etter datoen som er angitt i kapittelet om leiebetingelser.

Hver bruker har til disposisjon et unikt brukernavn og passord som lar dem få tilgang til profilen sin direkte. Brukeren forplikter seg til å oppbevare disse dataene, holde dem konfidensielle og aldri kommunisere dem. Brukeren garanterer at han/hun vil opprette kun én "profil" av brukeren.

I tilfelle av manglende overholdelse av plattformreglene eller oppførsel som anses som støtende av plattformen, forbeholder Indie Campers seg retten til å suspendere kontoen. Brukeren hvis konto er suspendert vil bli informert via e-post til e-postadressen som ble angitt ved registrering. Alle data og dokumenter må legges inn på siden på den reisendes personlige side.

4.2 Nettstedsorganisasjon

Plattformen består av et offentlig område og et privat område, som kan nås på forskjellige måter og med forskjellige begrensninger:

Det offentlige området gir tilgang til nettstedet, bruk av nettstedet som en uidentifisert bruker, og drar nytte av visse tjenester og funksjoner som tilbys av nettstedet.

Det private området er tilgjengelig etter identifikasjon og registrering av brukeren. Denne identifikasjonen krever at du har opprettet en profil på forhånd. Det private området tillater blant annet å foreta reservasjonsforespørsler, samt etterfølgende bekreftelse, publisering av et kjøretøy for utleie og redigering av informasjon om publisering av et kjøretøy for utleie.

4.3 Identitetsbekreftelse

Følgende er minimumskravene for kvalifisering som leietaker:
Du må inneha gjeldende, gyldig (ikke-midlertidig) førerkort. Du må godkjennes av Indie Campers gjennom identifikasjonsverifisering og andre bakgrunnssjekker som selskapet krever. Indie Campers har rett til å kansellere en bestilling hvis brukeren ikke klarer å bestå identitetsbekreftelsesprosessen, og gjeldende kanselleringspolicy blir brukt.

Søknadsprosessen er vanligvis rask og enkel. Etter bestillingsbekreftelsen ber vi om førerkort eller pass eller offentlig ID-informasjon slik at vi kan sikre at du oppfyller kvalifikasjonskravene våre. I de fleste tilfeller tar sjåførens kvalifikasjonskontroll sekunder, så lenge vi kan bekrefte all informasjonen din. Indiecampere kan bruke (en) tredjepartskilde(r) for å fullføre kvalifikasjonskontrollen og vil ikke dele informasjon utenfor dette omfanget. I noen tilfeller kan vi trenge tilleggsinformasjon for verifiseringsformål, og du vil bli bedt om disse kravene via e-post eller telefon, slik at du er klar når det er på tide å starte turen.

5.1 Verts- og kjøretøyregistrering

Alle verter som ønsker å plassere sine oppføringer på plattformen må opprette sin brukerprofil. I tillegg må verter fylle ut oppføringsskjemaet på en detaljert og korrekt måte.

Når brukeren oppretter publikasjonen, må brukeren gi den informasjonen og dokumentasjonen som etterspørres på en mest mulig detaljert måte, samt fotografier av kjøretøyet sitt. Vertene for kjøretøyene kan være fysiske eller juridiske personer.

Hvis verten velger å bruke forsikringen som tilbys av plattformen, kan feil kommunikasjon av informasjon om kjøretøyet føre til at det ikke er kvalifisert, nemlig:

● Vekt av kjøretøy

● Registreringsår

● Kjøretøyets verdi som ny

I tillegg må visse dokumenter deles før en bestillingsbekreftelse. De nødvendige dokumentene kan konsulteres på denne siden.

Alle disse dokumentene må oppdateres kontinuerlig. Ellers vil kjøretøyet ikke lenger være kvalifisert for forsikringen som tilbys av plattformen, og selve kunngjøringen kan bli suspendert inntil disse er delt og validert av plattformen. Hvis det viser seg at dokumentene som er delt inntil fem dager før begynnelsen av en reservasjon er utdaterte, forbeholder plattformen seg retten til å kansellere de påfølgende reservasjonene til de er oppdatert, og verten har ikke rett til refusjon. Verten samtykker i at plattformen har rett til å dele disse dokumentene med forsikringspartnerne så vel som betalingspartneren STRIPE. Verten forplikter seg også til å dele bankopplysningene som betalingene skal betales for.

Indiecampere kan på ingen måte holdes ansvarlig for feil, utelatelser eller unøyaktigheter, enten frivillige eller ikke, fra Vertens side med hensyn til beskrivelsen og vurderingen av Kjøretøyet.

Etter et havari eller en annen type hendelse, kan en Annonse bli suspendert på Plattformen for å verifisere om det nevnte kjøretøyet er egnet for utleie. Indie Campers forbeholder seg retten til å suspendere ethvert kjøretøy som tilbys for utleie dersom de mener det er en risiko som kan påvirke kvaliteten på tjenesten. Suspensjon av kjøretøyet kan resultere i kansellering av fremtidige reservasjoner, og verten av kjøretøyet vil ikke ha krav på kompensasjon for eventuelle fremtidige reservasjoner.

Indiecampere vil foreta en oppsummerende sjekk av informasjonen og dokumentene levert av verten, med fokus på elementene knyttet til kjøretøyets egenskaper. Denne kontrollen vil bli foretatt på tidspunktet for registrering av kjøretøyet på nettsiden og fritar ikke verifisering fra den reisende ved starten av leieperioden. Indie Campers forbeholder seg retten til å verifisere dokumentene når som helst.

Indiecampere kan, etter verifisering, fjerne enhver kjøretøyreklame fra nettstedet eller etter nyheter fra en eller flere reisende som er misfornøyd med tilstanden til kjøretøyet og/eller vertens oppførsel, samt basert på manglende overholdelse av gjeldende vilkår og betingelser .

5.2 Krav som gjelder for verter

Vertene må garantere:

- totalt eierskap av kjøretøyet eller å være leder av kjøretøyet, inneha alle nødvendige autorisasjoner og bevis, som tillater dem å gjøre kjøretøyet tilgjengelig for utleie. Verten må gjøre slike tillatelser tilgjengelige for den reisende, skriftlig og signert av Verten for kjøretøyet;

- at dokumentene og informasjonen som deles er sanne og nøyaktige;

- tilgjengeligheten av kjøretøyet i perfekt stand for utleie;

- kjøretøyets gode stand før avgang angående innvendig og utvendig rengjøring, vann- og drivstoffnivåer, etc.

- Etableringen av priser per natt er vertens fulle ansvar, og Indie Campers har ingen innblanding i definisjonen.

Verten kan forplikte seg, under forpliktelse av ære, til å praktisere lavere eller tilsvarende sluttpriser i Indie Campers sammenlignet med de som tilbys på andre plattformer og på sin egen nettside, under hensyntagen til de forskjellige beregningssystemene til de respektive plattformene. Med denne forpliktelsen vil verten være kvalifisert for gunstigere betingelser og visse fordeler, for eksempel ekstra poeng i søkerangeringen og ha et Best Price Guarantee-stempel fra Indie Campers. Plattformens kontoansvarlige vil foreta konstante kontroller av markedspriser og kan kontakte Verten i tilfelle forpliktelsen brytes.

I tillegg bør verten kreve en pris som samsvarer med verdien av kjøretøyet og dets utstyr, samt alder og antall kilometer på kjøretøyet, for å overholde plattformstandardene.

Verten forplikter seg til å overholde minimumskravene til tilgjengelighet som kreves av plattformen, som kan konsulteres på nettstedet.

Likeledes vil Verten ikke kunne pålegge gebyrer eller tilleggskostnader for forbruk av gass knyttet til flasker som allerede er i bruk ved begynnelsen av leieperioden, siden det er et forbruksmateriale som er vanskelig å måle og det bør inkluderes i leien. pris.

5.3 Vertsforhold

Ved å være vert på Indie Campers-plattformen samtykker verten i å overholde våre vilkår og betingelser.

I tilfelle gjentatte eller alvorlige brudd kan vi suspendere eller permanent deaktivere vertens konto og fjerne kjøretøyene fra listen.

For å beskytte fellesskapet vårt er følgende atferd forbudt og kan føre til fjerning av verten:

    1. Fjerner folk fra Indie Campers-plattformen for nye, delvise eller fremtidige bestillinger
    1. Kontakt potensielle reisende før de foretar reservasjonen på Indie Campers-plattformen for å endre reservasjonen utenfor Indie Campers-plattformen (f.eks. tilby rabatter for bestilling fra Indie Campers-plattformen, blant andre.)
    1. Verten kan ikke be reisende fylle ut skjemaer, eller ringe, sende e-post eller kontakte dem uten kommunikasjonstjenesten til Indie Campers-plattformen før de godtar bestillingsforespørsler
    1. Kansellering av eksisterende hele eller delvise bestillinger og ombooking av reisende fra Indie Campers-plattformen
    1. Be eller oppmuntre reisende til å bestille utenfor Indie Campers-plattformen for gjentatte eller fremtidige bestillinger
    1. Inkludert lenker eller innebyggingsknapper (f.eks. bunntekst, topptekst) som tar folk bort fra Indie Campers-plattformen til et annet nettsted i meldinger til reisende, inkludert kommunikasjon sendt gjennom Indie Campers-plattformen
    1. Å be reisende om, eller bruke kontakt- eller identitetsinformasjon på måter som ikke er relatert til oppholdet, eller som kompromitterer kvaliteten på oppholdet
    1. Å be om eller bruke de reisendes kontaktinformasjon for å gjøre opp ytterligere betalinger utenfor Indie Campers-plattformen, må alle betalinger relatert til en reisebestilling, inkludert bestillingsutvidelser og endringer, gå gjennom Indie Campers-plattformen.
    1. Be reisende om kontaktinformasjon etter en bestilling for å gjennomføre kredittsjekker eller bakgrunnssjekker, med mindre det er for forsikringsformål, i så fall må de gå gjennom Indie Campers-plattformen.
    1. Be reisende om å sende inn bilder av offentlig ID før ankomst, bortsett fra når det er nødvendig av juridiske eller samsvarsmessige årsaker, i så fall må de gå gjennom Indie Campers-plattformen.
    1. Å be om eller bruke reisendes kontaktinformasjon for å gjøre opp ytterligere betalinger utenfor Indie Campers-plattformen, må alle betalinger relatert til en reisende reise, inkludert oppholdsforlengelser (og annet enn unntakene som er identifisert nedenfor), gå gjennom Indie Campers-plattformen (f.eks. ved å bruke Tiltakssenter)
    1. Bruk av kontaktinformasjon gitt av Indie Campers-plattformen til andre formål som bryter med våre vilkår for bruk
    1. Salg, deling eller bruk av reisendes kontaktinformasjon for markedsføringskommunikasjon eller gjestelisteregistreringer
    1. Tilbakemelding om et reisendes opphold må skje på Indie Campers' plattform. Vi vil at reisende skal dele sine tilbakemeldinger direkte om de hotteste på Indie Campers-plattformen slik at andre gjester kan dra nytte av deres innsikt.

Indiecampere kan fortsatt fjerne en vert hvis oppførselen og handlingene deres er skadelig for virksomhetens mål, strider mot juridiske forpliktelser, er diskriminerende og skadelig for reisende.

6. Forholdet mellom reisende og vert

6.1 Brukerinteraksjoner

Brukere samhandler med hverandre gjennom Indie Campers-nettstedet, og står fritt til å stille spørsmål, evaluere, sjekke tilgjengeligheten til kjøretøy, foreta, godta eller kansellere reservasjoner.

Verten og den reisende må komme til enighet før leiekontrakten inngås, og før leie av kjøretøy. Brukere er kontraktsmessig forpliktet og må respektere forpliktelsene som er gjort siden bekreftelsen av reservasjonen.

En leiekontrakt må inngås mellom verten og den reisende for kjøretøyet ("Leiekontrakt"). Den reisende og verten er, når de signerer leiekontrakten, forpliktet til å respektere betingelsene som er definert deri, i henhold til pacta sunt servanda-regelen, eller prinsippet om bindende kraft av kontrakter, der kontraktspartene er eneansvarlige for den inngåtte kontrakten.

Verten forplikter seg til å gi en oppdatert beskrivelse av kjøretøyet, som samsvarer med dets egenskaper og ikke å villede Leietaker om egenskapene til det leide kjøretøyet. Plattformen kan ikke holdes ansvarlig i tilfelle falsk eller feilaktig beskrivelse av kjøretøyet.

For hver reservasjon forplikter Verten seg til å levere kjøretøydokumentene. Avhengig av gjeldende regelverk i registreringslandet for kjøretøyet og gjeldende forsikringskrav, må Verten fremlegge originalen eller kopien av kjøretøyets registreringsbevis, forsikringsbevis og bevis på oppdatert teknisk kontroll. En bekreftet kopi av registreringsattesten kan rekvireres på en politistasjon for å styrke dokumentets troverdighet ved politikontroll under en utleie.

6.2 Brukertvister

Hvis det oppstår tvister mellom brukere, forplikter de seg til å handle i henhold til konklusjonene kommunisert av forlikskampanjen som tilbys av Indie Campers. Plattformen forplikter seg til å tilby forlikskampanjetjenesten så snart som mulig i tilfelle en tvist.

Forlikskampanjen vil bli tilbudt på en upartisk måte, med hensyn til informasjonen gitt av hver av brukerne som er involvert i tvisten. Denne forlikskampanjen er betinget av at brukerne deler den signerte leiekontrakten. Indie Campers vil prøve, når det er mulig, å mekle tvister i samsvar med disse vilkårene og leiekontraktsforslaget som er gjort tilgjengelig. Etter kommunikasjon av konklusjonene av tvisten, vil brukerne ha 3 dager på seg til å gjennomgå og godta forslaget til løsning. Løsningen av forlikskampanjen avhenger av brukernes velvilje og vil aldri av natur ha forpliktelser eller ansvar overfor plattformen. Hvis brukere ikke løser tvisten ved å bruke forlikskampanjen som tilbys av plattformen, kan de klage til de kompetente myndighetene.

7. Bestillingsvilkår

Eksklusivt abonnementsprodukt:

Prisene vil bli vist per måned, hentet direkte som en totalkostnad per måned uten at det påløper noen ekstra gebyrer (f.eks. service-, forsikrings- eller forberedelsesgebyrer), med unntak av enveisavgifter og kjørelengder. Bestillinger for abonnementsperiode er underlagt minimumsvarigheten på 1 måned ("Initial Minimum Commitment") og maksimal varighet på 12 måneder.

Eksklusivt korttidsleieprodukt:

Kostnadene ved å leie kjøretøyet er regnskapsført per natt, gitt tilgjengeligheten av kjøretøyet underlagt reservasjonen.

Felles for alle produkter tilgjengelig på Plattformen:

Brukere definerer fritt og i gjensidig avtale leieperioden. Hvis ikke annet er definert, skriftlig mellom brukerne eller i bestillingsalternativene på plattformen, starter utleiene kl. 14.00 og slutter kl. 11.00. Plattformen lar Verter definere timene fra hvilke både innsjekkingstidspunkt og utsjekkingstidspunkt kun er mulig mot en ekstra kostnad, som alltid skal være eksplisitt på Plattformen.

Den reisende kan foreta en reservasjonsforespørsel for et bestemt kjøretøy, og nødvendigvis angi datoene han ønsker å reservere kjøretøyet. Den reisende er kun autorisert til å starte leie av kjøretøyet etter bekreftelse av reservasjonen og respektive betaling av totalbeløpet for reservasjonen.

Hvis verten godtar reservasjonsforespørselen, som må gjøres inntil maksimalt 48 timer etter mottak av reservasjonsforespørselen, vil Indie Campers informere den reisende via e-post, som da vil ha 48 timer på seg til å foreta betalingen og godta, uten reservasjoner, nåværende vilkår og betingelser. Deretter vil beløpet tilsvarende leiebeløpet bli belastet. Verten vil være kontraktsmessig forpliktet og må respektere forpliktelsene som er påtatt siden aksept av reservasjonsforespørselen.

Hvis verten nekter å bestille kjøretøyet sitt, vil Indie Campers automatisk informere den reisende via e-post, og er villig til å foreslå, ved tilgjengelighet, et tilsvarende kjøretøy som et alternativ. Indiecampere kan ikke holdes ansvarlig for å avslå en reservasjonsforespørsel. Indie Campers er fritatt for enhver form for ansvar i tilfelle kansellering av reservasjonen enten av verten eller av den reisende og garanterer ikke nøyaktigheten av datoene for reservasjonsforespørslene som er angitt av den reisende som ønsker å leie kjøretøyet.

Den reisende kan forlenge leieperioden ved å be om en obligatorisk reservasjonsforlengelse. Forespørselen må gjøres senest 48 timer før den avsluttes. Enhver forlengelse av leieperioden vil følge reglene fastsatt i disse vilkårene. Forlengelsesforespørselen må forespørres via Indie Campers og er underlagt etterfølgende godkjenning av verten. Forsikringen under Kjøretøyet må utvides og en tilleggsbetaling vil kreves ved bekreftelse av endringen. Enhver reservasjonsforlengelse må følge betingelsene som er gjort tilgjengelig på plattformen på samme dato, nemlig leieprisen, forsikringsprisen, formidlingstjenester, blant annet. Selv om verten bestemmer seg for ikke å kreve noen tilleggsavgift for utleieforlengelsen, har plattformen rett til å belaste alle tjenester som er iboende til utleien,

I tilfelle den reisende ikke foretar leveringen på fastsatt dato, klokkeslett og sted, vil et gebyr på tre ganger verdien per natt, inkludert alle kostnader forbundet med det, påløpe per natt annonsert på plattformen. For hver ekstra natt som ikke er avtalt av begge parter, skal Verten ha rett til å belaste tilsvarende tre ganger prisen per natt annonsert på plattformen, samt kostnadene forbundet med det. Likeledes vil Plattformen ha rett til å belaste den daglige forsikringsverdien, formidlingstjenester og annet. I tillegg er forsikringsdekning for ekstra dager som ikke tidligere er rapportert og avtalt, ikke garantert, den reisende er fullt ansvarlig for eventuelle skader eller kostnader som ellers ville blitt dekket av forsikringen.

8. Leiebetingelser

Den reisende som foretar en reservasjon må være over 18 år på registreringstidspunktet, fremvise gyldig førerkort for å kjøre i landene for innsjekking og utsjekking, være lovlig kvalifisert til å kjøre kjøretøyet som er underlagt utleie, fremvise gyldig legitimasjon dokument og et gyldig betalingsmåtekort, samt oppfylle alle krav definert av verten, slik som minimumsalder og kjøreerfaring på datoen for begynnelsen av leie. Ytterligere sjåfører må være tilstede på tidspunktet for henting, ha gyldig førerkort for å kjøre i landene for innsjekking og utsjekking og for typen kjøretøy som leies, samt oppfylle alle krav definert av verten, som minimumsalder og kjøring erfaring på datoen for begynnelsen av utleie.

For korttidsleie, der verten er Indie Campers, hvis en av sjåførene er under 25 år, er valg av grunnleggende beskyttelsesplan obligatorisk og sjåfører under 25 år har ikke lov til å godta Premium-beskyttelsesplanen. Beskyttelsesplaner er ikke inkludert og kan ikke abonneres på av klienten under Abonnementsbestillinger.

Før leiestart har reisende plikt til å dele all informasjon og dokumenter som etterspørres i sin profil på plattformen. Reisende må gjøre dette inntil 48 timer arbeidsdager før leiestart. Utelatelse av nødvendig informasjon og dokumenter kan føre til kansellering av leieforholdet og den reisende har ikke rett til noen form for refusjon. Dokumentene og informasjonen som forespørres kan omfatte følgende:

  • Gyldig statsborgerkort eller pass
  • Gyldig førerkort
  • Sjåførenes skatteadresse
  • Skatteidentifikasjonsnummer

Ved henting av kjøretøyet må verten, eller behørig identifisert representant og etter autorisasjon, være tilstede under inventaret, for å kontrollere tilstanden til kjøretøyet før og etter utleien, ved å signere leieavtalen.

Indie Campers tilbyr et leiekontraktforslag. Verter står fritt til å bruke den, modifisere den eller bruke en hvilken som helst annen type kontrakt så lenge begge parter signerer den og den uttømmende beskriver kjøretøyet samt dets funksjoner og utstyr. Indiecampere kan imidlertid ikke holdes ansvarlige hvis det er noen justeringer av den foreslåtte kontrakten. I tilfelle en tvist mellom verten og den reisende, vil Indie Campers ta stilling i samsvar med den foreslåtte leiekontrakten som er gjort tilgjengelig av sistnevnte.

Begge parter skal fotografere kjøretøyet, både innvendig og utvendig, samt kilometerteller og nivået på drivstofftanken, ved inn- og utsjekking, disse er nødvendige og uunnværlige for løsning av tvister mellom Brukere.

I tilfelle kjøretøyet som er tilgjengelig for utleie har hovedegenskaper som ikke samsvarer med, eller er av vesentlig dårligere kvalitet, til de som er kommunisert på Plattformen, kan den reisende, inntil kontrakten er signert, kansellere kontrakten og be om refusjon av totalbeløpet av reservasjonen. I tilfelle tvist må den reisende dele bevis (bilder, videoer, ...) på uoverensstemmelse mellom virkeligheten og det som er publisert på plattformen. Plattformen vil vurdere og ta avgjørelse i saken. Kanselleringen av reservasjonen må gjøres gjennom kontakt med plattformen som er angitt i disse vilkårene.

Ekstrautstyret er avhengig av tilgjengelighet på innsamlingsstedet. Hvis noe ekstra booket ikke er tilgjengelig ved innsjekking, vil verten informere den reisende og refundere ham i henhold til beløpet som er betalt for den varen eller tjenesten, og ingen ytterligere kompensasjon skal betales. Kostnader knyttet til bruk av plattformen vil ikke bli refundert.

Kjøretøyet skal returneres på den dagen, klokkeslettet og stedet som er spesifisert i leieavtalen.

Dersom kjøretøyet leveres med skitt inni (søppel, sand, jord, gjørme eller annet rusk) eller utvendig, samt når vanntanken ikke er levert tom, kan det påløpe et ekstra rengjøringsgebyr og vil bli definert av Verten og kommunisert før undertegning av leiekontrakten. Kjøretøyet må returneres med drivstofftanken på samme nivå som det var ved hentingstidspunktet, ellers vil den reisende bli belastet et gebyr fastsatt av Verten og kommunisert på forhånd til signering av leiekontrakten. Hvis kjøretøyet har nivået av AdBlue over reserven, bør den reisende ikke levere kjøretøyet med AdBlue-nivået på reserven, ellers kan den reisende bli belastet et gebyr fastsatt av verten og kommunisert før undertegning av leiekontrakten. I løpet av reisen, Den reisende er ansvarlig for å sikre at kjøretøyet alltid inneholder nødvendig drivstoff og AdBlue for sirkulasjon uten å skade motoren. Ekstra AdBlue kan kjøpes i løpet av leieperioden på en hvilken som helst bensinstasjon på vegne av den reisende. Verten vil ikke refundere den reisende for utgifter for AdBlue-væske ved retur av kjøretøyet. Verten er ansvarlig for å vurdere tilstanden til kjøretøyet ved levering.

9. Betalingsbetingelser

Den reisende forplikter seg til å betale hele leieprisen på nettstedet, i henhold til de forskjellige betalingsmåtene som er foreslått i annonsene.

Når den reisende bekrefter reservasjonen, vil kreditt- eller debetkortet hans bli belastet i henhold til avbestillingsreglene som er definert av verten (avgifter inkludert). I tilfelle innsamlingsmetoden avvises, vil reservasjonen ikke være gyldig og ingen leiebekreftelse vil bli sendt, og den reisende må fremvise en annen gyldig betalingsmetode.

Når den tilgjengelige betalingspolicyen tillater at betalingen av totalbeløpet for reservasjonen deles på mer enn ett øyeblikk, belastes den andre betalingen automatisk med samme betalingsmåte som er valgt på den definerte datoen. Hvis den andre betalingen mislykkes, vil den reisende bli informert og vil ha 2 dager på seg til å foreta betalingen med en alternativ betalingsmåte. I tilfelle det ikke er mulig å belaste den andre betalingen innen den definerte datoen, vil plattformen ha rett til å kansellere reservasjonen i henhold til de avtalte avbestillingsreglene.

Indie Campers vil ikke være ansvarlig for eventuelle valutakurser som brukes av den reisendes bank, og heller ikke for bankgebyrer brukt av den reisendes bank. Valutaen som brukes for betalingen vil alltid være den som tilsvarer landet der reisen starter.

9.2 Betaling til verter

Vertenes kompensasjon vil bli overført gjennom STRIPE. Vertens kompensasjon vil alltid bli definert uavhengig og vil bli beregnet av det totale beløpet av reserven minus eventuelle gebyrer som belastes av plattformen, inkludert gjeldende skatter, og andre forsikringer og tilleggstjenester anskaffet av den reisende direkte til plattformen.

Vertenes godtgjørelse, med mindre annet er tydelig avtalt, overføres den andre virkedagen etter reservasjonens start.

Indiecampers sine formidlingstjenester støttes av den reisende og verten. Bruken av tjenesten innebærer at den reisende aksepterer de faste beløpene uten betingelser eller forbehold. Mer informasjon om når tjenestegebyrer påløper og hvordan de beregnes, finner du på vår side med tjenestegebyrer. Med mindre annet er oppgitt på plattformen, refunderes ikke tjenesteavgifter. Indie Campers forbeholder seg retten til å endre tjenestegebyrene når som helst og vil gi brukerne forhåndsvarsel om eventuelle endringer i avgiftene før de trer i kraft. Endringer i gebyrer vil ikke påvirke reservasjoner som er gjort før datoen gebyrendringen trer i kraft. Hvis Verten ikke godtar en gebyrendring, kan Verten si opp denne avtalen når som helst ved å slette annonsene dine i Plattformen, selv om verten fortsatt er ansvarlig for tidligere bekreftede reservasjoner. Indie Campers forbeholder seg retten til å suspendere eller kansellere betaling til verten i tilfelle tvist med klienten.

9.3 Forsikring

I tilfeller der tilleggsforsikring kreves for å foreta utleien, vil kostnadene som følge av leie av denne bli dekket i sin helhet av den reisende og vil bli betalt kumulativt med de andre beløpene i reserven i henhold til betalingsmåtene. Ved forlengelse av leieperioden, vil forsikringen på kjøretøyet måtte utvides og en tilleggsbetaling kreves.


9.4 Verneplan

Kjøp av beskyttelsesplaner vil bli støttet fullt ut av den reisende i henhold til betalingsbetingelsene som gjelder for den tilsvarende reservasjonen.

9.5 Depositum

Depositumet vil bli sperret fra 24 timer før reisens begynnelse og kan kun betales på en av måtene og med verdiene beskrevet i kunngjøringen. Kjøretøyet kan ikke leveres til den reisende hvis depositumet ikke er blokkert av verten eller av indiecampere. Indie Campers vil obligatorisk sperre depositumet dersom en av forsikringene levert av Indie Campers er valgt.

Når kjøretøyet returneres, vil verten eller den uavhengige bobilen frigi den ubrukte delen av depositumet, på samme måte som det var fengslet, og refusjonen kan gjøres inntil 30 virkedager etter returen av kjøretøyet. I tilfelle en tvist angående sikkerhetsdepositumet, kan Indie Campers påta seg rollen som megler, i henhold til vilkårene beskrevet i "Forholdet mellom reisende og vert".

Depositumet skal dekke eventuelle skader på kjøretøyet i leieperioden. Dette beløpet kan brukes til å dekke utgifter til reparasjon av Kjøretøyet etter at det har inntruffet en ulykke eller flere ulykker og eventuelle skader påført Kjøretøyet dekket opp til grensen for egenandelen for den avtalte forsikringen. Depositumet kan også brukes til å dekke skader på kjøretøyene som ikke er dekket av den avtalte forsikringen og eventuelle mislighold i leiekontrakten, for eksempel å dekke overskridelse av den valgte kilometerens pakke, passasje i bompenger og SCUTS, eventuelle bøter, eller ethvert annet beløp som den reisende skylder Verten, så lenge det er i samsvar med klausulene i leiekontrakten. Forvaltningen av depositumet er underlagt underskrift mellom partene i leiekontrakten og kjøretøyets inventardokument, ved henting eller retur av kjøretøyet. I tillegg, i tilfelle depositumet ikke er tilstrekkelig til å dekke alle den reisendes betalingsansvar, kan tilleggsbetalinger belastes uten forhåndsgodkjenning fra den reisende.

I tilfeller der deler av sikkerhetsdepositumet vil bli overført til Verten, skal en transaksjonskostnad på 1,3 % + mva av transaksjonsverdien belastes Verten.

Verten må rapportere alle hendelser forårsaket i kjøretøyet hans gjennom skjemaet som er tilgjengelig på plattformens nettside inntil 5 dager etter utsjekking.

10. Avbestillingsregler

10.1 Kansellert av leietaker/reisende.

Avbestillingsreglene vil bli brukt i henhold til valget gjort av verten, i henhold til de ulike avbestillingsreglene som du kan se på avbestillingsregler. Ethvert beløp som refusjon vil bli gjort innen maksimalt 14 dager fra mottak av kanselleringsforespørselen.

Forekomsten av uforutsette eller uunngåelige hendelser som indiecampere og brukere ikke har noe ansvar for (eksempler: force majeure, krig, naturkatastrofer, pandemier og streiker) ugyldiggjør ikke den fulle anvendelsen av de nevnte bestemmelsene.

10.2 Kansellert av verten

I tilfelle av kansellering av reservasjonen av verten, vil Indie Campers indikere andre kjøretøy under forhold som ligner på de som er reservert. I tilfelle den reisende ikke godtar et av kjøretøyene som presenteres av Indie Campers, vil beløpet som den reisende har betalt, bli refundert. Hvis godtgjørelsen allerede er i Vertens besittelse, og selv om det er en kansellering fra hans side, er Verten forpliktet til å tilbakebetale i sin helhet det mottatte beløpet, ellers kan Indie Campers trekke dette beløpet fra fremtidige reservasjoner. Hvis Indie Campers med rimelighet forventer å gi en refusjon til en reisende i henhold til en av disse retningslinjene, kan Indie Campers utsette sendingen av betaling for den bestillingen til en tilbakebetalingsbeslutning er tatt.

I tilfelle Verten kansellerer en reservasjon, vil Verten bli belastet med et avbestillingsgebyr og andre konsekvenser, som belastes direkte eller trekkes fra godtgjørelsen for påfølgende reserver. Indie Campers forbeholder seg retten til å kansellere en reservasjon dersom minimumskravene som er definert tidligere ikke er blitt respektert av brukerne.

Forekomsten av uforutsette eller uunngåelige hendelser som indiecampere og brukere ikke har noe ansvar for (eksempler: force majeure, krig, naturkatastrofer, pandemier og streiker) ugyldiggjør ikke den fulle anvendelsen av de nevnte bestemmelsene.

11. Forsikring

11.1 Kjøpe forsikring

Leiebiler som gjøres gjennom plattformen må være ledsaget av obligatorisk bilforsikring, dette er den reisendes ansvar. Forsikringen av kjøretøyet kan gis av Verten så lenge han har gyldig forsikring på leiedatoen, og den dekker bruk av tredjeparter. For kjøretøyet som ikke har forsikring for bruk av tredjeparter, kan Kunden bruke forsikringen levert av Plattformen under betingelsene beskrevet i Indie Campers Platform.

Indiecampere og verten er ikke ansvarlige for eventuelle skader eller tyveri av personlige gjenstander som er påført i løpet av leieperioden, og det anbefales at ingen verdifulle gjenstander etterlates i kjøretøyet, i sikte, mens den reisende er utenfor kjøretøyet.

Den reisende erkjenner at han er ansvarlig for alle skader som har oppstått i løpet av leieperioden, uavhengig av forsikringen som kan ha blitt inngått og kostnadene som påløper.

11.2 Rapportering av en hendelse

I tilfelle en ulykke forplikter den reisende seg til å følge følgende prosedyrer: Varsle verten, indiecamperne og politimyndighetene innen 24 timer om enhver ulykke, tyveri, ran eller annen ulykke, fotografere hva som skjedde og få navn og adresser til alle involverte personer. , samt vitner som kan avklare hva som har skjedd, fyll ut ulykkesrapporten i samarbeid med andre involverte parter, ikke forlate kjøretøyet uten å ta alle tiltak angående dets beskyttelse og sikkerhet, ikke påta seg noe ansvar eller erklære seg skyldig , på vegne av verten eller i tilfelle en ulykke som kan holde ham ansvarlig. Samle og send umiddelbart etter ulykken, ulykkesrapporten med data fra andre kjøretøy og sjåfører som kan være involvert, myndighetenes rapport og nøklene til kjøretøyet (i tilfelle tyveri) til verten. Ellers vil all forsikring og risikodekning bli kansellert og den reisende vil være ansvarlig for alle utgifter.

I tilfelle den reisende nekter å signere hendelsesrapporten og/eller ikke leverer de nødvendige dokumentene for å åpne en skadeprosess innen maksimalt 24 timer etter skaden oppsto, et beløp tilsvarende egenandelen, eller egenandeler, for forsikringen kan belastes og overføres direkte til verten eller forsikringsselskapet.

11.3 Betaling av hendelser

Ved skade dekket av den avtalte forsikringen, vil hver skade som er den reisendes eller uidentifiserte tredjeparters ansvar, gi opphav til betaling av selvrisikoen dersom reparasjonsbeløpet er høyere enn selvrisikobeløpet fastsatt av assurandøren. , eller betaling av reparasjonsbeløpet hvis det er lavere enn beløpet for selvrisikoen fastsatt av forsikringsgiveren, bortsett fra under betingelsene om utelukkelse av motorforsikringen som er gjeldende under leieperioden, hvor alt ansvar og kostnader vil bli belastet den reisende.

11.4 Vertens forpliktelser

Når forsikring levert av plattformen brukes:

Ved skade påført kjøretøyet i løpet av leieperioden, forplikter Verten seg til å rapportere skaden og sende de forespurte dokumentene innen perioden presentert i punkt 11.2. Ved skade som dekkes av forsikringen og vurderes over den relevante egenandelssatsen, Behandlingen av kravet som åpnes av våre forsikringspartnere krever at dokumentene og informasjonen nevnt i artikkel 11.2 sendes til Indie Campers innen en periode som ikke overstiger 24 (FIRE TYVE) timer etter retur av kjøretøyet. Med fare for også å miste garantien, må den tekniske kontrollen av Kjøretøyet ikke presentere noen feil som kan ha sammenheng med årsaken til skaden. Når den skyldige parten er identifisert og avgjørelsen kommunisert av Indie Campers etter å ha gjennomgått kravet, Verten forplikter seg til å reparere Kjøretøyet så snart som mulig, og denne perioden kan ikke overstige 15 dager etter avgjørelsen dersom Kjøretøyet ikke har planlagt leie på Indie Campers-plattformen i denne perioden. Dersom kjøretøyet bestilles gjennom Indie Campers i løpet av den nevnte perioden, kan den maksimale perioden forlenges til 1 måned etter avgjørelsen. I tilfelle havari av kjøretøyet er verten ansvarlig for å svare den reisende innen en maksimal periode på 24 (FIRE TYVE) timer.

For å blokkere sikkerhetsdepositumet, må verten varsle Indie Campers gjennom skjemaet som er tilgjengelig på plattformens nettside inntil 5 dager etter utsjekking.

12. Databeskyttelse

For formålet med gjeldende forskrifter om beskyttelse av personopplysninger og tjenester i informasjonssamfunnet og elektronisk handel, vil personopplysningene, både de som er gitt for formaliseringen av denne kontrakten og de som samles inn i løpet av leietjenestene, være innlemmet i en persondatafil for å kunne administrere utleietjenestene til leid kjøretøy, så vel som for kommersielle formål, og for å holde brukerne raskt informert om alle tilbud, produkter og kampanjer som kan være av interesse, via e-post .

Brukere har rettighetene anerkjent i den generelle databeskyttelsesforskriften til å få tilgang til, korrigere og slette data, motsette seg behandlingen og be om begrensning av dem.

13. Gjeldende lov

Disse generelle betingelsene og konvensjonene som er inngått mellom verter og reisende i samsvar med etableringen av relasjoner fra nettstedet er underlagt loven som gjelder hjemme hos verten.


Rental agreement

1. Definitions.

The following terms have the following meaning the Agreement:

“Renter” is the person or entity identified in the Underlying Rental Agreement (as defined herein) as the renter of the Vehicle.

“Rental Agreement” or the “underlying Rental Agreement” means the rental vehicle agreement that you consent and agree to at the inception of any rental or other use of any Vehicle

“Additional Driver” means a person we list on the Rental Agreement. “Authorized Driver” means the renter and any Additional Driver, as being any driver noted in the underlying Rental Agreement as an authorized driver, and any other individual only where required by applicable state law. Only Authorized Drivers are permitted to drive the Vehicle. An “Unauthorized Driver” means anyone who is not an Authorized Driver, nor any Additional Driver, nor any other individual as required by applicable state law. Agreement provided that each such person has a valid driver's license issued by any state or territory within the United States for the duration of the rental period or their reservation period (or any other kind of license to use or operate the vehicle as required by state law), whichever period is longer and is at least 21 years of age.

"Authorized Drivers" are the only persons permitted to drive the Vehicle. To the extent permitted by law, we may charge an additional fee for each Authorized Driver (other than the renter). Only 1 Authorized Driver is included in the basic protection plan. To get up to 3 authorized drivers the premium protection plan is required. Any additional Authorized Drivers must be present at the time of rental and meet age and driver’s license requirements. Additional Authorized Drivers are allowed with the Basic, with no additional cost, for the following cases: Spouse, child, sibling, parent or grandparent, the renter's business partner, employer or fellow associate.

"NON- US Citizen Authorized Drivers" are non US-citizens that present a valid ID/Passport as well as a valid driver's license and comply with the previous paragraphs of this article

“Vehicle” means the motor vehicle identified in the underlying Rental Agreement and any vehicle we substitute it for, and all its tires, tools, accessories, equipment, keys, and Vehicle documents, but “Vehicle” does not include portable navigation devices or other optional equipment (“Optional Equipment”) that you rent from us.

“Loss of Use” means the loss of our ability to use the Vehicle for any purpose (including, but not limited to non-rental uses such as general display of the Vehicle, display of the Vehicle for sale, non-revenue transportation by employees) due to damage to or loss of the Vehicle during your rental.

“Diminished Value” means the difference between the value of the Vehicle immediately prior to damage or loss, and the value of the Vehicle after repair or replacement.

“Vehicle License Fee” means our estimate of the average per day per vehicle portion of charges imposed by governmental authorities on us, including our total annual vehicle licensing, titling, plating, inspection, and registration costs, or to recover other similar charges as permitted by applicable law.

"Van Swap" means the different situations when an Authorized Driver may have the initial Vehicle changed by another Vehicle from the same category

2. Rental, Indemnity, and No Warranties.

The Agreement is a binding contract for rental of the Vehicle. The price you are provided on your Rental Agreement is only for the rental period specified on the Rental Agreement. If you return your Vehicle early or late your price is subject to change. To the extent permitted by law, we may terminate this Agreement and repossess the Vehicle at your expense without notice to you, if you breach this Agreement or if the Vehicle is abandoned or used in violation of law or this Agreement. To the extent permitted by law, you agree to indemnify us, defend us, and hold us harmless from all claims, liability, costs and attorney fees we incur resulting from or arising out of this rental and your use of the Vehicle; and We make no warranties, express, implied or apparent, regarding the Vehicle, no warranty of merchantability, and no warranty that the Vehicle is fit for a particular purpose. You agree not to alter the Vehicle or any Optional Equipment. If you or an Authorized Driver determine the Vehicle or any Optional Equipment is unsafe, you or the Authorized Driver shall stop operating the vehicle or Optional Equipment and notify us immediately.

3. Electronic Communications, Telematics Notice and Release.

You acknowledge that the Vehicle may be equipped with a telematics device, global positioning satellite (“GPS”) technology, an electronic locator device, and/or an event data recorder. We may find, monitor, or disable the Vehicle through such systems if we deem it necessary, without warning or notice, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Remote monitoring may include the collection of Vehicle data, such as location, odometer, oil life, fuel level, tire pressure, battery charge, diagnostic trouble codes, and other elements that we may deem necessary. We are not responsible for the operability of any telematics navigational or other system included with the Vehicle. You acknowledge these systems may use cellular telephone, wireless technology, Bluetooth technology, or radio signals to transmit data, and therefore your privacy cannot be guaranteed. You authorize any person’s use or disclosure of or access to location information, automatic crash notification, and operational vehicle reporting conditions of Vehicle as permitted by law. You shall inform any and all drivers and passengers of vehicle of the terms of this section and that you have authorized release of information as provided herein. You agree to release us and agree to indemnify, defend and hold us harmless for any damage to persons or property caused by failure of the telematics device to operate properly, or otherwise arising from the use of the telematics device. Third party telematics service providers are not our agents, employees, or contractors. Your use of a telematics system during the rental is subject to the terms of service and privacy policy of the third-party telematics system provider. The Vehicle may collect and store personal information if you chose to connect your smartphone or other device to the Vehicle’s Infotainment System. INDIE CAMPERS does not access, collect, or use any information that may be stored by the Infotainment System. If you choose to connect your device to the Infotainment System, you are representing that you understand that information from your device may be stored by the Vehicle’s Infotainment System.

4. Condition of the Vehicle and Return of Vehicle.

4.1 A vehicle exchange can only take place in the situations described below:

4.1.1. During the rental period the vehicle has suffered an accident, damage, engine failure or similar situations in which the vehicle is not drivable: a) The vehicle will be sent to a workshop b) The deposit of the first vehicle will be charged c) The customer will receive a new vehicle of the same category with a new deposit.

4.1.2 During the rental period in the event of negligent damage to the vehicle: a) The deposit will be charged b) In case the deposit is not sufficient to cover the damage the remainder will also be charged to the client c) If the deposit has been charged the client will be entitled to a new vehicle and must pay a new deposit d) In the event that the deposit has not been collected the client will not be entitled to a new vehicle

4.1.3 During the rental period if the vehicle is damaged due to unforeseen circumstances: a) The deposit will be charged b) The Renter is entitled to a new vehicle and must pay a new deposit

4.1.4 In circumstances where a new deposit is required the Renter who previously had a protection plan premium may only choose a protection plan basic for the new booking. Indie Campers does not authorize the upgrade of the protection plan when changing vehicles.

4.2 You must return the Vehicle to our rental office or other location we identify, on the date and time specified in this Agreement, and in the same condition that you received it, except for ordinary wear. If the Vehicle is returned to any other office or location or left somewhere other than the office or location identified by us, you remain responsible for the safety of and damage to or loss of the Vehicle until we inspect it. In addition, you authorize us to charge your credit or debit card a one-way charge or service fee plus any additional costs incurred by us in the return of the Vehicle. If the Vehicle is returned after closing hours, you remain responsible for the safety of and damage to or loss of the Vehicle until we inspect it upon our next opening for business. Service to the Vehicle or replacement of parts or accessories during the rental must have our prior written approval. You must check and maintain all fluid levels, check that the Vehicle is in a roadworthy condition, lock the Vehicle at all times when you are not operating it, and return the Vehicle with at least the same amount of fuel as when rented. No refund or credit shall be issued if you return the Vehicle with a greater amount of fuel than when you received it. If the vehicle is not returned with the same fuel level as at pick-up, the Hirer will be charged a fee of $100 for every 1⁄4 tank missing.

4.3 FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN CALIFORNIA -- Warning: California Vehicle Code Section 10855 provides the following: If a person who has leased or rented a vehicle willfully and intentionally fails to return the vehicle to its owner within 72 hours after the lease or rental agreement has expired, the person shall be presumed to have embezzled the vehicle.” On January 1, 2024, California Vehicle Code Section 10855 will be amended and the following shall apply: “If a person who has leased or rented a vehicle willfully and intentionally fails to return the vehicle to its owner within five days after the lease or rental agreement has expired, the person shall be presumed to have embezzled the vehicle.

5. Responsibility for Vehicle Damage or Loss and Third-Party Damages; Reporting to Police; Responsibility for Fees; Responsibility for Optional Equipment. Liabilities.

5.1 You are responsible for all damage to, and for loss or theft of, the Vehicle including damage caused by collision, weather, road conditions and acts of nature, even if you are not at fault. You are responsible for the cost of repair, or the actual cash retail value of the Vehicle on the date of the loss if the Vehicle is not repairable or if we elect not to repair the Vehicle. You are also responsible for Loss of Use (without regard to fleet utilization), Diminished Value, our administrative expenses incurred processing a claim, and all other damages permitted by California Civil Code Section 1936 or other similar state law that may apply or govern. You must report all accidents and incidents of theft and vandalism to us and the police as soon as you discover them. Your responsibility for damage to or loss of the Vehicle is limited by law in the following jurisdictions:

FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN CALIFORNIA – You are responsible for all damage to and loss of the Vehicle caused by collision whether or not you are at fault. Your responsibility will include: (a) all physical and mechanical damage to the Vehicle measured as follows: (i) if we determine that the Vehicle is a total loss, the fair market value of the Vehicle calculated in accordance with California law; (ii) if we determine that the Vehicle is repairable: the reasonable estimated retail value or actual cost of repair up to the fair market value; (b) an administrative fee in accordance with California Law; and (c) all actual charges for towing, storage, and impound fees. You are also responsible for missing equipment. You are responsible for loss due to theft of the Vehicle and all damage due to vandalism that occurs in connection with a theft if you fail to exercise ordinary care while in possession of the Vehicle. You are responsible for damage due to vandalism not associated with theft of the Vehicle up to a maximum related to the fair market value of the vehicle. Permitting a person who is not an Authorized Driver to use the Vehicle is not an exercise of ordinary care, but a willful and reckless act, and is a breach of this Agreement.

5.2 Optional Equipment. Upon request and subject to availability, we offer certain Optional Equipment, considered as extras, for your use during the rental at an additional charge. All Optional Equipment is rented “AS IS” and must be returned to us at the end of the rental in the same condition as when rented. Optional Equipment is not part of the car. You are responsible for any loss or damage to any Optional Equipment regardless of the cause. You should review the operational instructions for all Optional Equipment before leaving the rental location. If you rent a Child Seat from us, you have the sole responsibility to inspect and properly install the seat yourself. We make no warranties, express, implied, or apparent, regarding the Child Seat or any other Optional Equipment, no warranty of merchantability, and no warranty that the Child Seat or any other Optional Equipment is fit for a particular purpose. You are responsible for all injury or damage arising out of, or related to your use of the Child Seat, or any other Optional Equipment. If you choose to rent a Global Positioning Device (“GPS”) from us, you are responsible for returning it in the same condition as when rented with all accessories provided, including the carrying case, the car charger, the windshield mount, and, in states where provided, the console beanbag mount (“GPS Accessories”). If the GPS or GPS Accessories are lost or damaged so as to, in our sole opinion, require repair or replacement, you will pay us the fair market value for its repair or replacement.

5.3 Use of Vehicle in a Camping Location. If you will be using the Vehicle in any camping location, park, or similar location, you hereby agree to park, use and operate the Vehicle in such location in compliance with the laws of such location, including, but not limited to, obtaining all proper licenses and permits to park, use or operate the Vehicle in such location, paying for all fees in relation to parking, driving, using, or operating the Vehicle at such location, and to adhere to all rules, codes, guidances, and requirements of such location and related to the use of the such location.

5.4 Return of Vehicle. You must return the Vehicle at the due-in date in the same condition that you received it, except for ordinary wear and tear. You must clean the Vehicle and remove all articles, properties, equipment, or items that you, the Authorized Driver or any of your passengers brought into the Vehicle.

5.4.1 Cleaning Fees Hygiene Facilities: You may be charged a fee of 50$ if there is evidence of smoking or vaping in our Vehicle. The Cleaning Fee Hygiene Facilities also includes the uncleaning of the fridge. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.

5.4.2 Water Cleaning Fee: You will be charged a fee of 100$ if the grey water tank its not empty and 150€ for the black water tank. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.

5.4.3 Deep Cleaning Fee: You may be charged a fee of 125$ if the Vehicle is returned substantially less clean then delivered and beyond the conditions described above on i) the renter will be charged this deep cleaning fee. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.

5.4.4 The cleaning fees are cumulative in the order presented.

6. General Prohibited Use of the Vehicle.

We will not waive your responsibility, if you gave us false, fraudulent or misleading information prior to the rental or during the rental or to extend the rental period, and we would not have rented the Vehicle to you or extended the rental period, if we were given true information; or if you fail to notify us and the police of an accident, theft or vandalism involving the Vehicle, or if damage to or loss of the Vehicle is the result of a prohibited use, including damage or loss that: (a) is caused by anyone who is not an Authorized Driver; (b) is caused by anyone under the influence of a drug or alcohol; (c) occurs while the Vehicle is used during the commission of a felony or other crime, other than a minor traffic violation; (d) occurs while carrying persons or property for hire, while pushing or towing anything, during any race, speed test or contest, or while teaching anyone to drive; (e) results from carrying dangerous, hazardous, or illegal material; (f) results from use of the Vehicle outside the geographic area specified on the Rental Agreement, or from use in Mexico; (g) is caused by driving on unpaved roads; (h) occurs while transporting more persons than the Vehicle has seat belts, while carrying persons outside the passenger compartment, or while transporting children without approved child safety seats as required by law; (i) occurs when the odometer has been tampered with or disconnected; (j) occurs when the Vehicle’s fluid levels are low, or it is otherwise reasonable to expect you to know that further operation would damage the Vehicle; (k) is caused by carrying anything on the roof, trunk or hood of the Vehicle, or by inadequately secured cargo inside the Vehicle, or by an animal transported in the Vehicle; (l) occurs when the Vehicle is unlocked, or the keys or key fob are lost, stolen or left in the Vehicle when not operating it; (m) is caused, where applicable, by anyone who lacks experience operating a manual transmission; (n) results from failure to allow sufficient height or width clearance; (o) results from your willful, wanton or reckless act or misconduct; (p) results from fueling with a type of fuel improper for the specific Vehicle; or (q) results from driving or operating the Vehicle while using a hand-held wireless communication device or other device that is capable of receiving or transmitting telephonic communications, electronic data, mail or text messages while not in a hands-free mode. In the event of a loss due to theft of the Vehicle, we will not waive your responsibility for the loss unless you return to us all the Vehicle keys or ignition devices we gave you at the time of rental. FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN CALIFORNIA – NOTICE ABOUT YOUR FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY -- You are responsible for all collision damage to the Vehicle even if someone else caused it or the cause is unknown. You are responsible for the cost of repair up to the value of the vehicle, and towing, storage, and impound fees, subject to renter’s liability, Your own insurance, or the issuer of the credit card you use to pay for the vehicle rental transaction, may cover all or part of your financial responsibility for the Vehicle. You should check with your insurance company, or credit card issuer, to find out about your coverage and the amount of the deductible, if any, for which you may be liable. Further, if you use a credit card that provides coverage for your potential liability, you should check with the issuer to determine if you must first exhaust the coverage limits of your own insurance before the credit card coverage applies. You will be held responsible if, in each case: (a) damage or loss results from an Authorized Driver’s (i) intentional, willful, wanton, or reckless conduct, (ii) operation of the Vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol in violation of Section 23152 of the California Vehicle Code or similar applicable state laws, (iii) towing or pushing anything, or (iv) operation of the vehicle on an unpaved road if the damage or loss is a direct result of the road or driving conditions; (b) damage or loss occurs while the Vehicle is (i) used for commercial hire, (ii) used in connection with conduct that could be properly charged as a felony, (iii) involved in a speed test or contest or in driver training activity, (iv) operated by a person other than an Authorized Driver, or (v) operated outside the United States; or (c) an Authorized Driver has provided fraudulent information or false information to us and we would not have rented the vehicle if we had instead received true information. a. Lost or Damaged Keys or Key Fobs. Even if you do not violate the terms detailed in paragraph 6 above, you will be responsible for the following: a) a service fee for replacing the keys or key fob and delivering replacement keys or key fobs or towing the Vehicle to the nearest INDIE CAMPERS location if you lose the keys or key fob to the Vehicle; and b) a service fee for delivering replacement keys or key fob or towing the Vehicle to the nearest INDIE CAMPERS location if you lock the keys or key fob in the Vehicle and request assistance from INDIE CAMPERS, flat tire service, and jumpstarts.

7. Specific Prohibited Uses.

Where permitted by law, in addition to the prohibitions listed above in the General Prohibited Uses section, unless granted permission by INDIE CAMPERS, shall be considered prohibited uses of the Vehicle (“Prohibited Uses”) where the Vehicle is used, operated or driven in the following:

7.1 By anyone without first obtaining INDIE CAMPERS’s written consent;• By anyone without first obtaining INDIE CAMPERS’s written consent;

7.2 By anyone who is not a qualified and licensed driver with the proper licenses as required by applicable state law;

7.3 By anyone whose driving license is suspended in any jurisdiction;

7.4 To use or operate the Vehicle in Mexico or any other country outside of the United States except for Canada. Any use or operation of the Vehicle in Mexico or any other country outside of the United States except for Canada is prohibited and a material breach of the Agreement by you.

7.5 To use or operate the Vehicle outside of the United States, excluding Canada, without our written consent and without first having or obtaining special liability coverage with your insurance applicable to use or operate the Vehicle in such applicable location or country;

7.6 To use or operate the Vehicle in the locations presented on article 25º

7.7 To carry persons or property for hire, livery, On-Demand service, or Transportation Network Company (Uber, Lyft, etc.);

7.8 To carry dangerous or hazardous items or illegal material;

7.9 To teach anyone to drive;

7.10 To propel or tow any vehicle, trailer or other object;

7.11 In any race, test or contest;

7.12 For or in furtherance of any crime or illegal purpose or in the commission of a crime;

7.13 To instruct an unlicensed person in operation of vehicle;

7.14 If the vehicle is obtained from INDIE CAMPERS by fraud or misrepresentation;

7.15 To carry persons other than in the passenger compartment of the Vehicle;

7.16 Loading the vehicle beyond its rated capacity;

7.17 Parking, using or operating the Vehicle in a camping or exclusive location in violation of the laws of such location, including, but not limited to, not obtaining all proper licenses and permits to park, use or operate the Vehicle in such location;

7.18 While under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants such as drugs or narcotics or under any other physical or mental impairment which adversely affects the driver’s ability to operate the Vehicle;

7.19 By anyone under the influence of a prescription or non-prescription drug or alcohol;

7.20 Smoking or vaping in the Vehicle;

7. 21 Using or operating the Vehicle after an accident with the Vehicle unless and until you summon the police to the accident scene;

7. 22 Intentionally or negligence causing damage to or loss of the Vehicle;

7. 23 Used or operated in the driver’s seat by anyone younger than the minimum age set forth in this Agreement;

7. 24 Using the Vehicle in violation of any “rules of the Road” or vehicle safety and operations training or instructions that we provide to you at the time of rental;

7.25 Sitting, standing or lying on the roof of the Vehicle;

7.26 Driving, using, or operating the Vehicle on other than a paved road or graded private road or driveway; and

7. 27 Driving, using, or operating the Vehicle in an unsafe, reckless, grossly negligent, or wanton manner. Violating a traffic law or receiving a ticket in an accident is not automatically a violation of this provision, but may be an indication that a violation of this provision has occurred.

Prohibited use of the Vehicle violates this agreement, voids all liability and other insurance coverage (where permitted by law), makes Vehicle subject to immediate recovery by INDIE CAMPERS, and makes you responsible for all loss of or damage to or connected with the Vehicle, regardless of the cause, including but not limited to INDIE CAMPERS’s expenses, including loss of use.

8. Propane and Gas Policy

8.1 Models with Portable Cookers: The Rental Firm intends to provide customers with at least 1 full disposable canister of propane (220g). Should local gas supply be an issue or limitations on the purchasing of gas by local authorities be imposed, the Rental Firm can not be held responsible for the inability to provide the Hirer with a canister of gas.

8.2 Models with Built-in Cooker/Stove with tank gauge: The Rental Firm intends to provide customers with at least one full sealed cylinder of camping gas. The Hirer has the option of using the full sealed cylinder during the trip and in case they do, the Rental Firm will be charging the Hirer according to the defined pricing. Should local gas supply be an issue or limitations on the purchasing of gas by local authorities be imposed, the Rental Firm can not be held responsible for the inability to provide the Hirer with a cylinder of gas.

In addition, if the vehicle is not returned with the same L.P.G. level as at pick-up, the Hirer will be charged $25 per each ⅓ tank missing.

8.3 Additional propane or gas cartilages or refills can be purchased throughout the rental period at the Hirer's own expense.

9. Generator Policy.

1) Some vehicle models have a gas generator that fuels the air-conditioner. The consumption of this gas is not included in any rental, thus, for the applicable vehicle models, the value of the fee per hour of usage, as determined by an installed running time meter, is communicated during the booking process.

2) The generator's autonomy hours will be logged when the vehicle is delivered and, upon its return, its autonomy will be checked again. The Hirer will be charged $3.5 for each hour consumed.

3) The Hirer acknowledges that they are responsible for any cost associated with the use of the incorrect LPG fuel type.

10. Mileage Policy.

10. 1) All bookings include a fixed number of miles per night for free, which may vary according to seasonality and number of nights.

10. 2) Customers have the option to add extra miles packages or unlimited miles before their trip during the booking process.

10. 3) Any additional miles will be charged at drop-off. The value of the fee per extra km/mile for each reservation is communicated during the booking process, as it might vary with the pick-up location and vehicle model.

10.4 )For Subscription bookings, the number of included miles for free is per month or per year. For an additional cost, monthly packages of plus can be added to the booking. The value of the fee per extra km/mile for each subscription is communicated during the booking process, as it might vary with the pick-up location and vehicle model.

11. Insurance.

11.1 Indie Campers provides comprehensive and collision insurance covering damage to the Vehicle with a deductible per occurrence, for which deductible you are responsible. Indie Campers also provides primary auto liability insurance that covers bodily injury (“BI”) and property damage (“PD”) liability coverage with limits no higher than the minimum amounts stated in the financial responsibility insurance (“FR”) laws of the state whose laws apply to the loss. Indie Campers insurance includes personal injury protection (“PIP”) or medical payments. Medical Payments are limited to $2,000 or the minimum amount required by the law of the state whose laws apply to the loss—whichever is higher. Indie Campers insurance also includes no‐fault, and uninsured/under‐insured motorist coverage up to the minimum amounts required by the laws of the state whose laws apply to the loss. Coverage is void if you violate the terms of this Agreement, or if you fail to cooperate in any loss investigation conducted by us or our insurer.

11.2 The renter is responsible for all damage to the Vehicle and damage or injury you cause to third parties that is not covered by our insurance policies or that is in excess of our insurance limits. The renter must: (a) report all damage to us and all accidents to us and the police as soon as you discover them and complete our incident report form; and (b) provide us with a legible copy of any service of process, pleading, or notice of any kind related to an accident or other incident involving the Vehicle.

11.2.1 Coverage under the Policy is void if you give the Vehicle to an Unauthorized Driver or otherwise materially breach this Agreement; or if you fail to cooperate in a loss investigation or to file a timely and accurate incident report.

11.3 You agree to and shall maintain automobile insurance (“Customer’s Insurance”) during the term of this rental agreement, providing the owner, the renter, and any other person using or operating the rental vehicle with the following primary coverage: (a) BI and PD liability coverage with limits at least at the minimum amounts stated in the FR laws of the state whose laws apply to the loss; (b) PIP, medical payments, no-fault, or similar coverage where required by law or otherwise; (c) uninsured (“UM”) and underinsured (”UIM”) coverage where required by law or otherwise, and (d) comprehensive and collision damage coverage extending to the rental vehicle. You hereby agree to provide and Customer’s Insurance shall provide at least the minimum limits of coverage required by the FR laws of the state where the loss occurs. You hereby agree that the Customer’s Insurance shall be used in the first instance needed or for any loss prior to use of our insurance, and you hereby agree to fully cooperate in any manner requested by us to insure that the Customer’s Insurance is promptly notified and processing such request for use of the Customer’s Insurance in relation to any loss or damage or as needed by us. In states where the law requires us to provide insurance, we will provide excess insurance only, up to the minimum limits required by the FR laws of the state where the loss occurs. The customer’s insurance will be primary. Any insurance we are required to provide applies to claims of BI and PD only. Our policy contains exclusions, conditions, and limitations applicable to anyone claiming coverage. Customer agrees to cooperate with our insurer if any claim is made. Our insurance applies to the United States (and allows the Customer to drive in Canada). You hereby agree that you must obtain our written consent and have or obtain special liability coverage from your insurance to cover, use, or operate the Vehicle in Mexico or any other location outside of the United States (except Canada). You may not operate the Vehicle outside of the United States (except Canada) without our written consent. Where permitted by law, You reject UM, UIM, supplemental, PIP, and no-fault coverages. Where we are required to provide any such coverage, You are afforded the minimum limits required by law. Any breach of this rental agreement will void any insurance coverage. You understand that you are not an additional insured under INDIE CAMPERS’s insurance for collision, upset and comprehensive damage to the Vehicle.

INDIE CAMPERS’s Liability Insurance Policy Number is 102353.


12. Charges, Tolls, Traffic Violations and Costs.

a. Charges and Costs. You will pay us at or before the conclusion of this rental, or on demand, all charges due us under this Agreement, including, but not limited to:

(a) the charges and fees shown on the Rental Agreement and all charges for the time and mileage rate set forth in the reservation for the initial Reservation Period;

(b) a mileage charge based on our experience if the odometer is tampered with;

(c) any taxes, surcharges or other government-imposed fees that apply to the transaction;

(d) all expenses we incur locating and recovering the Vehicle if you fail to return it, return it to a location or office other than the location or office identified by us, or if we elect to repossess the Vehicle under the terms of this Agreement;

(e) all costs including pre- and post-judgment attorney fees we incur collecting payment from you or otherwise enforcing or defending our rights under this Agreement;

(f) The cleaning fees of the Vehicle as stated on article 5º

(g) towing, impound, storage charges, forfeitures, court costs, penalties and all other costs we incur resulting from your use of the Vehicle during this rental.

Special rental rates, vehicle category upgrades or any equipment or services provided to you free of charge only apply to the initially agreed upon rental period: If you return the Vehicle after the Due-In Date, you may be charged the standard rates for each day (or partial day) after the Due-In Date, which may be substantially higher than the rates for the initially agreed rental period. You also may be charged the standard fees for each day (or partial day) after the Due-In date for any equipment or services provided to you without charge for the initially agreed upon rental period. You will not receive a refund of prepaid amounts if you return the Vehicle before the Due-In Date. All Charges are subject to a final audit. If errors are found, you authorize us to correct the Charges with your payment card issuer.

b. Website Terms, Conditions and Cancellations. All other terms, charges and cancellations are pursuant to and must follow the terms and conditions found at (the “Website Terms”) which are hereby incorporated by reference, including, without limitation, the cancellation policies as it relates to cancellations by you or the host of the Vehicle. You hereby agree to have read and agree to abide by the Website Terms.

c. Tolls and Traffic Violations. You are responsible for paying the applicable charging authorities directly for all tolls (“Tolls”) and parking citations, photo enforcement fees, fines for toll evasion, and other fines, fees, and penalties (each, a “Violation”) assessed against you, the Vehicle or us during the Rental Period. If we are notified by the charging authorities that we may be responsible for payment of a Toll or Violation, you will pay us or a processing firm of our choosing (“Processor”) the Violation, Toll, and an administrative fee of up to $60 for each such notification. You authorize us to release your rental and payment card information to the Processor for processing and billing purposes. If we or the Processor pays a Toll or Violation, you authorize us or the Processor to charge all such payments, service fees and administrative fees to the payment card you used in connection with this rental. For rentals with pick-up locations in the state of California, we will be responsible for any fines assessed against you, us, or the Vehicle that are based solely on the Vehicle’s lack of toll transponder.

d. Unpaid Damages on the Vehicle The Hirer acknowledges that is responsible for all costs of the following damages, irrespective of the Protection Plan that may have been taken. Damage identified below is specifically excluded from any Protection Plan Option and applies also to Subscription Bookings:

a) Any damage due to vehicle, when in breach of a clause in this Rental Agreement.

b) Any damage caused by willful conduct, influence of alcohol, drugs or any substance that reduces driving ability.

c) Any loss/damages/stolen personal belongings.

d) If the customer has a careless or negligent behavior of any kind or fails to abide by local road rules or Rental Firm instructions, resulting in damages to the vehicle, or third-party property.

e) The cost to retrieve or recover the vehicle from any restricted area, submerged, bogged, trapped, or abandoned, unless caused by circumstances beyond the control of the Hirer.

f) The cost to replace keys which have become damaged, lost, stolen, or locked inside the vehicle.

g) Drivers not identified in the Rental Agreement, or Drivers with a canceled, expired, suspended or seized driver’s license.

h) For any cost associated with the incorrect use of fuel.

i) All damages below side door lines or above the windscreen line such as roofs and related as well as Windshields, if there is no collision with third parties.

j) All damages caused by hitting an animal while driving.

k) Damages caused by the wind blowing up a door.

13. Deposit.

The security deposit can only be paid by credit/debit card (Visa, AMEX or Mastercard), and the credit/debit card owner must be present at the pick-up. Only debit cards which allow a hold deposit to be processed will be accepted. Under no circumstances will we accept a deposit to be charged as a transaction on any card type. We recommend you check with your issuing bank whether your debit card will allow a hold deposit to be processed.

You permit us to reserve against your credit or debit card at the beginning of the rental an amount up to three times the estimated total charges as a deposit, in no event less than $3000, or the amount listed on the Rental Agreement. We may use your deposit to pay any amounts owed to us under this Agreement. The deposit amount does not limit in any way the total amount owed to use under this Agreement. We will authorize the release of any excess Reserve upon the completion of your rental. Your debit/credit card issuer’s rules will apply to your account being credited for the excess, which may not be immediately available.

14. Your Property.

You release us, our agents and employees from all claims for loss of or damage to your personal property, including digital data or information from any mobile device that you link to any telematics device or system in the Vehicle, or that of any other person, that we received, handled or stored, or that was left or carried in or on the Vehicle or in any service vehicle or in our offices, whether or not the loss or damage was caused by our negligence or was otherwise our responsibility. The Vehicle may be equipped with an infotainment system that permits you to pair your own mobile devices, and which may download your personal contacts, communications, location or other digital data. If you pair your device during the rental, you should unpair it and wipe all personal information from the Vehicle’s systems before returning it.

15. Breach of Agreement.

The acts listed in Paragraphs 6 and 7 are prohibited uses of the Vehicle and breaches of this Agreement. You will breach this agreement if you allow any person other than the Renter or an Authorized Driver to operate the Vehicle. If an Unauthorized Driver damages the Vehicle or injures others, we will hold you responsible for the damage. You waive all recourse against us for any criminal reports or prosecutions taken against you by law enforcement arising out of your breach of this Agreement.

16. Modifications.

BY RENTING ANY VEHICLE OR USING ANY OTHER SERVICES OF THE COMPANY, YOU HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: (A) No term of this Agreement can be waived or modified except by a writing signed by one of the Company’s authorized representatives. INDIE CAMPERS counter representatives are not authorized to waive or change any term of this Agreement. If you wish to extend the rental period, you must return the Vehicle to our rental office for inspection and written amendment from us by the Due-In Date, unless explicitly authorized by INDIE CAMPERS. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. All prior representations and agreements between you and us regarding this rental are void. (B) The Company reserves the right, at our discretion and at any time, to make changes to any of the provisions of this Agreement, including without limitation changes to any of the terms and conditions governing a rental of a Vehicle prior to inception, the Company’s Privacy Policy (as defined in Section 18(a), or the Company’s Website Terms (as defined in Section 9(b)) (hereinafter “Updates to this Agreement”). (C) The Company may take any reasonable efforts to post any such Updates to this Agreement, including without limitation posting such Updates to this Agreement on the Company’s main website; (D) Rental of any Vehicle or continued use of any of the Company’s Services by you shall automatically constitute your immediate acceptance of and consent to all of the Updates to this Agreement and you will thereafter be bound by such Updates to this Agreement. (E) If you do not agree to such Updates to this Agreement, then you should immediately discontinue using the Company’s Services, including any Vehicle..

17. Severability.

If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unlawful, contrary to public policy, void or unenforceable, all remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.

18. Waiver.

A waiver by us of any breach of this Agreement is not a waiver of any additional breach or waiver of the performance of your obligations under this Agreement. Our acceptance of payment from you or our failure, refusal or neglect to exercise any of our rights under this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other provision of this Agreement. To the extent permitted by law, you release us from any liability for consequential, special or punitive damages in connection with this rental or the reservation of a Vehicle.

19. Governing Law; Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver.

READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. IT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS AND IMPACTS HOW CLAIMS YOU AND COMPANY MAY HAVE AGAINST EACH OTHER ARE DETERMINED (a) Governing Law. You hereby expressly agree that the laws of the State of Delaware, excluding its conflict of laws rules, shall govern the Agreement. (b) Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver. You and INDIE CAMPERS each waive their right to a jury trial or to participate in a class action pursuant to the following terms. You and INDIE CAMPERS agree to arbitrate all claims, controversies, or disputes of any kind (“claims”) against each other, including but not limited to claims arising out of or relating to this agreement, or our products and services, charges, advertisings, or rental vehicles including without limitation claims based on contract, tort (including intentional torts), fraud, agency, negligence, statutory or regulatory provisions or any other source of law. The arbitrator, and not any federal, state, or local court or agency, shall have authority to resolve all disputes relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability, or formation of this agreement, including but not limited to any claim that all or any part of this agreement is void or voidable. You and INDIE CAMPERS agree that no claims will be asserted in any representative capacity on a class-wide or collective basis, that no arbitration forum will have jurisdiction to decide any claims on a class-wide or collective basis, and that no rules for class-wide or collective arbitration will apply. The parties agree, however, that either party may bring an individual action in a small claims court with valid jurisdiction provided that the action is not made part of a class action, private attorney general action or other representative or collective action. ´priThe parties also agree that claims involving a third-party insurance company separately providing coverage to you, personal injury claims, or claims relating to the application of your financial responsibility relating to the use or operation of Vehicle, may be brought in a court with valid jurisdiction.

20. Dispute Resolution Procedure.

Before asserting a claim in any proceeding, you and INDIE CAMPERS agree that either party shall give the other party written notice of the claim to be asserted thirty (30) days before initiating a proceeding and make a reasonable good faith effort to resolve the claim. If you are intending to assert a claim against INDIE CAMPERS, you must send the written notice of the claim to Attention: If INDIE CAMPERS is intending to assert a claim against you, we will send the written notice of the claim to you at your address appearing in our records. No demand for arbitration may be made after the date when the institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim or dispute would be barred by the applicable statute of limitation. No settlement demand or settlement offer used prior to any legal proceeding may be used in any proceeding including as evidence or as an admission of any liability or damages (or lack thereof) and shall remain confidential between you and INDIE CAMPERS. If you and INDIE CAMPERS do not resolve the claim within thirty (30) days after the above described notice is received, either party may commence an arbitration by filing a demand for arbitration with the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) pursuant to its Consumer Arbitration Rules. Claims will be resolved pursuant to the AAA’s Commercial Consumer Arbitration Rules in effect at the time of the demand, as modified by this Agreement, however, a single arbitrator will be selected according to AAA’s Consumer Arbitration Rules. The AAA rules can be found at This arbitration agreement is subject to the Federal Arbitration Act. The arbitrator has no authority to join or consolidate claims, or adjudicate joined and consolidated claims. The parties agree that the arbitrator’s decision and award will be final and binding and may be confirmed or challenged in any court with jurisdiction as permitted under the Federal Arbitration Act. If you are an individual, in the event that (1) your claim is less than $10,000, and (2) you are able to demonstrate that the costs of arbitration will be prohibitive as compared to costs of litigation, INDIE CAMPERS will pay as much of your filing and hearing fees in connection with the arbitration as the arbitrator deems necessary to prevent the arbitration from being cost-prohibitive as compared to the cost of litigation. You are responsible for all other costs/fees that you incur in arbitration (e.g. fees for attorneys, expert witnesses, etc.). If any portion of this “Dispute Resolution Procedure” section or the “Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver” section are deemed to be invalid or unenforceable or is found not to apply to a claim, the remainder of this “Dispute Resolution Procedure” section and the “Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver” section remain in full force and effect. However, if the “Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver” section is deemed unenforceable, any class action claim(s) must proceed in a court of competent jurisdiction.

21. Personal Information; Company’s Privacy Policy.

a. Company’s Privacy Policy. You hereby agree that us of any and all Company Services, including without limitation your rental of any Vehicle, is subject to the Company’s Privacy Notice, a copy of which is available here, and which is hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement (the “Privacy Policy”). IN ADDITION TO ANY OTHER APPLICATIONS OR USES OF PERSONAL INFORMATION AS SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 18(B) BELOW, THE COLLECTION, USE, DISCLOSURE AND OTHER PROCESSING OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION IS GOVERNED BY THE COMPANY PRIVACY POLICY. AS A RESULT OF SUCH INCORPORATION, YOU HEREBY AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE COMPANY’S PRIVACY POLICY, AS IT MAY BE AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE COMPANY. b. Additional Provisions About Use of Personal Information. In addition to any rights given to the Company pursuant to the Company’s Privacy Policy with regard to the use of any of your personal information, you further agree that: (i) the information that you provide to Us may be used to the fullest extent permitted by law; (ii) You agree that We may, and you hereby authorize Us to, provide personal information in Our possession about you and other Authorized Drivers (including driver’s name, address, cellular/mobile and other phone numbers, driver’s license and/or credit/debit card information) to applicable authorities or other third parties in connection with our enforcement of our rights under this Agreement and for other legitimate business purposes, including disclosure to our affiliates or other third parties that conduct services on our behalf; and (iii) and you consent to us or our representatives contacting you. If you have any questions about this provisions or any of the provisions in the Company’s Privacy Policy, please contact the Company as follows: Indie Campers USA Inc. 1201 N Orange Street Suite #805 Wilmington DE 19801-1186.

22. Safety of Children.

The Authorized Drivers hereby agree to abide by all child safety rules and regulations as applicable by state law, including, but not limited to, safety belt and not leaving children unattended. In California, it is illegal to leave a child 6 years or younger unattended in a motor vehicle. As may vary state by state, children must be secured properly in the Vehicle, including, but not limited to, using federally-approved child passenger restraint system or safety belts depending on the height and age of the child. Some states and local jurisdictions may require federally approved, crash-tested child restraint devices be used. FOR VEHICLES USED OR OPERATED IN CALIFORNIA -- Your child must be secured by either a federally-approved child passenger restraint system or a safety belt depending on their height and age. Children under 2 years old must be secured in a rear-facing child passenger restraint system unless the child is 40 pounds or more, or 3 feet 4 inches or taller. Children under 8 years old, or who are less than 4 feet 9 inches tall, must be properly secured in a federally-approved child passenger restraint system. A child may not ride in the front seat of an airbag equipped vehicle if they are in a rear-facing child passenger restraint system. Children who are 8 years old or older OR who have reached at least 4 feet 9 inches in height may use a properly secured safety belt meeting federal standards.

23. Incorporation.

a. The terms and conditions of the following are hereby incorporated by this reference into the Agreement: (i) the Company’s Website Terms (as defined in Section 9(b) ) herein, which can be found at , and You hereby agree to have read and agree to abide by the Website Terms, including, without limitation, any other charges and cancellation policies provided therein; (ii) the Company’s Privacy Policy (as defined in Section 18(a)) herein, which can be found at, and You hereby agree to have read and agree to abide by the Privacy Policy, including, without limitation, any amendments thereto; and (iii) any other documents, addenda, or additional materials that we provide to you at any time during any rental of any Vehicle or that you may otherwise sign or consent to at any time during any such rental (collectively referred to as “Addenda or Additional Materials”). (b) If there is a conflict or ambiguity between the underlying Rental Agreement, the Website Terms, the Privacy Policy, this Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions for US Only, and any Addenda or Additional Materials (as such term is defined above in this Section 20(a)), then you agree to this priority: (i) first, the Website Terms shall control, and (ii) then, next, the terms of this Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions for US Only document shall control.


24.1 Entire Agreement; Waiver; Severability. The Agreement (including without limitation the underlying Rental Agreement, this Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions for US Only document, the Company’s Website Terms, the Company’s Privacy Policy, and the Addenda or Additional Materials (as such term is defined above in this Section 20(a)), constitutes the entire contract and agreement between Company and you with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes and replaces any prior agreements we might have had between us regarding such subject matter. The Company ’s failure to enforce any right or provision of this Agreement will not be considered a waiver of those rights. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court, the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in effect 24.2 Remedies. You acknowledge that monetary damages may not be a sufficient remedy for your breach of the Agreement and therefore you hereby agree that the Company shall be entitled, without waiving any other rights or remedies, to such injunctive or equitable relief as may be deemed proper by a court or arbitration panel of competent jurisdiction without necessity of posting a bond and without having to plead and prove lack of an adequate remedy at law. 24.3 Binding Effect; No Assignment by Client; Permissible Assignment by Company. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of each party’s respective successors and lawful assigns; provided, however, you do not have the right to assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Company (which it may or may not grant in its discretion). Any purported assignment in violation of this Section 21.3 shall be void. The Company shall have the right to assign this Agreement, or any part of it, in its sole discretion to any party, and all covenants and agreements hereunder shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by such successors and assigns. 24.4. Counterparts. The Agreement, and any portions thereof, may be executed, assented to, and/or delivered in one or more counterparts, whether in .pdf, electronic format, email, or fax, or by electronically consenting to the same, each of which is deemed an original and all of which together is one and the same.

25. Travel Restrictions and Limitations


Vehicles are not permitted to enter Mexico at any time

Vehicles are not allow to be driven at beaches

Denali Highway in Alaska (Highway 8 from Paxson to Cantwell)

North Canol Highway in the Yukon

Dalton Highway (north of Livengood)

Eagle, Alaska (Hwy 5 north) from the junction of Hwy 9 (Top of the World Highway) and Hwy 5 west

McCarthy Road between Chitina and McCarthy, Alaska

Northway Road (off AK-2) to Northway

Nabesna Road (off AK-1) to Nabesna

Highway 500 (Trans Labrador Highway) from Goose Bay to Labrador City

Highway 389 from Labrador City to Baie Comeau

Highway 510 from Red Bay to Happy Valley-Goose Bay

Highway 167 north of La Doré

Highway 109 and Baie James Road, Quebec.

Manhattan Island, USA

MANHATTAN Due to restrictions on vehicle heights, propane gas and parking, vehicles with propane are not permitted in Manhattan and are not permitted to travel through any underground or underwater tunnels.

Travel Restricted Areas Travel on the Dempster Highway in the Yukon is not permitted between 15 September and 15 May due to road conditions. We are happy for our Guests to travel on this road between 16 May and 14 September

26. Cancellation Policy - Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy

Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy - Effective Date: 29.01.2024

This cancellation policy ("Policy") governs the cancellation and refund procedures for reservations made with the Indie Campers Group ("Company") rental fleet in all countries and locations where the Group Operate. By making a reservation with the Company, the traveler agrees to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in this article.

26.1. Applicability: This Policy shall apply to all reservations made after the deployment of the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation policy 29th of January 2024 forward. Existing reservations made until the 28th of January 2024 shall continue to be subject to the cancellation and refund conditions set forth by the “Indie Fleet Super Flexible Cancellation Policy”, described in number 26.7

26.2 Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy conditions:

26.2.1 First Stage: Cancellation more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date:

In the event of a cancellation more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be entitled to a full refund of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value.

During this stage if additional services or days are added by the traveller, full payment for the increased booking value is required immediately.

Traveller also understands that the if the traveller already paid partially the booking the traveller will be requested a 2nd payment 30 days before the pick-up date to close the accounts of that booking

If the second payment fails, the booking will be automatically cancelled after 3 days of failed attempts. Please note that if the full booking value has not been paid by the time of the second payment failure, the traveller will not be entitled to a refund, and the customer will not be considered as being in the Second Stage.

26.2.2 Second Stage: Cancellation between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date:

Reservations made with less the 30 days to the pick-up date must be paid 100% in the first payment. If the reservation is cancelled between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of 50% of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value that includes the value of any services that were added or subcontracted during that period.

26.2.3 Third Stage: Cancellation between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date:

For cancellations made between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date, a refund of 5% of the total amount paid until that date shall be granted, calculated based on the existing booking value.

26.2.4 Fourth Stage: Same-day cancellation:

In the event of a cancellation on the same day as the scheduled pick-up date, travellers shall not be entitled to receive any refund.

26.3. Payment and Refund Considerations:

The cancellation policy is integrated with the flexible payment options Indie Campers provided to the travellers making a reservation for a road trip. Indie Campers Group cancellation policies are designed to seamlessly integrate with our flexible payment options, ensuring a hassle-free experience for travellers who reserve a road trip with Indie Campers. When creating a reservation associated with the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation, travellers have the right to parcel their payments. The initial payment amounts to 50% of the booking value, while the remaining balance can be settled through a second payment, due 30 days prior to the pick-up date. Alternatively, travellers may choose to pay the full amount of the booking at the time of reservation. Please note that for all reservations made under the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation, within 30 days of the selected pick-up date, the total reservation value must be paid upon reservation. For reservations made with partial payment, the completion of the second payment is essential to ensure the reservation's validity. Failure to fulfil the second payment will result in automatic cancellation of the reservation, without any entitlement to a refund In the event that additional services are added to the reservation or modifications are made that increase the booking value, the corresponding additional payment must be made immediately upon request. This ensures the effective inclusion of the requested services within the scope of the reservation. Conversely, if additional services are added or modifications are made resulting in a decreased booking value, the refundable amount in the case of cancellation within 30 days and 1 day before the pick-up date will be proportionately adjusted. Whenever the entitled is entitled to a refund, Indie Campers shall process a transfer of the amounts to the travellers account within 5-10 business days.

26.4 Applicability to Indie Campers Fleet Rental Reservation:

This new cancellation policy is solely applicable to reservation involving Rental Business of Indie Campers Fleet. Reservation involving third-party vehicles shall not undergo any changes to their existing cancellation policies at this time

26.5 Refund Calculation Steps Explained.

As part of our commitment to providing a seamless and flexible experience for our valued travellers, we have established a refund calculation policy that applies to reservation changes and cancellations.

Increased Booking Value: If additional services or days are added to your booking, resulting in an increased booking value, travellers are required to make full payment for the additional cost immediately when contacting our Customer Experience team. This step ensures the validity of the reservation.

Cancellation Before 30 Days: Should a traveller decide to cancel their reservation before the 30-day mark, they will be entitled to a refund of the amount paid so far, excluding any process handling fees.

Failure to Complete Second Payment: In the event that the second payment is not made after all attempts, the amount paid upfront shall be forfeited, and no refund will be issued. Consequently, the booking will be cancelled.

Cancellation After Second Payment: If a traveller has made the second payment and subsequently decides to cancel the reservation, the refund amount will be determined based on the terms and conditions of the cancellation policy.

Decreased Booking Value: Should any extras or days be decreased from the booking, resulting in a decreased booking value, the Company will not issue a refund for these changes.

Refund Processing Fee: In certain cases, a process handling fee may apply to cover administrative costs. The amount of this fee will be clearly outlined at the time of cancellation.

26.6 Changes to the policy Please note that this Policy is subject to change at the discretion of the Company. It is the traveller responsibility to review the most recent version of this Policy available on our website or to contact our customer service for any updates. If the traveller requires further clarification or have any questions concerning our cancellation policy, we recommend reading the article on the help center or contacting our customer service team for guidance. By making a booking with the Company, the Traveller acknowledges that have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this Policy.

26. 7 Indie Fleet Super Flexible Cancellation Policy conditions - Applicable to reservations until 28/01/2024 Indie Campers' fleet has the Super Flexible cancellation policy applied to all its bookings: Super Flexible Cancellation Policy: The Hirer agrees that if it cancels the reservation 17 or more days prior to the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller will be reimbursed the whole amount you paid until the date. Please keep in mind that both options are only available if the traveller akready paid the full amount of the booking value. The hirer agrees that if it cancels the reservation with less than 17 days and more than 72 hours prior to the scheduled check-in date, traveller will be refunded 50% of the booking value, or the traveller you will be refunded with a voucher of the full amount of your booking value deducting a cancellation fee (15 % of booking value). For cancelations made within 72 hours prior to the scheduled check-in date, you will not be entitled to receive any refund or travel voucher Voucher Refunds: Effective immediately upon the deployment of the new Flexible Cancellation Policy, the option of receiving a refund in the form of a "voucher" shall no longer be available for new reservation assigned to this policy

26.8 Partially Refundable Cancellation Policy

26.8.1 Customers are entitled to a 5% refund of the booking amount if the cancellation is made more than one day prior to the scheduled pick-up date. No refunds will be issued for cancellations made on the same day as the pick-up date.

26.8.2 Booking Payment Options

First Stage: Cancellation more than 30 days to the scheduled pick-up date:

For reservations made more than 30 days before the pick-up date, a payment of 50% of the total booking amount is required at the time of booking. The remaining 50% will be charged 30 days before the pick-up date.

If the second payment fails, the booking will be automatically cancelled after 3 days of failed attempts. Please note that if the full booking value has not been paid by the time of the second payment failure, the traveller will not be entitled to a refund, and the customer will not be considered as being in the Second Stage

If the reservation is cancelled more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of the total (100%) booking value paid until that date.

Second Stage: Cancellation between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date:

Reservations made with less than 30 days to the pick-up date must be paid 100% in the first payment.

If the reservation is cancelled between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of 50% of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value that includes the value of any services that were added or subcontracted during that period.

Third Stage: Cancellation between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date:

For cancellations made between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date, a refund of 5% of the total amount paid until that date shall be granted, calculated based on the existing booking value.

26.8.3 Specific-City Cancelation Policies: During the Checkout process, some locations may have a specific cancelation policy.

26.8.4 Flexible Policy Pricing The price for the Flexible Policy is determined based on the booking's proximity to the pick-up date, with the policy becoming less expensive as the pick-up date approaches.

Terms & Conditions for Rental Vehicle in Canada

RENTAL AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR CANADA ONLY ( 1º Party) (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”)

1. Definitions.

The following terms have the following meaning in the Agreement:

“Additional Driver” means a person we list on the Rental Agreement. “Authorized Driver” means the Renter and any Additional Driver, as being any driver noted in the underlying Rental Agreement as an authorized driver, and any other individual only where required by applicable provincial law. Only Authorized Drivers are permitted to drive the Vehicle.

"Authorized Drivers" are the only persons permitted to drive the Vehicle. To the extent permitted by law, we may charge an additional fee for each Authorized Driver (other than the Renter). Only 1 Authorized Driver is included in the basic protection plan. To get up to 3 authorized drivers the premium protection plan is required. Any additional Authorized Drivers must be present at the time of rental and meet age and driver’s license requirements. Additional Authorized Drivers are allowed with the Basic Protection Plan, with no additional cost, for the following cases: Spouse, child, sibling, parent or grandparent, the Renter's business partner, employer or fellow associate.

“Diminished Value” means the difference between the value of the Vehicle immediately prior to damage or loss, and the value of the Vehicle after repair or replacement.

“Company” means Indie Campers Inc. and any affiliates, subsidiaries and assigns;

"NON- Canadian Citizen Authorized Drivers" are non-Canadian-citizens that present a valid ID/Passport as well as a valid driver's license and comply with the previous paragraphs of this article.

“Renter” is the person or entity identified in the Underlying Rental Agreement (as defined herein) as the renter of the Vehicle.

“Rental Agreement” or the “underlying Rental Agreement” means the rental vehicle agreement that you consent and agree to at the inception of any rental or other use of any Vehicle

“Unauthorized Driver” means anyone who is not an Authorized Driver, nor any Additional Driver, nor any other individual as required by applicable provincial law. Agreement provided that each such person has a valid driver's license issued by any province or territory within for the duration of the rental period or their reservation period (or any other kind of license to use or operate the vehicle as required by provincial law), whichever period is longer and is at least 21 years of age.

“Vehicle” means the motor vehicle identified in the underlying Rental Agreement and any vehicle we substitute it for, and all its tires, tools, accessories, equipment, keys, and Vehicle documents, but “Vehicle” does not include portable navigation devices or other optional equipment (“Optional Equipment”) that you rent from us.

“Vehicle License Fee” means our estimate of the average per day per vehicle portion of charges imposed by governmental authorities on us, including our total annual vehicle licensing, titling, plating, inspection, and registration costs, or to recover other similar charges as permitted by applicable law.

2. Rental, Indemnity, and No Warranties.

The Agreement is a binding contract for rental of the Vehicle. The price you are provided on your Rental Agreement is only for the rental period specified on the Rental Agreement. If you return your Vehicle early or late your price is subject to change. To the extent permitted by law, we may terminate this Agreement and repossess the Vehicle at your expense without notice to you, if you breach this Agreement or if the Vehicle is abandoned or used in violation of law or this Agreement. To the extent permitted by law, you agree to indemnify us, defend us, and hold us harmless from all claims, liability, costs and including lawyer fees on a solicitor-client basis which we incur resulting from or arising out of this rental and your use of the Vehicle; and We make no warranties, express, implied or apparent, regarding the Vehicle, no warranty of merchantability, and no warranty that the Vehicle is fit for a particular purpose. You agree not to alter the Vehicle or any Optional Equipment. If you or an Authorized Driver determine the Vehicle or any Optional Equipment is unsafe, you or the Authorized Driver shall stop operating the Vehicle or Optional Equipment and notify us immediately.

3. Electronic Communications, Telematics Notice and Release.

You acknowledge that the Vehicle may be equipped with a telematics device, global positioning satellite (“GPS”) technology, an electronic locator device, and/or an event data recorder. We may find, monitor, or disable the Vehicle through such systems if we deem it necessary, without warning or notice, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Remote monitoring may include the collection of Vehicle data, such as location, odometer, oil life, fuel level, tire pressure, battery charge, diagnostic trouble codes, and other elements that we may deem necessary. We are not responsible for the operability of any telematics navigational or other system included with the Vehicle. You acknowledge these systems may use cellular telephone, wireless technology, Bluetooth technology, or radio signals to transmit data, and therefore your privacy cannot be guaranteed. You authorize any person’s use or disclosure of or access to location information, automatic crash notification, and operational vehicle reporting conditions of Vehicle as permitted by law. You shall inform any and all drivers and passengers of vehicle of the terms of this section and that you have authorized release of information as provided herein. You agree to release us and agree to indemnify, defend and hold us harmless for any damage to persons or property caused by failure of the telematics device to operate properly, or otherwise arising from the use of the telematics device. Third party telematics service providers are not our agents, employees, or contractors. Your use of a telematics system during the rental is subject to the terms of service and privacy policy of the third-party telematics system provider. The Vehicle may collect and store personal information if you chose to connect your smartphone or other device to the Vehicle’s Infotainment System. INDIE CAMPERS does not access, collect, or use any information that may be stored by the Infotainment System. If you choose to connect your device to the Infotainment System, you are representing that you understand that information from your device may be stored by the Vehicle’s Infotainment System.

4. Condition Vehicle and Return of Vehicle.

4.1 A vehicle exchange can only take place in the situations described below:

4.1.1. During the rental period the vehicle has suffered an accident, damage, engine failure or similar situations in which the vehicle is not drivable: a) The vehicle will be sent to a workshop b) The deposit of the first vehicle will be charged c) The customer will receive a new vehicle of the same category with a new deposit.

4.1.2 During the rental period in the event of negligent damage to the vehicle: a) The deposit will be charged b) In case the deposit is not sufficient to cover the damage the remainder will also be charged to the client c) If the deposit has been charged the client will be entitled to a new vehicle and must pay a new deposit d) In the event that the deposit has not been collected the client will not be entitled to a new vehicle

4.1.3 During the rental period if the vehicle is damaged due to unforeseen circumstances: a)The deposit will be charged b) The Renter is entitled to a new vehicle and must pay a new deposit

4.14. In circumstances where a new deposit is required the Renter who previously had a protection plan premium may only choose a protection plan basic for the new booking. Indie Campers does not authorize the upgrade of the protection plan when changing vehicles.

4.2 You must return the Vehicle to our rental office or other location we identify, on the date and time specified in this Agreement, and in the same condition that you received it, except for ordinary wear. If the Vehicle is returned to any other office or location or left somewhere other than the office or location identified by us, you remain responsible for the safety of and damage to or loss of the Vehicle until we inspect it. In addition, you authorize us to charge your credit or debit card a one-way charge or service fee plus any additional costs incurred by us in the return of the Vehicle. If the Vehicle is returned after closing hours, you remain responsible for the safety of and damage to or loss of the Vehicle until we inspect it upon our next opening for business. Service to the Vehicle or replacement of parts or accessories during the rental must have our prior written approval. You must check and maintain all fluid levels, check that the Vehicle is in a roadworthy condition, lock the Vehicle at all times when you are not operating it, and return the Vehicle with at least the same amount of fuel as when rented. No refund or credit shall be issued if you return the Vehicle with a greater amount of fuel than when you received it. If the vehicle is not returned with the same fuel level as at pick-up, the Hirer will be charged a fee of 100 CAD for every 1⁄4 tank missing.

5. Responsibility for Vehicle Damage or Loss and Third-Party Damages; Reporting to Police; Responsibility for Fees; Responsibility for Optional Equipment. Liabilities.

5.1 You are responsible for all damage to, and for loss or theft of, the Vehicle including damage caused by collision, weather, road conditions and acts of nature, even if you are not at fault. You are responsible for the cost of repair, or the actual cash retail value of the Vehicle on the date of the loss if the Vehicle is not repairable or if we elect not to repair the Vehicle. You are also responsible for Loss of Use (without regard to fleet utilization), Diminished Value, our administrative expenses incurred for processing a claim, and all other damages permitted by law that may apply or govern. You must report all accidents and incidents of theft and vandalism to us and the police as soon as you discover them. Your responsibility for damage to or loss of the Vehicle is limited by law in the following jurisdictions:

FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN ALBERTA, BRITISH COLUMBIA OR ONTARIO – You are responsible for all damage to and loss of the Vehicle caused by collision whether or not you are at fault. Your responsibility will include: (a) all physical and mechanical damage to the Vehicle measured as follows: (i) if we determine that the Vehicle is a total loss, the fair market value of the Vehicle calculated in accordance with the province in which the Vehicle was picked up; (ii) if we determine that the Vehicle is repairable: the reasonable estimated retail value or actual cost of repair up to the fair market value; (b) an administrative fee in accordance with the province in which the Vehicle was picked up; and (c) all actual charges for towing, storage, and impound fees. You are also responsible for missing equipment. You are responsible for loss due to theft of the Vehicle and all damage due to vandalism that occurs in connection with a theft if you fail to exercise ordinary care while in possession of the Vehicle. You are responsible for damage due to vandalism not associated with theft of the Vehicle up to a maximum related to the fair market value of the vehicle. Permitting a person who is not an Authorized Driver to use the Vehicle is not an exercise of ordinary care, but a willful and reckless act, and is a breach of this Agreement.

5.2 Optional Equipment. Upon request and subject to availability, we offer certain Optional Equipment, considered as extras, for your use during the rental at an additional charge. All Optional Equipment is rented “AS IS” and must be returned to us at the end of the rental in the same condition as when rented. Optional Equipment is not part of the Vehicle. You are responsible for any loss or damage to any Optional Equipment regardless of the cause. You should review the operational instructions for all Optional Equipment before leaving the rental location. If you rent a Child Seat from us, you have the sole responsibility to inspect and properly install the seat yourself. We make no warranties, express, implied, or apparent, regarding the Child Seat or any other Optional Equipment, no warranty of merchantability, and no warranty that the Child Seat or any other Optional Equipment is fit for a particular purpose. You are responsible for all injury or damage arising out of, or related to your use of the Child Seat, or any other Optional Equipment. If you choose to rent a Global Positioning Device (“GPS”) from us, you are responsible for returning it in the same condition as when rented with all accessories provided, including the carrying case, the car charger, the windshield mount, any additional accessories and (“GPS Accessories”). If the GPS or GPS Accessories are lost or damaged so as to, in our sole opinion, require repair or replacement, you will pay us the fair market value for its repair or replacement.

5.3 Use of Vehicle in a Camping Location. If you will be using the Vehicle in any camping location, park, or similar location, you hereby agree to park, use and operate the Vehicle in such location in compliance with the laws of such location, including, but not limited to, obtaining all proper licenses and permits to park, use or operate the Vehicle in such location, paying for all fees in relation to parking, driving, using, or operating the Vehicle at such location, and to adhere to all rules, codes, guidances, and requirements of such location and related to the use of the such location.

5.4 Return of Vehicle. You must return the Vehicle at the due-in date in the same condition that you received it, except for ordinary wear and tear. You must clean the Vehicle and remove all articles, properties, equipment, or items that you, the Authorized Driver or any of your passengers brought into the Vehicle.

5.4.1 Cleaning Fees Hygiene Facilities: You may be charged a fee of 50 CAD if there is evidence of smoking or vaping in our Vehicle. The Cleaning Fee Hygiene Facilities also includes the uncleaning of the fridge. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto. 5.4.2 Water Cleaning Fee: You will be charged a fee of 100 CAD if the grey water tank its not empty and 150 CAD for the black water tank. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.

5.4.3 Deep Cleaning Fee: You may be charged a fee of 125 CAD if the Vehicle is returned substantially less clean then delivered and beyond the conditions described above on i) the renter will be charged this deep cleaning fee. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.

6. General Prohibited Use of the Vehicle.

6.1 We will not waive any responsibility, if you gave us false, fraudulent or misleading information prior to the rental or during the rental or to extend the rental period, and we would not have rented the Vehicle to you or extended the rental period, if we were given true information; or if you fail to notify us and the police and/or RCMP of an accident, theft or vandalism involving the Vehicle, or if damage to or loss of the Vehicle is the result of a prohibited use, including damage or loss that: (a) is caused by anyone who is not an Authorized Driver; (b) is caused by anyone under the influence of a drug or alcohol; (c) occurs while the Vehicle is used during the commission of a felony or other crime, other than a minor traffic violation; (d) occurs while carrying persons or property for hire, while pushing or towing anything, during any race, speed test or contest, or while teaching anyone to drive; (e) results from carrying dangerous, hazardous, or illegal material; (f) results from use of the Vehicle outside the geographic area specified on the Rental Agreement, or from use in Mexico; (g) is caused by driving on unpaved roads; (h) occurs while transporting more persons than the Vehicle has seat belts, while carrying persons outside the passenger compartment, or while transporting children without approved child safety seats as required by law; (i) occurs when the odometer has been tampered with or disconnected; (j) occurs when the Vehicle’s fluid levels are low, or it is otherwise reasonable to expect you to know that further operation would damage the Vehicle; (k) is caused by carrying anything on the roof, trunk or hood of the Vehicle, or by inadequately secured cargo inside the Vehicle, or by an animal transported in the Vehicle; (l) occurs when the Vehicle is unlocked, or the keys or key fob are lost, stolen or left in the Vehicle when not operating it; (m) is caused, where applicable, by anyone who lacks experience operating a manual transmission; (n) results from failure to allow sufficient height or width clearance; (o) results from your willful, wanton or reckless act or misconduct; (p) results from fueling with a type of fuel improper for the specific Vehicle; (q) results from driving or operating the Vehicle while using a hand-held wireless communication device or other device that is capable of receiving or transmitting telephonic communications, electronic data, mail or text messages while not in a hands-free mode; or results from failure to adhere to the distracted driving laws in the jurisdiction in which the Vehicle is driven. In the event of a loss due to theft of the Vehicle, we will not waive your responsibility for the loss unless you return to us all the Vehicle keys or ignition devices we gave you at the time of rental. You are responsible for all collision damage to the Vehicle even if someone else caused it or the cause is unknown. You are responsible for the cost of repair up to the value of the Vehicle, and towing, storage, and impound fees, subject to renter’s liability, Your own insurance, or the issuer of the credit card you use to pay for the vehicle rental transaction, may cover all or part of your financial responsibility for the Vehicle. You should check with your insurance company, or credit card issuer, to find out about your coverage and the amount of the deductible, if any, for which you may be liable. Further, if you use a credit card that provides coverage for your potential liability, you should check with the issuer to determine if you must first exhaust the coverage limits of your own insurance before the credit card coverage applies. You will be held responsible if, in each case: (a) damage or loss results from an Authorized Driver’s (i) intentional, willful, wanton, or reckless conduct, (ii) operation of the Vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol in violation of Section 253 of the Criminal Code, RSC 1985, c C-46 and other applicable laws, (iii) towing or pushing anything, or (iv) operation of the vehicle on an unpaved road if the damage or loss is a direct result of the road or driving conditions; (b) damage or loss occurs while the Vehicle is (i) used for commercial hire, (ii) used in connection with conduct that could be properly charged as an indictable offense, (iii) involved in a speed test or contest or in driver training activity, (iv) operated by a person other than an Authorized Driver, or (v) operated outside Canada; or (c) an Authorized Driver has provided fraudulent information or false information to us and we would not have rented the vehicle if we had instead received true information.

6.2 Lost or Damaged Keys or Key Fobs. Even if you do not violate the terms detailed in paragraph 6 above, you will be responsible for the following: a) a service fee for replacing the keys or key fob and delivering replacement keys or key fobs or towing the Vehicle to the nearest INDIE CAMPERS location if you lose the keys or key fob to the Vehicle; and b) a service fee for delivering replacement keys or key fob or towing the Vehicle to the nearest INDIE CAMPERS location if you lock the keys or key fob in the Vehicle and request assistance from INDIE CAMPERS, flat tire service, and jumpstarts.

7. Specific Prohibited Uses.

7.1 Where permitted by law, in addition to the prohibitions listed above in the General Prohibited Uses section, unless granted permission by INDIE CAMPERS, it shall be considered prohibited uses of the Vehicle (“Prohibited Uses”) where the Vehicle is used, operated or driven in the following: • By anyone without first obtaining INDIE CAMPERS’s written consent; • By anyone who is not a qualified and licensed driver with the proper licenses as required by applicable provincial law; • By anyone whose driving license is suspended in any jurisdiction; • To use or operate the Vehicle outside of Canada. Any use or operation of the Vehicle outside of Canada • To use or operate the Vehicle outside of Canada, without our written consent and without first having or obtaining special liability coverage with your insurance applicable to use or operate the Vehicle in such applicable location or country; • To carry persons or property for hire, livery, On-Demand service, or Transportation Network Company (Uber, Lyft, etc.); • To carry dangerous or hazardous items or illegal material; • To teach anyone to drive; • To propel or tow any vehicle, trailer or other object; • In any race, test or contest; • For or in furtherance of any crime or illegal purpose or in the commission of a crime; • To instruct an unlicensed person in operation of vehicle; • If the vehicle is obtained from INDIE CAMPERS by fraud or misrepresentation; • To carry persons other than in the passenger compartment of the Vehicle; • Loading the vehicle beyond its rated capacity; • Parking, using or operating the Vehicle in a camping or exclusive location in violation of the laws of such location, including, but not limited to, not obtaining all proper licenses and permits to park, use or operate the Vehicle in such location; • While under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants such as drugs or narcotics or under any other physical or mental impairment which adversely affects the driver’s ability to operate the Vehicle; • By anyone under the influence of a prescription or non-prescription drug or alcohol; • Smoking or vaping in the Vehicle; • Using or operating the Vehicle after an accident with the Vehicle unless and until you summon the police to the accident scene; • Intentionally causing damage to or loss of the Vehicle; • Used or operated in the driver’s seat by anyone younger than the minimum age set forth in this Agreement; • Using the Vehicle in violation of any “rules of the Road” or vehicle safety and operations training or instructions that we provide to you at the time of rental; • Sitting, standing or lying on the roof of the Vehicle; • Driving, using, or operating the Vehicle on other than a paved road or graded private road or driveway; and • Driving, using, or operating the Vehicle in an unsafe, reckless, grossly negligent, or wanton manner. Violating a traffic law or receiving a ticket in an accident is not automatically a violation of this provision, but may be an indication that a violation of this provision has occurred. Prohibited use of the Vehicle violates this agreement, voids all liability and other insurance coverage (where permitted by law), makes Vehicle subject to immediate recovery by INDIE CAMPERS, and makes you responsible for all loss of or damage to or connected with the Vehicle, regardless of the cause, including but not limited to INDIE CAMPERS’s expenses, including loss of use.

7.2 TRAVEL IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN AT ALL TIMES: • Vehicles are not permitted to enter Mexico at any time • Vehicles are not allow to be driven at beaches • Denali Highway in Alaska (Highway 8 from Paxson to Cantwell) • North Canol Highway in the Yukon • Dalton Highway (north of Livengood) • Eagle, Alaska (Hwy 5 north) from the junction of Hwy 9 (Top of the World Highway) and Hwy 5 west • McCarthy Road between Chitina and McCarthy, Alaska • Northway Road (off AK-2) to Northway • Nabesna Road (off AK-1) to Nabesna • Highway 500 (Trans Labrador Highway) from Goose Bay to Labrador City • Highway 389 from Labrador City to Baie Comeau • Highway 510 from Red Bay to Happy Valley-Goose Bay • Highway 167 north of La Doré • Highway 109 and Baie James Road, Quebec. • Manhattan Island, USA

7.3 Travel Restricted Areas • Travel on the Dempster Highway in the Yukon is not permitted between 15 September and 15 May due to road conditions. We are happy for our Guests to travel on this road between 16 May and 14 September

8. Propane and Gas Policy

8.1 Models with Portable Cookers: The Rental Firm intends to provide customers with at least 1 full disposable canister of propane (220g). Should local gas supply be an issue or limitations on the purchasing of gas by local authorities be imposed, the Rental Firm can not be held responsible for the inability to provide the Hirer with a canister of gas.

8.2 Models with Built-in Cooker/Stove with tank gauge: The Rental Firm intends to provide customers with at least one full sealed cylinder of camping gas. The Hirer has the option of using the full sealed cylinder during the trip and in case they do, the Rental Firm will be charging the Hirer according to the defined pricing. Should local gas supply be an issue or limitations on the purchasing of gas by local authorities be imposed, the Rental Firm can not be held responsible for the inability to provide the Hirer with a cylinder of gas.

8.3 Additional propane or gas cartilages or refills can be purchased throughout the rental period at the Hirer's own expense

9. Generator Policy.

9.1 Some vehicle models offer generators. The value of the fee per hour of usage, as determined by an installed running time meter, is communicated during the booking process. The total charge will be charged at drop-off.

10. Mileage Policy.

1)All bookings include a fixed number of kilometers per night for free, which may vary according to seasonality and number of nights. 2) Customers have the option to add extra kilometers packages or unlimited kilometers before their trip during the booking process. 3) Any additional kilometers will be charged at drop-off. The value of the fee per extra km/mile for each reservation is communicated during the booking process, as it might vary with the pick-up location and vehicle model. The value of the fee per extra km/mile for each subscription is communicated during the booking process, as it might vary with the pick-up location and vehicle model.

10.4 In order for the Buyer to pick up the Vehicle, the Buyer needs to be accompanied by the proof of registration and the license plate plaques (a temporary registration is sufficient) plus proof of insurance.

11. Insurance.

We provide comprehensive and collision insurance covering damage to the Vehicle with a deductible per occurrence, for which deductible you are responsible. We also provide primary auto liability insurance that covers bodily injury (“BI”) and property damage (“PD”) liability coverage with limits no higher than the minimum amounts stated in the automobile insurance (“AI”) laws of the province whose laws apply to the loss. Our insurance includes personal injury protection (“PIP”) or medical payments. Medical Payments are limited to $2,000 or the minimum amount required by the law of the province whose laws apply to the loss—whichever is higher. Our insurance also includes no‐fault, and uninsured/under‐insured motorist coverage up to the minimum amounts required by the laws of the province whose laws apply to the loss. Coverage is void if you violate the terms of this Agreement, or if you fail to cooperate in any loss investigation conducted by us or our insurer. You are responsible for all damage to the Vehicle and damage or injury you cause to third parties that is not covered by our insurance policies or that is in excess of our insurance limits. You must: (a) report all damage to us and all accidents to us and the police/RCMP as soon as you discover them and complete our incident report form; and (b) provide us with a legible copy of any service of motion, pleading, or notice of any kind related to an accident or other incident involving the Vehicle. Coverage under the Policy is void if you give the Vehicle to an Unauthorized Driver or otherwise materially breach this Agreement; or if you fail to cooperate in a loss investigation or to file a timely and accurate incident report. You agree to and shall maintain automobile insurance (“Customer’s Insurance”) during the term of this rental agreement, providing the owner, the renter, and any other person using or operating the rental vehicle with the following primary coverage: (a) BI and PD liability coverage with limits at least at the minimum amounts stated in the AIlaws of the province whose laws apply to the loss; (b) PIP, medical payments, no-fault, or similar coverage where required by law or otherwise; (c) uninsured (“UM”) and underinsured (”UIM”) coverage where required by law or otherwise, and (d) comprehensive and collision damage coverage extending to the rental vehicle. You hereby agree to provide and Customer’s Insurance shall provide at least the minimum limits of coverage required by the AI laws of the province where the loss occurs. You hereby agree that the Customer’s Insurance shall be used in the first instance needed or for any loss prior to use of our insurance, and you hereby agree to fully cooperate in any manner requested by us to insure that the Customer’s Insurance is promptly notified and processing such request for use of the Customer’s Insurance in relation to any loss or damage or as needed by us. In provinces where the law requires us to provide insurance, we will provide excess insurance only, up to the minimum limits required by the AI laws of the province where the loss occurs. The customer’s insurance will be primary. Any insurance we are required to provide applies to claims of BI and PD only. Our policy contains exclusions, conditions, and limitations applicable to anyone claiming coverage. Customer agrees to cooperate with our insurer if any claim is made. Our insurance applies only in Canada. You hereby agree that you must obtain our written consent and have or obtain special liability coverage from your insurance to cover, use or operate the Vehicle in the United States or Mexico, or any other location outside of Canada. You may not operate the Vehicle outside of Canada without our written consent. Where permitted by law, You reject UM, UIM, supplemental, PIP, and no-fault coverages. Where we are required to provide any such coverage, You are afforded the minimum limits required by law. Any breach of this rental agreement will void any insurance coverage. You understand that you are not an additional insured under INDIE CAMPERS’s insurance for collision, upset and comprehensive damage to the Vehicle.

11.2 The insurance is subjected to a validation process involving the insurance company. The insurance company will request certain details and the customer is obliged to provide the necessary information. The provided information will be treated by the designated company for verification purposes. The insurance company reserves the right to approve or deny the insurance based on the provided details. In case the insurance company does not approve the customer's insurance, the booking will be denied, if the insurance is not obtained prior to the scheduled pick-up date, your booking may be canceled.

11.3 The insurace company may ask questions regarding: Driver's History, Driver's License ;Personal Auto Policy ; Travel Plans, but not limited to.

12. Charges, Tolls, Traffic Violations and Costs

12.1 Charges and Costs. You will pay us at or before the conclusion of this rental, or on demand, all charges due us under this Agreement, including, but not limited to: (a) the charges and fees shown on the Rental Agreement and all charges for the time and mileage rate set forth in the reservation for the initial Reservation Period; (b) a mileage charge based on our experience if the odometer is tampered with; (c) any taxes, surcharges or other government-imposed fees that apply to the transaction; (d) all expenses we incur locating and recovering the Vehicle if you fail to return the Vehicle, return it to a location or office other than the location or office identified by us, or if we elect to repossess the Vehicle under the terms of this Agreement; (e) all costs including pre- and post-judgment attorney fees on a solicitor - client basis which we incur collecting payment from you or otherwise enforcing or defending our rights under this Agreement; (f) a reasonable fee to clean the Vehicle if returned substantially less clean than when rented or if there is evidence of smoking or vaping in our Vehicle or any fees required as a result of any bugs, flees, cockroaches, bed bugs, rats or other pests found inside the Vehicle following your use, if applicable; and (g) towing, impound, storage charges, forfeitures, court costs, penalties and all other costs we incur resulting from your use of the Vehicle during this rental. Special rental rates, vehicle category upgrades or any equipment or services provided to you free of charge only apply to the initially agreed upon rental period: If you return the Vehicle after the Due-In Date , you may be charged the standard rates for each day (or partial day) after the Due-In Date, which may be substantially higher than the rates for the initially agreed rental period. You also may be charged the standard fees for each day (or partial day) after the Due-In date for any equipment or services provided to you without charge for the initially agreed upon rental period. You will not receive a refund of prepaid amounts if you return the Vehicle before the Due-In Date. All Charges are subject to a final audit. If errors are found, you authorize us to correct the Charges with your payment card issuer. b. Website Terms, Conditions and Cancellations. All other terms, charges and cancellations are pursuant to and must follow the terms and conditions found at (the “Website Terms”) which are hereby incorporated by reference, including, without limitation, the cancellation policies as it relates to cancellations by you or the host of the Vehicle. You hereby agree to have read and agree to abide by the Website Terms. c. Tolls and Traffic Violations. You are responsible for paying the applicable charging authorities directly for all tolls (“Tolls”) and parking citations, photo enforcement fees, fines for toll evasion, and other fines, fees, and penalties (each, a “Violation”) assessed against you, the Vehicle or us during the Rental Period. If we are notified by the charging authorities that we may be responsible for payment of a Toll or Violation, you will pay us or a processing firm of our choosing (“Processor”) the Violation, Toll, and an administrative fee of up to $60 for each such notification. You authorize us to release your rental and payment card information to the Processor for processing and billing purposes. If we or the Processor pays a Toll or Violation, you authorize us or the Processor to charge all such payments, service fees and administrative fees to the payment card you used in connection with this rental.

13. Deposit.

13.1 The security deposit can only be paid by credit/debit card (Visa, AMEX or Mastercard), and the credit/debit card owner must be present at the pick-up. Only debit cards which allow a hold deposit to be processed will be accepted. Under no circumstances will we accept a deposit to be charged as a transaction on any card type. We recommend you check with your issuing bank whether your debit card will allow a hold deposit to be processed.

13.2 You permit us to reserve against your credit or debit card at the beginning of the rental an amount up to three times the estimated total charges as a deposit, in no event less than $3000, or the amount listed on the Rental Agreement. We may use your deposit to pay any amounts owed to us under this Agreement. The deposit amount does not limit in any way the total amount owed to use under this Agreement. We will authorize the release of any excess Reserve upon the completion of your rental. Your debit/credit card issuer’s rules will apply to your account being credited for the excess, which may not be immediately available.

13.3 All departures from select locations will require an increased Security Deposit of 2,499$ , in order to ensure vehicles are returned in the same manner they are offered. Additionally, the Premium Protection Plan is not available for these bookings.

14. Your Property.

15. Breach of Agreement.

15.1 The acts listed in Paragraphs 6 and 7 are prohibited uses of the Vehicle and breaches of this Agreement. You will breach this agreement if you allow any person other than the Renter or an Authorized Driver to operate the Vehicle. If an Unauthorized Driver damages the Vehicle or injures others, we will hold you responsible for the damage. You waive all recourse against us for any criminal reports or prosecutions taken against you by law enforcement arising out of your breach of this Agreement.

16. Modifications.

BY RENTING ANY VEHICLE OR USING ANY OTHER SERVICES OF THE COMPANY, YOU HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: (A) No term of this Agreement can be waived or modified except by in writing signed by one of the Company’s authorized representatives. INDIE CAMPERS counter representatives are not authorized to waive or change any term of this Agreement. If you wish to extend the rental period, you must return the Vehicle to our rental office for inspection and written amendment from us by the Due-In Date, unless explicitly authorized by INDIE CAMPERS. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. All prior representations and agreements between you and us regarding this rental are void. (B) The Company reserves the right, at our discretion and at any time, to make changes to any of the provisions of this Agreement, including without limitation changes to any of the terms and conditions governing a rental of a Vehicle prior to inception, the Company’s Privacy Policy (as defined in Section 18(a), or the Company’s Website Terms (as defined in Section 9(b)) (hereinafter “Updates to this Agreement”). (C) The Company may take any reasonable efforts to post any such Updates to this Agreement, including without limitation posting such Updates to this Agreement on the Company’s main website; (D) Rental of any Vehicle or continued use of any of the Company’s Services by you shall automatically constitute your immediate acceptance of and consent to all of the Updates to this Agreement and you will thereafter be bound by such Updates to this Agreement. (E) If you do not agree to such Updates to this Agreement, then you should immediately discontinue using the Company’s Services, including any Vehicle..

17. Severability.

If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unlawful, contrary to public policy, void or unenforceable, all remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.

18. Waiver.

A waiver by us of any breach of this Agreement is not a waiver of any additional breach or waiver of the performance of your obligations under this Agreement. Our acceptance of payment from you or our failure, refusal or neglect to exercise any of our rights under this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other provision of this Agreement. To the extent permitted by law, you release us from any liability for consequential, special or punitive damages in connection with this rental or the reservation of a Vehicle.

19. Governing Law; Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver

READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. IT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS AND IMPACTS HOW CLAIMS YOU AND COMPANY MAY HAVE AGAINST EACH OTHER ARE DETERMINED (a) Governing Law. You hereby expressly agree that the laws of the Province of Alberta excluding its conflict of laws rules, shall govern the Agreement. (b) Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver. You and INDIE CAMPERS each waive their right to a jury trial or to participate in a class action pursuant to the following terms. You and INDIE CAMPERS agree to arbitrate all claims, controversies, or disputes of any kind (“claims”) against each other, including but not limited to claims arising out of or relating to this agreement, or our products and services, charges, advertisings, or rental vehicles including without limitation claims based on contract, tort (including intentional torts), fraud, agency, negligence, statutory or regulatory provisions or any other source of law. The arbitrator, and not any federal, state, or local court or agency, shall have authority to resolve all disputes relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability, or formation of this agreement, including but not limited to any claim that all or any part of this agreement is void or voidable. You and INDIE CAMPERS agree that no claims will be asserted in any representative capacity on a class-wide or collective basis, that no arbitration forum will have jurisdiction to decide any claims on a class-wide or collective basis, and that no rules for class-wide or collective arbitration will apply. The parties agree, however, that either party may bring an individual action in a small claims court with valid jurisdiction provided that the action is not made part of a class action, private attorney general action or other representative or collective action. The parties also agree that claims involving a third-party insurance company separately providing coverage to you, personal injury claims, or claims relating to the application of your financial responsibility relating to the use or operation of Vehicle, may be brought in a court with valid jurisdiction.

20. Dispute Resolution Procedure.

Before asserting a claim in any proceeding, you and INDIE CAMPERS agree that either party shall give the other party written notice of the claim to be asserted thirty (30) days before initiating a proceeding and make a reasonable good faith effort to resolve the claim. If you are intending to assert a claim against INDIE CAMPERS, you must send the written notice of the claim to Attention: If INDIE CAMPERS is intending to assert a claim against you, we will send the written notice of the claim to you at your address appearing in our records. No demand for arbitration may be made after the date when the institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim or dispute would be barred by the applicable statute of limitation. No settlement demand or settlement offer used prior to any legal proceeding may be used in any proceeding including as evidence or as an admission of any liability or damages (or lack thereof) and shall remain confidential between you and INDIE CAMPERS. If you and INDIE CAMPERS do not resolve the claim within thirty (30) days after the above described notice is received, either party may commence an arbitration by Delivering a written Notice of Request to Arbitrate to each party and delivering a copy of the Notice to Arbitrate to the ADR Institute of Canada. Claims will be resolved pursuant to the ADR Institute of Canada’s National Arbitration Rules, in effect at the time of the demand, ‎as modified by this Agreement. Judgment shall be final and binding on the parties upon ‎the award rendered by the arbitrator which may be entered in any court having ‎jurisdiction thereof ‎ The ADR Institute of Canada’s National Arbitration rules can be found at ‎ The arbitrator has no authority to join or consolidate claims, or adjudicate joined and consolidated claims. If you are an individual, in the event that (1) your claim is less than $10,000, and (2) you are able to demonstrate that the costs of arbitration will be prohibitive as compared to costs of litigation, INDIE CAMPERS will pay as much of your filing and hearing fees in connection with the arbitration as the arbitrator deems necessary to prevent the arbitration from being cost-prohibitive as compared to the cost of litigation. You are responsible for all other costs/fees that you incur in arbitration (e.g. fees for attorneys, expert witnesses, etc.). If any portion of this “Dispute Resolution Procedure” section or the “Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver” section are deemed to be invalid or unenforceable or is found not to apply to a claim, the remainder of this “Dispute Resolution Procedure” section and the “Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver” section remain in full force and effect. However, if the “Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver” section is deemed unenforceable, any class action claim(s) must proceed in a court of competent jurisdiction.

21. Personal Information; Company’s Privacy Policy.

a. Company’s Privacy Policy. You hereby agree that use of any and all, including without limitation your rental of any Vehicle, is subject to the Company’s Privacy Notice, a copy of which is available here, and which is hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement (the “Privacy Policy”). IN ADDITION TO ANY OTHER APPLICATIONS OR USES OF PERSONAL INFORMATION AS SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 18(B) BELOW, THE COLLECTION, USE, DISCLOSURE AND OTHER PROCESSING OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION IS GOVERNED BY THE COMPANY PRIVACY POLICY. AS A RESULT OF SUCH INCORPORATION, YOU HEREBY AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE COMPANY’S PRIVACY POLICY, AS IT MAY BE AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE COMPANY. b. Additional Provisions About Use of Personal Information. In addition to any rights given to the Company pursuant to the Company’s Privacy Policy with regard to the use of any of your personal information, you further agree that: (i) the information that you provide to Us may be used to the fullest extent permitted by law; (ii) You agree that We may, and you hereby authorize Us to, provide personal information in Our possession about you and other Authorized Drivers (including driver’s name, address, cellular/mobile and other phone numbers, driver’s license and/or credit/debit card information) to applicable authorities or other third parties in connection with our enforcement of our rights under this Agreement and for other legitimate business purposes, including disclosure to our affiliates or other third parties that conduct services on our behalf; and (iii) and you consent to us or our representatives contacting you. If you have any questions about this provisions or any of the provisions in the Company’s Privacy Policy, please contact the Company as follows: Indie Campers Canada, Inc.2700 Stantec Tower 10220 - 103 Avenue, NW Edmonton, AB T5J 0K4

22. Safety of Children.

The Authorized Drivers hereby agree to abide by all child safety rules and regulations as applicable by Federal and Alberta law, including, but not limited to, safety belt and not leaving children unattended. In Canada, drivers who leave young children unattended in vehicles can be found criminally responsible for negligence causing bodily harm or death. As may vary across provinces, children must be secured properly in the Vehicle, including, but not limited, using a federally-approved child passenger restraint system in accordance with provincial regulations, or safety belts depending on the height, weight, and age of the child. Some provinces may require federally approved, crash-tested child restraint devices be used. FOR VEHICLES USED OR OPERATED IN ALBERTA -- You must comply with all Federal and Provincial laws and regulations governing the operation of a motor vehicle with children, including, but not limited to: A Driver shall not drive or operate a motor vehicle in which a child under 6 years old who weighs 18 kg or less is a passenger unless: (a) the motor vehicle is equipped with a child restraint system, (b) the child restraint system is properly installed, and (c) the child is properly secured in the child restraint system. FOR VEHICLES USED OR OPERATED IN BRITISH COLUMBIA -- You must comply with all Federal and Provincial laws and regulations governing the operation of a motor vehicle with children, including, but not limited to: causing the child to be securely fastened in a designated seating position, using an infant restraint system, a child restraint system, a booster seat, or a seat belt assembly in accordance to requirements set out in the Motor Vehicle Act, Division 36. FOR VEHICLES USED OR OPERATED IN ONTARIO -- You must comply with all Federal and Provincial laws and regulations governing the operation of a motor vehicle with children, including, but not limited to: Infant, toddler, and pre-school to primary grade child passengers are secured in accordance to Highway Traffic Act, Regulation 613.

23. Incorporation.

a. The terms and conditions of the following are hereby incorporated by this reference into the Agreement: (i) the Company’s Website Terms (as defined in Section 12(b) ) herein, which can be found at , and You hereby agree to have read and agree to abide by the Website Terms, including, without limitation, any other charges and cancellation policies provided therein; (ii) the Company’s Privacy Policy (as defined in Section 18(a)) herein, which can be found at, and You hereby agree to have read and agree to abide by the Privacy Policy, including, without limitation, any amendments thereto; and (iii) any other documents, addenda, or additional materials that we provide to you at any time during any rental of any Vehicle or that you may otherwise sign or consent to at any time during any such rental (collectively referred to as “Addenda or Additional Materials”). (b) If there is a conflict or ambiguity between the underlying Rental Agreement, the Website Terms, the Privacy Policy, this Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions for Canada Only, and any Addenda or Additional Materials (as such term is defined above in this Section 23(a)), then you agree to this priority: (i) first, the Website Terms shall control, and (ii) then, next, the terms of this Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions for Canada Only document shall control.


24.1 Entire Agreement; Waiver; Severability. The Agreement (including without limitation the underlying Rental Agreement, this Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions for Canada Only document, the Company’s Website Terms, the Company’s Privacy Policy, and the Addenda or Additional Materials (as such term is defined above in this Section 23(a)), constitutes the entire contract and agreement between Company and you with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes and replaces any prior agreements we might have had between us regarding such subject matter. The Company ’s failure to enforce any right or provision of this Agreement will not be considered a waiver of those rights. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court, the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in effect

24.2 Remedies. You acknowledge that monetary damages may not be a sufficient remedy for your breach of the Agreement and therefore you hereby agree that the Company shall be entitled, without waiving any other rights or remedies, to such injunctive or equitable relief as may be deemed proper by a court or arbitration panel of competent jurisdiction without necessity of posting a bond and without having to plead and prove lack of an adequate remedy at law.

24.3 Binding Effect; No Assignment by Client; Permissible Assignment by Company. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of each party’s respective successors and lawful assigns; provided, however, you do not have the right to assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Company (which it may or may not grant in its discretion). Any purported assignment in violation of this Section 24.3 shall be void. The Company shall have the right to assign this Agreement, or any part of it, in its sole discretion to any party, and all covenants and agreements hereunder shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by such successors and assigns.

24.4. Counterparts. The Agreement, and any portions thereof, may be executed, assented to, and/or delivered in one or more counterparts, whether in .pdf, electronic format, email, or fax, or by electronically consenting to the same, each of which is deemed an original and all of which together is one and the same.

25. Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy

Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy Effective Date: 29.01.2024 This cancellation policy ("Policy") governs the cancellation and refund procedures for reservations made with the Indie Campers Group ("Company") rental fleet in all countries and locations where the Group Operate. By making a reservation with the Company, the traveler agrees to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in this article.

25.1. Applicability: Applicability: This Policy shall apply to all reservations made after the deployment of the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation policy 29th of January 2024 forward. Existing reservations made until the 28th of January 2024 shall continue to be subject to the cancellation and refund conditions set forth by the “Indie Fleet Super Flexible Cancellation Policy”, described in number 25.7

25.2 Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy conditions:

25.2.1 First Stage: Cancellation more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date:

In the event of a cancellation more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be entitled to a full refund of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value. During this stage if additional services or days are added by the traveller, full payment for the increased booking value is required immediately. Traveller also understand that the if the traveller already paid partially the booking the traveller will be requested a 2nd payment 30 days before the pick-up date to close the accounts of that booking If the second payment fails, the booking will be automatically cancelled after 3 days of failed attempts. Please note that if the full booking value has not been paid by the time of the second payment failure, the traveller will not be entitled to a refund, and the customer will not be considered as being in the Second Stage

25.2.2 Second Stage: Cancellation between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date:

Reservations made with less the 30 days to the pick-up date must be paid 100% in the first payment. If the reservation is cancelled between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of 50% of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value that includes the value of any services that were added or subcontracted during that period.

25.2.3 Third Stage: Cancellation between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date:

For cancellations made between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date, a refund of 5% of the total amount paid until that date shall be granted, calculated based on the existing booking value.

25.2.4 Fourth Stage: Same-day cancellation:

In the event of a cancellation on the same day as the scheduled pick-up date, travellers shall not be entitled to receive any refund.

25.3. Payment and Refund Considerations:

The cancellation policy is integrated with the flexible payment options Indie Campers provided to the travellers making a reservation for a road trip. Indie Campers Group cancellation policies are designed to seamlessly integrate with our flexible payment options, ensuring a hassle-free experience for travellers who reserve a road trip with Indie Campers. When creating a reservation associated with the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation, travellers have the right to parcel their payments. The initial payment amounts to 50% of the booking value, while the remaining balance can be settled through a second payment, due 30 days prior to the pick-up date. Alternatively, travellers may choose to pay the full amount of the booking at the time of reservation. Please note that for all reservations made under the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation, within 30 days of the selected pick-up date, the total reservation value must be paid upon reservation. For reservations made with partial payment, the completion of the second payment is essential to ensure the reservation's validity. Failure to fulfil the second payment will result in automatic cancellation of the reservation, without any entitlement to a refund In the event that additional services are added to the reservation or modifications are made that increase the booking value, the corresponding additional payment must be made immediately upon request. This ensures the effective inclusion of the requested services within the scope of the reservation. Conversely, if additional services are added or modifications are made resulting in a decreased booking value, the refundable amount in the case of cancellation within 30 days and 1 day before the pick-up date will be proportionately adjusted. Whenever the entitled is entitled to a refund, Indie Campers shall process a transfer of the amounts to the travellers account within 5-10 business days.

25.4 Applicability to Rental Reservation:

This new cancellation policy is solely applicable to reservation involving Rental Business of Indie Campers Fleet. Reservation involving third-party vehicles shall not undergo any changes to their existing cancellation policies at this time

25.5 Refund Calculation Steps Explained.

As part of our commitment to providing a seamless and flexible experience for our valued travelers, we have established a refund calculation policy that applies to reservation changes and cancellations.

Increased Booking Value: If additional services or days are added to your booking, resulting in an increased booking value, travellers are required to make full payment for the additional cost immediately when contacting our Customer Experience team. This step ensures the validity of the reservation.

Cancellation Before 30 Days: Should a traveller decide to cancel their reservation before the 30-day mark, they will be entitled to a refund of the amount paid so far, excluding any process handling fees.

Failure to Complete Second Payment: In the event that the second payment is not made after all attempts, the amount paid upfront shall be forfeited, and no refund will be issued. Consequently, the booking will be cancelled.

Cancellation After Second Payment: If a traveller has made the second payment and subsequently decides to cancel the reservation, the refund amount will be determined based on the terms and conditions of the cancellation policy.

Decreased Booking Value: Should any extras or days be decreased from the booking, resulting in a decreased booking value, the Company will not issue a refund for these changes.

Refund Processing Fee: In certain cases, a process handling fee may apply to cover administrative costs. The amount of this fee will be clearly outlined at the time of cancellation.

25.6 Changes to the policy Please note that this Policy is subject to change at the discretion of the Company. It is the traveller responsibility to review the most recent version of this Policy available on our website or to contact our customer service for any updates. If the traveller requires further clarification or have any questions concerning our cancellation policy, we recommend reading the article on the help center or contacting our customer service team for guidance. By making a booking with the Company, the Traveller acknowledges that have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this Policy.

25.7 Indie Fleet Super Flexible Cancellation Policy conditions: Applicable to reservations until 28/01/2024 Indie Campers' fleet has the Super Flexible cancellation policy applied to all its bookings: Super Flexible Cancellation Policy: The Hirer agrees that if it cancels the reservation 17 or more days prior to the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller will be reimbursed the whole amount you paid until the date. Please keep in mind that both options are only available if the traveller akready paid the full amount of the booking value. The hirer agrees that if it cancels the reservation with less than 17 days and more than 72 hours prior to the scheduled check-in date, traveller will be refunded 50% of the booking value, or the travelleryou will be refunded with a voucher of the full amount of your booking value deducting a cancellation fee (15 % of booking value). For cancelations made within 72 hours prior to the scheduled check-in date, you will not be entitled to receive any refund or travel voucher Voucher Refunds: Effective immediately upon the deployment of the new Flexible Cancellation Policy, the option of receiving a refund in the form of a "voucher" shall no longer be available for new reservation assigned to this policy

25.8 Partially Refundable Cancellation Policy

25.8.1 Customers are entitled to a 5% refund of the booking amount if the cancellation is made more than one day prior to the scheduled pick-up date. No refunds will be issued for cancellations made on the same day as the pick-up date.

25.8.2 Booking Payment Options

First Stage: Cancellation more than 30 days to the scheduled pick-up date:

For reservations made more than 30 days before the pick-up date, a payment of 50% of the total booking amount is required at the time of booking. The remaining 50% will be charged 30 days before the pick-up date.

If the second payment fails, the booking will be automatically cancelled after 3 days of failed attempts. Please note that if the full booking value has not been paid by the time of the second payment failure, the traveller will not be entitled to a refund, and the customer will not be considered as being in the Second Stage

If the reservation is cancelled more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of the total (100%) booking value paid until that date.

Second Stage: Cancellation between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date:

Reservations made with less than 30 days to the pick-up date must be paid 100% in the first payment.

If the reservation is cancelled between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of 50% of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value that includes the value of any services that were added or subcontracted during that period.

Third Stage: Cancellation between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date:

For cancellations made between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date, a refund of 5% of the total amount paid until that date shall be granted, calculated based on the existing booking value.

25.8.3. Specific-City Cancelation Policies

Group A Cities (Frankfurt, Salt Lake City, Venice, Bordeaux, Malaga, Londres, Roma, Denver, Porto, Calgary): All bookings in these cities require 100% payment upfront, regardless of the cancellation policy.

Group B Cities: Specific yet-to-be-defined cities will have both policies active, with the Partially Refundable Policy requiring a mandatory 100% payment upfront. The Flexible Policy will follow standard payment options as outlined.

Group C Cities (Lisbon, Barcelona, Marseille, Brussels, Geneva, Naples, Oslo, New York, Auckland, Melbourne): These cities apply the Partially Refundable Policy with standard payment options as detailed in section 2.

Other Cities: Cities not included in Groups A, B, or C will default to the Flexible Policy, described under article 25.1, which is offered free of charge.

25.8.4 Flexible Policy Pricing

The price for the Flexible Policy is determined based on the booking's proximity to the pick-up date, with the policy becoming less expensive as the pick-up date approaches.

1. Vehicle conditions

1) The Hirer acknowledges having received the vehicle and rented extras, with all the legally required documents, in a clean condition with all the features working. 2) The Hirer will return the vehicle in a clean condition, with the same amount of fuel at the pick-up, and with all the vehicle’s features operating in normally, on the return date, time and location established in the Rental Agreement. Failure to meet these criteria will result in additional charges to the Hirer according to the Rental Firm price table. Any loss or damage in the vehicle, rented extras, equipment or spare parts, will be fully charged to the Hirer according to the Rental Firm price table.

2. Documents

1) The execution and signature of this Rental Agreement is based on the assumption of the existence of: a) A valid vehicle driver’s license to drive in Europe, b) a valid ID or Passport, c) a valid credit/debit card (Visa, AMEX or Mastercard). All documents were presented upon the vehicle’s collection and signing of this Rental Agreement. If the Hirer does not present the necessary documents, the vehicle cannot be rented, and standard no show fee will apply. 2) It is the responsibility of the Hirer to hold a valid license to drive in Europe. 3) The Hirer must be older than 18 years old. 4) For short term bookings, if one of the drivers is under 25 years of age, the purchasing of the Basic Protection plan is mandatory, as the Hirer is not qualified to purchase the Premium Protection plan when renting a vehicle. The Client hereby represents and warrants that the documents shared with the Rental Firm (and all information contained therein) are true, complete and valid, notably on what regards the address and the country of residence of the Client. 5) For subscription bookings: if the Hirer’s fiscal residence is outside the European Union (including Switzerland and the UK), the Hirer can rent a vehicle in any of the countries and cities in which they are available. If the Hirer’s fiscal residence is in Ireland, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, Austria, Croatia, Sweden and Iceland, the Hirer can only rent a vehicle starting in the country in which he/she resides. If the Hirer’s fiscal residence is in a EU country other than Ireland, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, Austria, Croatia, Sweden and Iceland, it is not possible to rent a vehicle on the subscription product.

3. Use of the Vehicle

1) The Hirer undertakes that, during the Rental Period, the vehicle will not be: a) Driven by any person that is not mentioned in the rental agreement as a driver b) Driven in an imprudent and dangerous way. c) Driven by a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs. d) Left with the key inside the vehicle, while unoccupied. e) Damaged by submersion in water, contact with salt water, driving through flooded areas, beach driving and unpaved roads. f) Used for any race, contest or any illegal activities. g) Used to tow any vehicle. h) Used to carry passengers or property for hire or reward. i) Used to carry a number of passengers superior to the maximum capacity permitted by law. j) Used to carry hazard materials, volatile liquids, gases, explosives or other corrosive or inflammable material, apart from the gas provided by the Rental Firm. k) Used for the purpose of transporting and haulage goods other than what might be reasonably expected of a leisure rental. l) install accessories and advertising or commercial mentions. m) driven off-road, on closed roads, or roads not suited for the rented vehicle according to local laws and regulation. 2) The Rental Firm shall not be responsible for any of the consequences, nor for any damage, loss and/or other costs resulting from the Hirer not acting in conformity with the aforementioned points (a) to (l). 3) The Hirer acknowledges that the Rental Firm retains the title of the Vehicle at all times and shall not agree, attempt, offer or purport to sell, sub-let, lend or mortgage the vehicle to any other party. 4) The Hirer shall not make any modifications or additions to the vehicle, without prior written consent from the Rental Firm. 5) The Hirer shall take all reasonable steps to properly maintain the vehicle, including, daily checks of the Oil, Water and Batteries, and will contact the Rental Firm if vehicle warning lights indicate any potential malfunction. 6) Any electrical devices (including the cooler) cannot be connected to the battery for more than 4 hours in a row, without charging the vehicle battery every day in camping places or in other 220V sources. 7) The Hirer is responsible for monitoring and obtaining information on weather forecasts and road conditions on his travels, and public warning thereof. 8) This Rental Agreement will be immediately terminated and the booking will be canceled without any need of judicial intervention if the vehicle is used in any terms that constitute a violation of this Rental Agreement or the commission of a crime. Additionally, the Rental Firm reserves the right to, justifiably, recover the vehicle, at any time, without previous notice, and the Hirer is held responsible for all the charges involved. 9) The Hirer may not, in any case, sublet or assign the Vehicle without prior written consent of the Rental Firm.

3.2 A vehicle exchange can only take place in the situations described below:

3.2.1. During the rental period the vehicle has suffered an accident, damage, engine failure or similar situations in which the vehicle is not drivable: a) The vehicle will be sent to a workshop b)The deposit of the first vehicle will be charged c) The customer will receive a new vehicle of the same category with a new deposit.

3.2.2 During the rental period in the event of negligent damage to the vehicle: a) The deposit will be charged b) In case the deposit is not sufficient to cover the damage the remainder will also be charged to the client c) If the deposit has been charged the client will be entitled to a new vehicle and must pay a new deposit d) In the event that the deposit has not been collected the client will not be entitled to a new vehicle

3.2.3 During the rental period if the vehicle is damaged due to unforeseen circumstances: a) The deposit will be charged b) The Renter is entitled to a new vehicle and must pay a new deposit

3.3. In circumstances where a new deposit is required the Renter who previously had a protection plan premium may only choose a protection plan basic for the new booking. Indie Campers does not authorize the upgrade of the protection plan when changing vehicles.

4. Pets

1) It is permitted to travel with one pet if its weight does not exceed 30kg. In such a case, a fee will be charged (After-trip Cleaning). The After-trip Cleaning covers the cleaning of the vehicle after the rental, while the Hirer is liable for any and all damages caused by the pet in the interior and exterior of the vehicle. It is of the entirely the responsibility of the Hirer to guarantee that the pet travels in safe conditions and according to the local regulations. The Rental Firm will not be liable for any traffic tickets or legal fees due to the pet's presence inside the vehicle.

5. Gas Policy

1) Models with Portable Cookers: The Rental Firm intends to provide customers with at least 1 full disposable canister of gas (220g). Should local gas supply be an issue or limitations on the purchasing of gas by local authorities be imposed, the Rental Firm can not be held responsible for the inability to provide the Hirer with a canister of gas. 2) Models with Built-in Cooker/Stove: The Rental Firm intends to provide customers with at least one full sealed cylinder of camping gas. The Hirer has the option of using the full sealed cylinder during the trip and in case they do, the Rental Firm will be charging the Hirer according to the defined pricing. Should local gas supply be an issue or limitations on the purchasing of gas by local authorities be imposed, the Rental Firm can not be held responsible for the inability to provide the Hirer with a cylinder of gas. 3) Additional gas canisters/cylinders can be purchased by the Hirer through a third party throughout the rental period at the Hirer’s own expense. 4) Different connections and gas cylinders are in place in different countries and might require an adapter to refill. Please note that the provided gas cylinders and adaptors must not be exchanged for foreign ones, otherwise, a Fee will be applied.

6. AdBlue Policy

1) AdBlue is a diesel exhaust fluid required in modern diesel engine vehicles. All models requiring AdBlue are identified with an AdBlue tank, located next to the fuel tank. Similarly to fuel level, the vehicle dashboard shows if the AdBlue level is low. 2) The vehicle is delivered above the minimum AdBlue for circulation (without AdBlue lights on) and must be returned in the same conditions, otherwise a Refuelling Fee will be applied. 3) During the trip, the Hirer is responsible to guarantee that the vehicle always has both Fuel and AdBlue required for circulation without damaging the engine. 4) Additional AdBlue can be purchased throughout the rental period at any fuel station at the Hirer's own expense. The Rental Firm will not reimburse the Hirer for any AdBlue fluid expenses upon return of the vehicle.

7. Mileage policy

7.1 All bookings include a fixed number of kilometres/miles per night for free, which may vary according to seasonality and number of nights.

7.1.2) Customers have the option to add extra km/miles packages or unlimited kms/miles before their trip during the booking process.

7.1.3) Any additional km/miles will be charged at drop-off. The value of the fee per extra km/mile for each reservation is communicated during the booking process, as it might vary with the pick-up location and vehicle model.

7.2 For Subscription bookings, the number of included kilometers for free is 1.000kms per month or 10.000kms per year. For an additional cost, monthly packages of plus 500kms/month and plus 1.000kms/month can be added to the booking. Additionally, if the booking has a duration of one year, yearly packages of plus 6.000kms/year, plus 12.000kms and plus 18.000kms can be added to the booking. If the Client exceeds the limits of 1.000kms per month or 10.000kms/year without subscribing any monthly/yearly packages of extra kms or if such packages were also exceeded, the Rental Company will charge an additional fee per each km/mile above the said limits. The value of the fee per extra km/mile for each subscription is communicated during the booking process, as it might vary with the pick-up location and vehicle model.

7.3 Volkswagen ID Buzz Rental Terms and Conditions – Battery Level and Charging Policy

7.3.1. Introduction: These terms and conditions apply to the rental of the Volkswagen ID Buzz vehicle in Europe. By renting this vehicle, you agree to comply with these conditions, particularly those regarding the battery level at the time of the vehicle's return.

7.3.2. Battery Level Requirement at Return

a. Minimum Battery Level: The vehicle must be returned with a battery level that is no more than 10 percentage points below the level at which it was delivered. This is to ensure that the vehicle remains operational for subsequent users and to maintain the health of the vehicle's battery.

b. Battery Level Assessment: Upon return, our staff will assess the battery level. If the battery level is found to be more than 10 percentage points below the delivered level, additional charges will apply.

7.3.3. Charging Costs for Battery Deficit

a. Cost Calculation: If the battery level at the time of return does not meet the required standard, the customer will be charged for the missing energy to bring it up to 10 percentage points below the delivered level.

b. Pricing: The cost of the missing energy will be calculated based on the current price per kilowatt (€0.3782 per KW).

7.3.4. A Charging Supplement of €100 will be charged if the vehicle is returned with a battery level of less than 25%.

8. On-Road Assistance and Technical Issues

1) Any problems associated with the vehicle, including equipment failure, must be reported immediately to the Rental Firm as it might be possible to rectify the problem during the rental period. The absence of such report previously to external on-road assistance calling nullifies the responsibility of the Rental Firm. 2) The Hirer must contact the Rental Firm before contacting any external on-road Assistance Company as the Rental Firm might assist the Hirer with technical issues, whereupon it will not dislocate its own employees for vehicle repairing/exchange services. 3) The Rental Firm’s assistance covers any technical or mechanical malfunction of the vehicle arising from a manufacturing or material fault that directly renders the part concerned unfit for operation during the warranty period. 4) The following occurrences are not covered by the Rental Firm’s assistance: a) The vehicle running out of fuel. b) The keys being locked inside the vehicle, damaged (e.g. humidity in the key), or lost. c) Discharged batteries caused by incorrect usage and/or incorrect usage of any equipment that requires batteries to operate. d) Vehicle blocked off-road or at an unpaved road. e) A breakdown caused by willful neglect (e.g. off-road driving). f) Assistance to change a flat tire. Any tow/relocation expenses will be charged to the Hirer. 5) The Rental Firm provides 24hr Assistance, although outside standard business working hours some delays may occur. 6) In case of any malfunction, the Hirer is not allowed to make repairs or alterations to the vehicle, unless authorized by the Rental Firm and following exact instructions. For any malfunction that does not require vehicle immobilization and that cannot be repaired on-site, the Hirer must mobilize the vehicle to a specific location to be indicated by the Rental Firm. In case of Subscription Rentals, if a mandatory inspection is required during the subscription period, the Hirer must present themselves at a specific location to be indicated by Indie Campers. In the event of an accident in which the Hirer is found responsible for, the Rental Firm is not obliged to present a replacement vehicle. 7) In the event of vehicle immobilization due to mechanical breakdown, or accident, and if it is not possible to repair on-site, the Rental Firm shall send a tow truck to drive the vehicle and the Hirer to the closest workshop or rental depot.

9. Insurance Coverage

1) The rental vehicle is insured against third party vehicles and property damage.

2) The Insurance is valid in the following 32 European countries: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. The vehicles can only be driven in these countries, and driving in other countries other than the ones mentioned above constitutes a violation of this Rental Agreement and the Rental Firm cannot be liable for any damage, malfunction or other consequence that happens outside the countries where Insurance is valid, being the Hirer liable for any reparation costs and/or relocation of the vehicle and any other administrative costs, charges, fees and fines the Rental firm incurred as a result of that unauthorized use. The Rental Firm reserves the right to charge the Hirer a penalty of 1,000€ (one thousand euros) for each day the vehicle is used or located in a country where the Insurance is not valid.

3) The vehicle is only insured covered during the contract stipulated duration. The Rental Firm cannot be liable for any damage outside the rental duration, being the Hirer the only liable entity.

4) The Hirer is responsible for any damage incurred while in possession of the vehicle, up to the amount of the security deposit, considering all exclusions stated on clause 11 – “Liabilities”. All the Protection Plan options and security deposit only cover the first accident suitable to activate the Insurance coverage of each rental. In case of more than one accident suitable to activate the Insurance coverage during the rental period, the Hirer is responsible for the full repair costs of each additional damage. To cover the costs of any possible damages, the Rental Firm will block the full amount of the security deposit on the credit/debit card associated to the Hirer.

5) The Hirer may choose one of the following protection plans:

5.1) The basic, The basic protection plan is free, Deposit: Requires a security deposit of 2.000€, Maximum Liability of 2.500€, On-trip chat support and guidance 24/7, Coverage for all damages to third-party vehicles and property Van Swap: not included a substitution van (due to customer negligence) Window Insurance: It does not have window insurance Tire insurance: It does not have tire insurance

5.2) The premium: Needs to have 25+ years old, from 19,90€ per night, Requires a deposit of 500€ and a Maximum liability of 199€ excluding liabilities under clause 11 On-trip chat support and guidance 24/7 Substitute van Up to 3 additional drivers

6) All Protection plans include Roadside Assistance (which includes 24/7 Line Assistance and the towing of an Indie Campers vehicle to a nearby Indie Campers Depot or auto garage in case of accidents or mechanical breakdown).

7) Protection Plans are not included nor can be subscribed by the Client under the Subscription Bookings. On the other hand, i) roadside assistance will be provided under the same conditions of the Short Term Bookings, ii) the Rental Firm will provide maintenance tires (only for usage, not damage) and oil change.

8) If damages under the Subscription Bookings arising from the Client's fault occur, the Client shall be provided with a new Vehicle once the Rental Firm is reimbursed of such damages.

9) In case of any vehicle malfunction under the Subscription Bookings arising from the Rental Firm´s fault occur, the Client shall be provided with a new Vehicle once the incident is analysed by the Rental Firm.

10) If the Hirer breaches any of the conditions of the clauses in this Rental Agreement, any Insurance option will be voided, and the Hirer will be responsible for the total cost of all damages. The Rental Firm maintains the right to charge any additional costs incurred by it that are not covered by the insurance agreement/Roadside Assistance.

10. Accident / Vehicle Damage

In the event of an accident or vehicle damage, the Hirer agrees to the following procedures: 1) Immediately notify the Rental Firm and police authorities of any accident, theft, robbery or other misfortune. 2) Take pictures and obtain names and addresses of all persons involved as well as witnesses, that can document what happened 3) Fill the accident report, together with other vehicles that may be involved. 4) Shall not leave the vehicle without taking all measures regarding its protection and safety. 5) Shall not take any responsibility or pled guilty on behalf of the Rental Firm or in the event of an accident that might hold the Rental Firm liable 6) Collect the accident report signed by all parties involved and the documents prepared by the police authorities, along with the vehicle keys, if retained (in case of vehicle theft) and send it immediately to the Rental Firm. Otherwise, all Insurances and coverages will be voided, and the Hirer is liable for all expenses.

11. Liabilities

1) The Rental Firm does not accept any liability for personal injuries sustained during the rental period and recommends that no valuable items should be left in the vehicle, out in the open, while the Hirer is away from the vehicle. The Rental Firm is not responsible for any belongings lost or stolen during the rental period, neither for any interior or exterior damages to the vehicle due to vandalism/theft, accidental or weather damages. Any liability of Rental Firm shall be limited to the amount paid out under the Insurance. Any exclusions or limitations of liability of the Rental Firm under this Rental Agreement shall only apply to the extent permitted by applicable law. 2) The Hirer acknowledges that is responsible for all costs of the following damages, irrespective of the Protection Plan that may have been taken. Damage identified below is specifically excluded from any Protection Plan Option and applies also to Subscription Bookings: a) Any damage due to vehicle, when in breach of a clause in this Rental Agreement. b) Any damage caused by willful conduct, influence of alcohol, drugs or any substance that reduces driving ability. c) Any loss/damages/stolen personal belongings. d) If the customer has a careless or negligent behavior of any kind or fails to abide by local road rules or Rental Firm instructions, resulting in damages to the vehicle, or third-party property. e) The cost to retrieve or recover the vehicle from any restricted area, submerged, bogged, trapped, or abandoned, unless caused by circumstances beyond the control of the Hirer. f) The cost to replace keys which have become damaged, lost, stolen, or locked inside the vehicle. g) Drivers not identified in the Rental Agreement, or Drivers with a canceled, expired, suspended or seized driver’s license. h) For any cost associated with the incorrect use of fuel. i) All damages below side door lines or above the windscreen line, if there is no collision with third parties. j) All damages caused by hitting an animal while driving. k) Damages caused by the wind blowing up a door.

12. Return of the Vehicle

12.1) The vehicle must be returned at the date, time and location specified in the Rental Agreement.

12.2) The Hirer can change the drop off location or check-out date/time if the Rental Firm Reservations staff have previously authorized said the change in writing. Charges will apply, and the amount will be communicated by the reservations team. The Charges apply to all cases, irrespective of the reasons behind the change. If the Rental Firm does not confirm the change via email, the Hirer must comply with the contract location and drop-off date and time as outlined in the Rental Agreement.

12. 3) Failure to obtain prior authorization from Rental Firm Reservations staff and the vehicle delivery in breach of the schedule previously agreed in the Rental Agreement will be subject to an extra fee equal to three times the rental nightly rate be paid immediately upon the drop-off.

12.4) If the vehicle is returned in a different place from the one contracted, the Hirer is responsible for all the ensuing extra costs caused to the Rental Firm.

12.5) If the vehicle is not returned to a Rental Firm employee, the Hirer is liable for all losses or damages including vehicle theft or robbery.

12.6) Vehicle equipment: All vehicles are provided with a cleaning kit, and in case of not returning the vehicle equipment and/or rental extras in the same conditions as they were handed, a fee will be charged to the Hirer according to the value of the item(s).

12. 7) Cleaning Fee

12. 7.1) Cleaning Fee Hygiene Facilities: You may be charged a fee of 50€ / 50 GBP if there is evidence of smoking or vaping in our Vehicle. The Cleaning Fee Hygiene Facilities also includes the uncleaning of the Dirty Water tank, the chemical toilet and the fridge. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.

12.7.2) Water Cleaning Fee: You will be charged a fee of 100€ / 100 GBP if the grey water tank its not empty and 150€ / 150 GBP for the black water tank. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.

12.7.3) Deep Cleaning Fee: You may be charged a fee of 125€ / 100 GBP if the Vehicle is returned substantially less clean then delivered and beyond the conditions described above on 12.7.1) the renter will be charged this deep cleaning fee. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.

12.8) If the vehicle is not returned with the same fuel level as at pick-up, the Hirer will be charged 70€ / 70 GBP for every 1⁄4 tank missing.

13. Liability / Security Deposit and After Rental Payments

1) The security deposit can only be paid by credit/debit card (Visa, AMEX or Mastercard), and the credit/debit card owner must be present at the pick-up. Only debit cards which allow a hold deposit to be processed will be accepted. Under no circumstances will we accept a deposit to be charged as a transaction on any card type. We recommend you check with your issuing bank whether your debit card will allow a hold deposit to be processed.At the vehicle delivery, the Hirer is required to pay the security deposit according to the chosen Protection Plan option. This amount will be held in the Hirer’s credit/debit card to ensure the excess payment in the event of robbery or accident and any other vehicle damage during the rental period. 2) If the security deposit amount is not authorized by the bank or by the credit/debit card owner, this Rental Agreement cannot be executed, and the vehicle cannot be delivered. In this case, the regular cancelation policy will apply, and the full booking amount will be charged to the Hirer. 3) The security deposit will be returned to the Hirer at the end of the rental period, by a Rental Firm staff member, who shall state the vehicle is in the same conditions compared to when it was collected. 4) Vehicle damage and equipment/extras damage costs will be charged according to the Rental Firm price table. 5) In case of an accident where the Hirer does not consider himself/herself responsible, the Rental Firm will hold the full amount of the security deposit until the insurance company states the responsibility. 6) If the damage repair costs cannot be determined immediately, the Rental Firm will hold the full amount of the security deposit. 7) The Hirer agrees that the Rental Firm is authorized to charge the credit/debit card on file for any further amounts that may arise such as parking tickets, fines, traffic offence penalties, tolls, damages to the vehicle (interior or exterior) and overdue amounts, of which the Hirer bears the sole responsibility. Rental Firm is entitled to verify any of the damages to the vehicle for 30 days after the last day of the rental agreement. If the Rental Firm is notified or contacted by any administrative private or public entity due to the Hirer´s behavior, the Rental Firm will charge the Hirer, for each individual event, an administrative fee of i) 25€ if only the identification of the Hirer/Driver was legally required (an exceptional reduced fee of 15€ may apply to tolls' entities with which there is an established protocol) or ii) an administrative fee of € 50 if the Rental Firm had to legally make any payment on behalf of the Hirer or present any opposition/appeal, without prejudice of the complete reimbursement to the Rental Firm by the Hirer of any amounts paid by the Rental Firm arising or aggravated by the Hirer´s behavior. 8) The Hirer must provide the Rental Firm with an alternative credit/debit card that can be used to meet Hirer’s obligations under the Rental Firm Terms and Conditions, in case of insufficient funds, declined transactions for any reason, and cancelled or suspended credit/debit card. 9) All unpaid invoices will be added interest, which is the highest legal rate plus a flat fee, corresponding to 20% of the unpaid amount and any compensation for occurred damages / lost profits due by law. In the event of a legal dispute somehow related with this contract, the parties agree that the jurisdiction of the pick-up location will be applied. In case of a complaint in relation to this Rental Agreement, the Hirer shall first contact the Rental Firm. The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform, which you can reach at The Rental Firm is not obliged to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration body. If parties do not reach an amicable out-of-court settlement, all disputes shall be submitted to the competent court in the applicable jurisdiction. 10) Regarding Subscription Bookings, a deposit will be held at pick up. The amount of the Deposit will be 2.500€ (deposit and liability). A monthly bank authorization will be held to that purpose. In the context of Subscription Bookings, only one extra Driver is allowed.

14. Customer Agreement

1) This agreement constitutes the arrangement of the parties and there are no other oral undertakings, warranties or arrangements between the parties. Any charges are calculated in accordance with the Rental Agreement and applicable Terms and Conditions available at the Rental Firm’s website. 2) When booking and paying the initial deposit, the Hirer voluntarily agreed with Rental Firm Terms and Conditions. 3) The Hirer assures that all information supplied in relation to this Rental Agreement is truthful. 4) This Rental Agreement may only be assigned to any third party with the written agreement of both parties.

15. Vehicles and brands

If, for any reason that is not the rental firm’s responsibility, such as a delay by the previous renter, accident, theft, breakdown, weather conditions, pandemics, strikes or any other situation that can compromise the delivery of the vehicle previously reserved, it is not possible to perform the vehicle delivery on the stipulated date or time, the Rental Firm can: 1) Provide the Hirer a similar category or model. The Vehicle brand, year of edition, design or color may vary. 2) Inform the Hirer of unavailability of the vehicle and provide him/her with the full refund of the amount paid, and no other additional compensation to the extent permitted by the applicable law.

16. Data Protection

For the purposes of the provisions of current regulations regarding the protection of personal data and services of the information society and electronic commerce, you are informed that your personal data, both those provided for the formalization of this contract and those collected during the term of the rental services, will be incorporated into a personal data file in order to be able to manage the rental services of hired vehicles, as well as for commercial purposes such as keeping you promptly informed of all those offers, products and promotions that may be of interest to you, by email. The Hirer has the rights recognized in the General Data Protection Regulation to access, rectify and delete the data, oppose the processing and request its limitation.

All information regarding the use and protection of data from geolocation or telematic sources will follow the terms defined in the Privacy Policy

17. Cancellation Policy

Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy - Effective Date: 29.01.2024

This cancellation policy ("Policy") governs the cancellation and refund procedures for reservations made with the Indie Campers Group ("Company") rental fleet in all countries and locations where the Group Operate. By making a reservation with the Company, the traveler agrees to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in this article.

17.1. Applicability: This Policy shall apply to all reservations made after the deployment of the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation policy 29th of January 2024 forward. Existing reservations made until the 28th of January 2024 shall continue to be subject to the cancellation and refund conditions set forth by the “Indie Fleet Super Flexible Cancellation Policy”, described in number 17.7

17.2 Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy conditions:

17.2.1 First Stage: Cancellation more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date:

In the event of a cancellation more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be entitled to a full refund of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value.

During this stage if additional services or days are added by the traveller, full payment for the increased booking value is required immediately.

Traveller also understands that the if the traveller already paid partially the booking the traveller will be requested a 2nd payment 30 days before the pick-up date to close the accounts of that booking.

If the second payment fails, the booking will be automatically cancelled after 3 days of failed attempts. Please note that if the full booking value has not been paid by the time of the second payment failure, the traveller will not be entitled to a refund, and the customer will not be considered as being in the Second Stage.

17.2.2 Second Stage: Cancellation between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date:

Reservations made with less the 30 days to the pick-up date must be paid 100% in the first payment. If the reservation is cancelled between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of 50% of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value that includes the value of any services that were added or subcontracted during that period.

17.2.3 Third Stage: Cancellation between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date:

For cancellations made between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date, a refund of 5% of the total amount paid until that date shall be granted, calculated based on the existing booking value.

17.2.4 Fourth Stage: Same-day cancellation:

In the event of a cancellation on the same day as the scheduled pick-up date, travellers shall not be entitled to receive any refund.

17.3. Payment and Refund Considerations:

The cancellation policy is integrated with the flexible payment options Indie Campers provided to the travellers making a reservation for a road trip. Indie Campers Group cancellation policies are designed to seamlessly integrate with our flexible payment options, ensuring a hassle-free experience for travellers who reserve a road trip with Indie Campers. When creating a reservation associated with the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation, travellers have the right to parcel their payments. The initial payment amounts to 50% of the booking value, while the remaining balance can be settled through a second payment, due 30 days prior to the pick-up date. Alternatively, travellers may choose to pay the full amount of the booking at the time of reservation. Please note that for all reservations made under the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation, within 30 days of the selected pick-up date, the total reservation value must be paid upon reservation. For reservations made with partial payment, the completion of the second payment is essential to ensure the reservation's validity. Failure to fulfil the second payment will result in automatic cancellation of the reservation, without any entitlement to a refund In the event that additional services are added to the reservation or modifications are made that increase the booking value, the corresponding additional payment must be made immediately upon request. This ensures the effective inclusion of the requested services within the scope of the reservation. Conversely, if additional services are added or modifications are made resulting in a decreased booking value, the refundable amount in the case of cancellation within 30 days and 1 day before the pick-up date will be proportionately adjusted. Whenever the entitled is entitled to a refund, Indie Campers shall process a transfer of the amounts to the travellers account within 5-10 business days.

17.4 Applicability to Indie Campers Fleet Rental Reservation:

This new cancellation policy is solely applicable to reservation involving Rental Business of Indie Campers Fleet. Reservation involving third-party vehicles shall not undergo any changes to their existing cancellation policies at this time

17.5 Refund Calculation Steps Explained.

As part of our commitment to providing a seamless and flexible experience for our valued travellers, we have established a refund calculation policy that applies to reservation changes and cancellations.

Increased Booking Value: If additional services or days are added to your booking, resulting in an increased booking value, travellers are required to make full payment for the additional cost immediately when contacting our Customer Experience team. This step ensures the validity of the reservation.

Cancellation Before 30 Days: Should a traveller decide to cancel their reservation before the 30-day mark, they will be entitled to a refund of the amount paid so far, excluding any process handling fees.

Failure to Complete Second Payment: In the event that the second payment is not made after all attempts, the amount paid upfront shall be forfeited, and no refund will be issued. Consequently, the booking will be cancelled.

Cancellation After Second Payment: If a traveller has made the second payment and subsequently decides to cancel the reservation, the refund amount will be determined based on the terms and conditions of the cancellation policy.

Decreased Booking Value: Should any extras or days be decreased from the booking, resulting in a decreased booking value, the Company will not issue a refund for these changes.

Refund Processing Fee: In certain cases, a process handling fee may apply to cover administrative costs. The amount of this fee will be clearly outlined at the time of cancellation.

17.6 Changes to the policy Please note that this Policy is subject to change at the discretion of the Company. It is the traveller responsibility to review the most recent version of this Policy available on our website or to contact our customer service for any updates. If the traveller requires further clarification or have any questions concerning our cancellation policy, we recommend reading the article on the help center or contacting our customer service team for guidance. By making a booking with the Company, the Traveller acknowledges that have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this Policy.

17.7 Indie Fleet Super Flexible Cancellation Policy conditions - Applicable to reservations until 28/01/2024 Indie Campers' fleet has the Super Flexible cancellation policy applied to all its bookings: Super Flexible Cancellation Policy: The Hirer agrees that if it cancels the reservation 17 or more days prior to the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller will be reimbursed the whole amount you paid until the date. Please keep in mind that both options are only available if the traveller akready paid the full amount of the booking value. The hirer agrees that if it cancels the reservation with less than 17 days and more than 72 hours prior to the scheduled check-in date, traveller will be refunded 50% of the booking value, or the traveller you will be refunded with a voucher of the full amount of your booking value deducting a cancellation fee (15 % of booking value). For cancelations made within 72 hours prior to the scheduled check-in date, you will not be entitled to receive any refund or travel voucher Voucher Refunds: Effective immediately upon the deployment of the new Flexible Cancellation Policy, the option of receiving a refund in the form of a "voucher" shall no longer be available for new reservation assigned to this policy

17.8 Partially Refundable Cancellation Policy

17.8.1 Customers are entitled to a 5% refund of the booking amount if the cancellation is made more than one day prior to the scheduled pick-up date. No refunds will be issued for cancellations made on the same day as the pick-up date.

17.8.2. Booking Payment Options

First Stage: Cancellation more than 30 days to the scheduled pick-up date:

For reservations made more than 30 days before the pick-up date, a payment of 50% of the total booking amount is required at the time of booking. The remaining 50% will be charged 30 days before the pick-up date.

If the second payment fails, the booking will be automatically cancelled after 3 days of failed attempts. Please note that if the full booking value has not been paid by the time of the second payment failure, the traveller will not be entitled to a refund, and the customer will not be considered as being in the Second Stage

If the reservation is cancelled more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of the total (100%) booking value paid until that date.

Second Stage: Cancellation between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date:

Reservations made with less than 30 days to the pick-up date must be paid 100% in the first payment.

If the reservation is cancelled between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of 50% of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value that includes the value of any services that were added or subcontracted during that period.

Third Stage: Cancellation between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date:

For cancellations made between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date, a refund of 5% of the total amount paid until that date shall be granted, calculated based on the existing booking value.

17.8.3. Specific-City Cancelation Policies

Group A Cities (Lisbon, Madrid, Naples, Dublin, Cologne, Amsterdam, Marseille, Oslo, Anchorage, San Francisco, Orlando): All bookings in these cities require 100% payment upfront, regardless of the cancellation policy.

Group B Cities (Barcelona, Rome FCO, Catania, Stuttgart, Paris Charles de Gaulle, Stockholm, Bergen, Denver, Chicago, Auckland, Melbourne): All bookings in these cities will have both policies active, with the Partially Refundable Policy requiring a mandatory 100% payment upfront. The Flexible Policy will follow standard payment options as outlined.

Group C (Bilbao, Florence, Olbia, Edinburgh, Hamburg, Brussels Zaventem, Toulouse, Geneva, Helsinki, Seattle, New York, Miami, Brisbane): These cities apply the Partially Refundable Policy and the Flexible Policy with standard payment options as detailed in section 17.1.

Other Cities: Cities not included in Groups A, B, or C will default to the Flexible Policy, described under article 17.1 and following, which is offered free of charge.

17.8.4 Flexible Policy Pricing

The price for the Flexible Policy is determined based on the booking's proximity to the pick-up date, with the policy becoming less expensive as the pick-up date approaches.

Terms & Conditions for Rental Vehicle in Australia & New Zealand

1.Vehicle conditions

1.1 The Hirer acknowledges having received the Vehicle and rented extras, with all the legally required documents, in a clean condition with all the features working.

1.2 The Hirer will return the Vehicle in a clean condition, with the same amount of fuel at the pick-up, and with all the Vehicle’s features operating in normally, on the return date, time and location established in the Rental Agreement.

1.3 Failure to meet these criteria will result in additional charges to the Hirer according to the Rental Firm price table.

1.4 Any loss of or damage to the Vehicle, rented extras, equipment or spare parts, will be fully charged to the Hirer according to the Rental Firm price table.

2. Documents

2.1 The execution and signature of this Rental Agreement is subject to the existence and presentation of: a. a valid vehicle driver’s licence to drive in Australia or New Zealand, as applicable; b. a valid ID or Passport; and c. a valid credit card (Vis, AMEX or Mastercard). All documents were presented upon the Vehicle’s collection and signing of this Rental Agreement. If the Hirer does not present the necessary documents, the Vehicle cannot be rented and the Hirer is liable to the Rental Firm in the amount of the full booking fee. The Rental Firm and the Hirer agree this is reasonable and justified, in circumstances where it represents the Rental Firm’s true loss and damage as the Rental Firm will have reserved the Vehicle for the Hirer and withheld it from hire by other potential hirers, in the expectation that the Hirer would comply with this clause, and therefore lost the ability to rent the Vehicle to another potential hirer.

2.2 It is the responsibility of the Hirer to hold a valid license to drive in Australia or New Zealand, as applicable.

2.3 The Hirer must be at least 21 years old

3. Use of the Vehicle

3.1 The Hirer undertakes that, during the Rental Period, the Vehicle will not be: a) driven by any person that is not mentioned in the Rental Agreement as a driver; b) driven in an imprudent and dangerous way; c) driven by a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs; d) left with the key inside the Vehicle, while unoccupied; e) damaged by submersion in water, contact with salt water, driving through flooded areas, beach driving and unpaved roads; f) used for any race, contest or any illegal activities; g) used to tow any Vehicle; h) used to carry passengers or property for hire or reward; i) used to carry a number of passengers superior to the maximum capacity permitted by law; 0) used to carry hazardous materials, volatile liquids, gases, explosives or other corrosive or inflammable material, apart from the gas provided by the Rental Firm; k) used for the purpose of transporting and haulage goods other than what might be reasonably expected of a leisure rental; l) subject to installation of accessories, or advertising or commercial mentions; or m) driven off-road, on closed roads, or roads not suited for the rented Vehicle according to local laws and regulation.

3. 2 To the maximum extent permitted at law, the Rental Firm shall not be responsible for any of the consequences, nor for any damage, loss and/or other costs resulting from the Hirer not acting in conformity with the aforementioned points (a) to (l).

3.3 The Hirer acknowledges and agrees that the Rental Firm retains the title of the Vehicle at all times and shall not agree, attempt, offer or purport to sell, sub-let, lend or mortgage the Vehicle to any other party.

3. 4 The Hirer shall not make any modifications or additions to the Vehicle, without prior written consent from the Rental Firm.

3.5 The Hirer shall take all reasonable steps to properly maintain the Vehicle, including, daily checks of the Oil, Water and Batteries, and will contact the Rental Firm if Vehicle warning lights indicate any potential malfunction.

3.6 Any electrical devices (including the cooler) cannot be connected to the battery for more than 4 hours in a row, without charging the Vehicle battery every day in camping places or in other 220V sources.

3.7 The Hirer is responsible for monitoring and obtaining information on weather forecasts and road conditions on his travels, and public warning thereof.

3.8 This Rental Agreement will be immediately terminated and the booking will be canceled without any need of judicial intervention if the Vehicle is used in any terms that constitute a violation of this Rental Agreement or the commission of a crime. Additionally, in these circumstances, the Rental Firm reserves the right to, justifiably and acting reasonably, recover the Vehicle, at any time, without previous notice, and to the maximum extent permitted at law the Hirer is held responsible for all the charges, costs and expenses involved in such recovery.

3.9 The Hirer may not, in any case, sublet or assign the Vehicle without prior written consent of the Rental Firm.

4. Pets

4.1 It is permitted to travel with one pet if its weight does not exceed 30kg. In such a case, a fee will be charged (After-trip Cleaning). The After-trip Cleaning covers the cleaning of the Vehicle after the rental, while the Hirer is liable for any and all damages caused by the pet in the interior and exterior of the Vehicle. It is the responsibility of the Hirer to guarantee that the pet travels in safe conditions and according to the local regulations. The Rental Firm will not be liable for any traffic tickets or legal fees due to the pet's presence inside the Vehicle.

5. Gas Policy

5.1 Models with Portable Cookers: The Rental Firm intends to provide customers with at least 1 full disposable canister of gas (220g). Should local gas supply be an issue or limitations on the purchasing of gas by local authorities be imposed, the Rental Firm cannot be held responsible for the inability to provide the Hirer with a canister of gas.

5.2 Models with Built-in Cooker/Stove: The Rental Firm intends to provide customers with at least one full sealed cylinder of camping gas. The Hirer has the option of using the full sealed cylinder during the trip and in case they do, the Rental Firm will be charging the Hirer according to the defined pricing. Should local gas supply be an issue or limitations on the purchasing of gas by local authorities be imposed, the Rental Firm can not be held responsible for the inability to provide the Hirer with a cylinder of gas.

5.3 Additional gas bottles or refills can be purchased throughout the Rental Period at the Hirer's own expense.

5.4 Different connections and gas bottles are in place in different countries and might require an adapter to refill. Please note that the provided gas bottles must not be exchanged for foreign ones, otherwise, a Fee will be applied.

6.AdBlue Policy

6.1 AdBlue is a diesel exhaust fluid required in modern diesel engine vehicles. All models requiring AdBlue are identified with an AdBlue tank, located next to the fuel tank. Similarly to fuel level, the Vehicle dashboard shows if the AdBlue level is low.

6.2 The Vehicle is delivered above the minimum AdBlue for circulation (without AdBlue lights on) and must be returned in the same conditions, otherwise a Refueling Fee will be applied.

6.3 During the trip, the Hirer is responsible for ensuring the Vehicle always has both Fuel and AdBlue required for circulation without damaging the engine.

6.4 Additional AdBlue can be purchased throughout the Rental Period at any fuel station at the Hirer's own expense. The Rental Firm will not reimburse the Hirer for any AdBlue fluid expenses upon return of the Vehicle.

7. Mileage policy

7.1 All bookings include a fixed number of kilometres per night for free, which may vary according to seasonality and number of nights. Hirers have the option to add extra kilometres packages or unlimited kilometres before their trip during the booking process. Any additional kilometres will be charged at drop-off. The value of the fee per extra kilometre for each reservation is communicated during the booking process, as it might vary with the pick-up location and Vehicle model.

7.2 .The value of the fee per extra kilometre for each subscription is communicated during the booking process, as it might vary with the pick-up location and vehicle model.

8. On-Road Assistance and Technical Issues

8.1 Any problems associated with the Vehicle, including equipment failure, must be reported immediately to the Rental Firm as it might be possible to rectify the problem during the Rental Period. To the maximum extent permitted at law, the absence of such report previously to external on-road assistance calling nullifies the responsibility of the Rental Firm.

8.2 The Hirer must contact the Rental Firm before contacting any external on-road Assistance Company as the Rental Firm might assist the Hirer with technical issues, whereupon it will not dislocate its own employees for vehicle repairing/exchange services.

8.3 The Rental Firm’s assistance covers any technical or mechanical malfunction of the Vehicle arising from a manufacturing or material fault that directly renders the part concerned unfit for operation during the warranty period.

8.4 The following occurrences are not covered by the Rental Firm’s assistance:

a) the Vehicle running out of fuel; b) the keys being locked inside the Vehicle, damaged (e.g. humidity in the key), or lost; c) discharged batteries caused by incorrect usage and/or incorrect usage of any equipment that requires batteries to operate; d) Vehicle blocked off-road or at an unpaved road; e) a breakdown caused by willful neglect (e.g. off-road driving); or. f) assistance to change a flat tire - any tow/relocation expenses will be charged to the Hirer.

8.5 The Rental Firm provides 24hr Assistance, although outside standard business working hours some delays may occur.

8.6 In case of any malfunction, the Hirer is not allowed to make repairs or alterations to the Vehicle, unless authorized by the Rental Firm and following exact instructions. For any malfunction that does not require vehicle immobilisation and that cannot be repaired on-site, the Hirer must mobilise the Vehicle to a specific location to be indicated by the Rental Firm. In case of Subscription Rentals, if a mandatory inspection is required during the subscription period, the Hirer must present themselves at a specific location to be indicated by the Rental Firm. In the event of an accident in which the Hirer is found responsible for, the Rental Firm is not obliged to present a replacement vehicle.

8.7 In the event of vehicle immobilisation due to mechanical breakdown, or accident, and if it is not possible to repair on-site, the Rental Firm shall send a tow truck to drive the Vehicle and the Hirer to the closest workshop or rental depot.

9. Insurance Coverage

9.1 The rental Vehicle is insured against third party vehicles and property damage.

9.2 The Insurance is valid in Australia or New Zealand, as applicable. The Vehicle can only be driven in the country in which the insurance is valid. Driving in countries other than the ones mentioned above constitutes a violation of this Rental Agreement, and to the maximum extent permitted at law the Rental Firm is not liable for any damage, malfunction or other consequence that happens outside the country in which the Insurance is valid. The Hirer acknowledges and agrees it is liable for any reparation costs and/or relocation of the Vehicle and any other administrative costs, charges, fees, fines, liabilities or penalties the Rental firm incurs as a result of that unauthorised use.

9.3 The insurance for the Vehicle only applies for the period stipulated in the Rental Agreement. To the maximum extent permitted at law, the Rental Firm excludes liability for any damage or loss arising outside that period, and the Hirer is liable for any such damage or loss and indemnifies the Rental Firm from against such damage or loss.

9.4 Subject to clause 11 of these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions, the Hirer is responsible for any damage incurred while in possession of the Vehicle, up to the amount of the security deposit. All the Protection Plan options and security deposit only cover the first accident suitable to activate the Insurance coverage of each rental. In case of more than one accident suitable to activate the Insurance coverage during the Rental Period, the Hirer is responsible for the full repair costs of each additional damage. To cover the costs of any possible damages, the Rental Firm will block the full amount of the security deposit on the credit card associated to the Hirer.

9.5 All Protection plans include Roadside Assistance (which includes 24/7 Line Assistance and the towing of the Vehicle to a nearby Rental Firm depot or auto garage in case of accidents or mechanical breakdown). The Rental Firm maintains the right to charge any additional costs incurred by it that are not covered by the insurance agreement/Roadside Assistance.

9.6 If Window Coverage is selected, the repair cost of one glass window is covered. Headlights, side mirrors and roof windows (skylights) are not included.

9.7 If Tire Coverage is selected, the accidental damage of one tire is covered. Rim and service of changing the tire is not included.

9.8 Protection Plans are not included nor can be subscribed by the Hirer under the Subscription Bookings. However: a) roadside assistance will be provided under the same conditions of the Short Term Bookings; and ii) the Rental Firm will provide maintenance tires (only for usage, not damage) and oil change.

9.9 If, under a Subscription Booking, damage arises that is the Hirer’s fault, the Rental Firm will provide the Hirer with a replacement for the Vehicle once the Rental Firm is reimbursed in full for such damage.

9. 10 In, under a Subscription Booking, there is a Vehicle malfunction for which the Rental Firm is liable, the Rental Firm will provide the Hirer with a new vehicle once the incident is analysed by the Rental Firm.

10. Accident / Vehicle Damage

In the event of an accident or Vehicle damage, the Hirer agrees to:

10.1 Immediately notify the Rental Firm and police authorities of any accident, theft, robbery or other misfortune;

10.2 Take pictures and obtain names and addresses of all persons involved as well as witnesses, that can document what happened;

10.3 fill in and complete the accident report, together with other vehicles that may be involved;

10.4 Avoid leaving the Vehicle without taking all measures regarding its protection and safety;

10.5 Avoid taking any responsibility or pleading guilty on behalf of the Rental Firm, or taking any other steps that might render the Rental Firm liable; and

10.6 Collect the accident report signed by all parties involved and the documents prepared by the police authorities, along with the Vehicle keys, if retained (in case of Vehicle theft) and send it immediately to the Rental Firm.

The Hirer acknowledges and agrees the requirements of this clause are consistent with the requirements of the Insurance relevant to the Vehicle, and a failure to comply with these requirements may result in the Insurance coverage not responding and the Hirer being liable for relevant damage, expenses, liabilities, losses and penalties..

11. Liabilities

11.1 In these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions:

The Authorized Drivers hereby agree to abide by all child safety rules and regulations as applicable by Federal and Alberta law, including, a) ACL means the Australian Consumer Law Schedule of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) and its associated regulations; b) CGA means the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (NZ); and c) consumer is as defined in the ACL or CGA, as applicable.

11.2 Except as these Terms and Conditions specifically state, or as contained in any other written document provided by the Rental Firm in relation to the Vehicle, the Rental Agreement does not include by implication any other condition, term or warranty in respect of the acceptability, condition, design, fitness for purpose, manufacture, merchantability, performance or quality of the Vehicle, or any contractual remedy for its failure.

11.3 If the Hirer is a consumer, nothing in these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions limits, modifies or restricts the Hirer’s rights or remedies against the Rental Firm form a failure of a statutory guarantee under the ACL or the CGA, as applicable.

11.4 If the Hirer is not a consumer, then other than as stated in these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions or as contained in any other written document provided by the Rental Firm in relation to the Vehicle, to the maximum extent permitted at law the Rental Firm is not liable to the Hirer in any way arising under or in connection with the storage or use of, or any other dealings with, the Vehicle by the Hirer or any third party.

11.5 The Rental Firm is not liable for any consequential or indirect damage, expense or loss suffered by the Hirer or any third party, howsoever caused, including but not limited to loss of business or goodwill, loss of a chance, loss of an opportunity, loss of profit or liability to any other party, except to the extent of any liability imposed by the ACL or CGA, as applicable, that cannot be excluded.

11.6 Nothing in these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions is to be interpreted as excluding, modifying or restricting, or having the effect of excluding, modifying or restricting, the application of any legislation applicable to the supply of goods or services that cannot be excluded, modified or restricted.

11.7 To the maximum extent permitted at law, the Rental Firm excludes liability for personal injuries sustained during the Rental Period.

11.8 The Rental Firm recommends that no valuable items should be left in the Vehicle, out in the open, while the Hirer is away from the Vehicle, and excludes liability for any belongings lost or stolen during the Rental Period.

11.9 To the maximum extent permitted at law, the Rental Firm excludes liability for any damage to the interior or exterior of the Vehicle arising due to vandalism/theft, accidental or weather damages.

11.10 To the maximum extent permitted at law, where the Rental Firm’s liability cannot be excluded, any liability of the Rental Firm is limited to the amount paid out under the Insurance.

11.11 The Hirer acknowledges and agrees that, to the maximum extent permitted at law, the Hirer is liable and responsible for all costs, damage, expenses, liabilities or penalties as follows (which are expressly excluded from any Protection Plan that the Hirer may have purchased):

any and all damage to the Vehicle, arising from the Hirer’s breach of a clause in this Rental Agreement; b) any and all damage caused by willful conduct of the Hirer, or the influence of alcohol, drugs or any substance on the Hirer that reduces driving ability; c) any loss of, damage to or theft of personal belongings; d) any and all damage arising from the Hirer’s careless or negligent behavior, or failure to abide by local road rules or Rental Firm instructions; e) the cost to retrieve or recover the Vehicle from any restricted area, submerged, bogged, trapped, or abandoned, unless caused by circumstances beyond the control of the Hirer; f) the cost to replace keys which have become damaged, lost, stolen, or locked inside the Vehicle; g) any and all damage caused by use of the Vehicle by a driver not identified in the Rental Agreement, or with a canceled, expired, suspended or seized driver’s license; h) any and all costs associated with the incorrect use of fuel, or use of incorrect fuel; i) any and all damage to the Vehicle below side door lines or above the windscreen line, if there is no collision with third parties; j) any and all damage arising from the hitting of an an animal while driving; and k) any and all damages caused by the wind blowing up a Vehicle door.

12. Return of the Vehicle

12.1 The Vehicle must be returned at the date, time and location specified in the Rental Agreement.

12.2 The Hirer can change the drop off location or check-out date/time if the Rental Firm Reservations staff have previously authorised such change in writing. Charges may apply and are payable by the Hirer, and the amount of any such charges will be communicated by the Rental Firm’s Reservations team prior to confirmation of the change. The charges apply to all cases, irrespective of the reasons behind the change. If the Rental Firm does not confirm the change via email, the Hirer must comply with the contract location and drop-off date and time as outlined in the Rental Agreement.

12.3 If the Hirer fails to obtain prior authorisation from Rental Firm Reservations staff to effect return of the Vehicle other than in accordance with the schedule agreed in the Rental Agreement, the Hirer will be liable to and must pay to the Rental Firm an amount equal to three times the rental nightly rate be paid immediately upon the drop-off, which the Rental Firm and the Hirer agree is a genuine pre-estimate of the Rental Firm’s loss arising from such breach by the Hirer

12.4 If the Vehicle is not returned to a Rental Firm employee, the Hirer is liable for any and all resulting losses or damage, including Vehicle theft or robbery.

12.5 Vehicle equipment: The Vehicle is provided with a cleaning kit, and other equipment. If the Vehicle is not returned with the cleaning kit and equipment and/or rental extras in the same conditions as they were supplied to the Hirer, the Rental Firm may charge the Hirer the value of such items, and the Hirer must pay such amounts to the Rental Firm.

12.6 Cleaning Fees Hygiene Facilities: You may be charged a fee of 75 AUD/ 100 NZ if there is evidence of smoking or vaping in our Vehicle. The Cleaning Fee Hygiene Facilities also includes the uncleaning of the fridge. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto. 12.6.1 Water Cleaning Fee: You will be charged a fee of 150 AUD/ 175 NZ if the grey water tank its not empty and 230 AUD/ 250 NZ for the black water tank. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.

12.7 Deep Cleaning Fee: You may be charged a fee of 200 AUD/ 225 NZ if the Vehicle is returned substantially less clean then delivered and beyond the conditions described above on i) the renter will be charged this deep cleaning fee. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.

12.8 If the Vehicle is not returned with the same fuel level as at pick-up, the Hirer will be charged 100 AUD/ 125 NZ for every 1⁄4 tank missing.

13. Liability / Security Deposit and After Rental Payments

13.1 Subject to this clause, the security deposit can only be paid by credit card (Visa, AMEX or Mastercard), and the credit card owner must be present at the pick-up. If the Hirer proposes to use a debit card, only debit cards which allow a hold deposit to be processed will be accepted. Under no circumstances will the Rental Firm accept a deposit to be charged as a transaction on any card type. The Hirer agrees to check with its issuing bank whether its debit card will allow a hold deposit to be processed. At the Vehicle delivery, the Hirer is required to pay the security deposit according to the chosen Protection Plan option. This amount will be held on the Hirer’s credit card to ensure the excess payment in the event of robbery or accident and any other Vehicle damage during the Rental Period.

13.2 If the security deposit amount is not authorised by the bank or by the credit card owner, this Rental Agreement cannot be executed, and the Vehicle cannot be delivered.

13.3 The security deposit will be returned to the Hirer at the end of the Rental Period, by a Rental Firm staff member, provided the Rental Firm staff member determines and states that the Vehicle is in the same condition as it was when it was first collected by the Hirer.

13.4 Vehicle damage and equipment/extras damage costs will be charged according to the Rental Firm price table.

13.5 In case of an accident where the Hirer does not consider himself/herself responsible, the Rental Firm will hold the full amount of the security deposit until the insurance company determines and communicates to the Rental Firm that the Hirer is not responsible for the accident.

13.6 If the damage repair costs cannot be determined immediately, the Rental Firm will hold the full amount of the security deposit.

13.7 The Hirer agrees that the Rental Firm is authorised to charge the credit card on file for any further amounts that may arise such as parking tickets, fines, traffic offence penalties, tolls, damage to the Vehicle (interior or exterior) and overdue amounts, of which the Hirer bears the sole responsibility. The Rental Firm is entitled to verify any of the damages to the Vehicle for 30 days after the last day of the Rental Agreement.

13.8 If the Rental Firm is notified or contacted by any administrative private or public entity due to the Hirer´s behavior, the Rental Firm will charge the Hirer, for each individual event, an administrative fee of:

a) $25.00 if only the identification of the Hirer/Driver was legally required (an exceptional reduced fee of $15.00 may apply to tolls' entities with which there is an established protocol); or

b) An administrative fee of $50.00 if the Rental Firm had to legally make any payment on behalf of the Hirer or present any opposition/appeal, without prejudice to the complete reimbursement to the Rental Firm by the Hirer of any amounts paid by the Rental Firm arising by reason of the Hirer´s behavior.

13.9 The Hirer must provide the Rental Firm with an alternative credit card that can be used to meet Hirer’s obligations under the Rental Agreement, in case of insufficient funds, declined transactions for any reason, and cancelled or suspended credit card.

13.10 If the Hirer defaults in payment by the due date of any amount payable to the Rental Firm, then without prejudice to any of its other accrued or contingent rights the Rental Firm may: a) charge the Hirer interest on any sum due at the rate of 5% for the period from the due date until the date of payment in full; and b) charge the Hirer form, and the Hirer must indemnify the Rental Firm from and against, all costs and expenses (including without limitation all legal costs and expenses) incurred by the Rental Firm resulting from the default or in taking action to enforce compliance with the Rental Agreement including these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions.

13.11 Regarding Subscription Bookings, a deposit will be held at pick up. The amount of the deposit will be $2,500 (deposit and liability). A monthly bank authorisation will be held to that purpose. In the context of Subscription Bookings, only one extra Driver is allowed.

14. Customer Agreement

14.1 The Rental Agreement constitutes the arrangement of the parties and there are no other oral undertakings, warranties or arrangements between the parties as to its subject matter. Any charges are calculated in accordance with the Rental Agreement and applicable Terms and Conditions.

14.2 The Hirer’s payment of its deposit under the Rental Agreement evidences its acceptance of and agreement to be bound by the Rental Agreement including these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions.

14.3 The Hirer has used best efforts to ensure all information supplied by it to the Hirer in relation to this Rental Agreement is accurate, complete and truthful.

14.4 This Rental Agreement may only be assigned to any third party with the written agreement of both parties.

15. Vehicles and brands

If, for any reason that is not the Rental Firm’s responsibility, such as a delay by the previous renter, accident, theft, breakdown, weather conditions, pandemics, strikes or any other situation that can compromise the delivery of the vehicle previously reserved, it is not possible to perform the Vehicle delivery on the stipulated date or time, the Rental Firm can:

15.1 Provide the Hirer a similar category or model – The Vehicle brand, year of edition, design or color may vary; or

15.2 Inform the Hirer of unavailability of the Vehicle and provide the Hirer with the full refund of the amount paid, in which case to the maximum extent permitted by law no other or additional compensation is payable by the Rental Firm.

16. Personal Property Securities Act

16.1 In these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions:

a) PPSA means, as as applicable, the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) in Australia, or the Personal Property Securities Act 1999 (NZ) in New Zealand, and its associated regulations as amended from time to time; and

b) for the purpose of this clause, terms used in this clause have the same meaning as contained in the PPSA

16.2 f the Rental Firm determines that the Rental Agreement is or contains a security interest for the purposes of the PPSA, the Hirer must, at its cost and immediately upon the Rental Firm’s request:

a) do all things reasonably required (including execution of documents) to ensure the Rental Firm has an enforceable, continuously perfected security interest (as defined in the PPSA and irrespective of whether there may be monies or other obligations owing by the Hirer at any particular time) created in the Vehicle pursuant to the Rental Agreement. This includes, but is not limited to: i) providing details of any item of collateral sufficient to complete registration of the security interest in accordance with the requirements of the PPSA; ii) enabling the Rental Firm to apply for registration of or give any notification in relation to the security interest; and iii) enabling the Rental Firm to exercise rights in relation to the security interest; and

b) procure from any person considered by the Rental Firm to be relevant to its security position, such agreements and waivers as the Rental Firm may at any time require to ensure the Rental Firm attains the highest ranking security possible in respect of the security interest.

16.3 In circumstances where this Rental Agreement constitutes a PPS Lease (in Australia) or a Security Agreement (in New Zealand), the Hirer acknowledges that it is the grantor and the Rental Firm the secured party holder of a Purchase Money Security Interest (PMSI) by virtue of the Rental Agreement and the PPSA.

16.4 The Hirer must not, except with the Rental Firm’s express written consent, allow to be, or be liable to become, perfected or attached in favour of any person, a security interest in the Vehicle, and whether to a provider of new value or otherwise.

16.5 Where permitted by the PPSA (in Australia), the Hirer waives any right to receive the notifications, verifications, disclosures or other documentation specified under sections 95, 118, 121(4), 130, 132(3)(d), 132(4), 135 and 157 of the PPSA.

16.6 Where permitted by the PPSA (in New Zealand), the Hirer waives any right to receive a copy of any verification statement under section 148 of the PPSA and agrees, to the extent permitted by law (including under section 107 (permitted contracting out) of the PPSA), and in respect of any arrangement between the Rental Firm and the Hirer, the Hirer shall have no rights under or by reference to sections 114(1)(a), 116, 120(2), 121, 125 to 127, 129, or 131 to 134 of the PPSA.

16.7 The Rental Firm and the Hirer agree to contract out of and nothing in the provisions of sections 96, 125, 129, 142 and 143 of the PPSA (in Australia) shall apply to the Rental Agreement.

16.8 To the extent permitted by the PPSA: a) the provisions of Chapter 4 of the PPSA (in Australia) or Part 9 of the PPSA (in New Zealand) which are for the benefit of the Hirer or which place obligations on the Rental Firm will apply only to the extent that they are mandatory or the Rental Firm agrees to the application in writing; b) where the rental Agreement has rights in addition to those in Chapter 4 of the PPSA (in Australia) or Part 9 of the PPSA (in New Zealand), those rights will continue to apply.

16.9 For the purposes of section 275(6) of the PPSA (in Australia), the Rental Firm and the Hirer agree and undertake that the Rental Agreement and any information pertaining to the rental of the Vehicle and details of the Vehicle shall be kept confidential at all times. Neither party may disclose any information pertaining to the Rental Agreement or the rental of the Vehicle, except as required by law or that is already in the public domain.

16.10 The Hirer hereby consents and appoints the Rental Firm to be an interested person and the Hirer’s authorised representative for the purposes of section 275(9) of the PPSA (in Australia).

16.11 The Rental Firm may allocate amounts received from the Hirer in any manner the Rental Firm determines, including in any manner required to preserve the PMSI it has in the Vehicle.

16.12 If (in New Zealand) the Rental Firm does not have a security interest registered on the New Zealand Personal Property Securities Register in the Vehicle within 10 working days of the Hirer taking possession of the Vehicle, the Rental Period (including any option to renew to extend, or the aggregate of consecutive Rental Periods during which the Hirer may have substantially uninterrupted possession) shall, notwithstanding anything else in the Rental Agreement, be the lesser of the following (without any ability to renew or extend the rental period); a) the specified Rental Period; and b) one year only (being one day short of the applicable threshold for a lease for a term under the PPSA).

17. Severability.

If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unlawful, contrary to public policy, void or unenforceable, all remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.

18. Governing law and jurisdiction

18.1 The Rental Agreement and these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions are governed by, and are to be construed in all respects with, the laws of Portugal.

18.2 The Rental Firm and the Hirer submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the city of Lisbon, Portugal.

19. Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy

Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy Effective Date: 29.01.2024 This cancellation policy ("Policy") governs the cancellation and refund procedures for reservations made with the Indie Campers Group ("Company") rental fleet in all countries and locations where the Group Operate. By making a reservation with the Company, the traveler agrees to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in this article.

19.1. 1. Applicability: This Policy shall apply to all reservations made after the deployment of the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation policy 29th of January 2024 forward. Existing reservations made until the 28th of January 2024 shall continue to be subject to the cancellation and refund conditions set forth by the “Indie Fleet Super Flexible Cancellation Policy”, described in number 19.7

19.2 Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy conditions:

19.2.1 First Stage: Cancellation more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date:

In the event of a cancellation more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be entitled to a full refund of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value. During this stage if additional services or days are added by the traveller, full payment for the increased booking value is required immediately. Traveller also understand that the if the traveller already paid partially the booking the traveller will be requested a 2nd payment 30 days before the pick-up date to close the accounts of that booking If the second payment fails, the booking will be automatically cancelled after 3 days of failed attempts. Please note that if the full booking value has not been paid by the time of the second payment failure, the traveller will not be entitled to a refund, and the customer will not be considered as being in the Second Stage

19.2.2 Second Stage: Cancellation between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date:

Reservations made with less the 30 days to the pick-up date must be paid 100% in the first payment. If the reservation is cancelled between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of 50% of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value that includes the value of any services that were added or subcontracted during that period.

19.2.3 Third Stage: Cancellation between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date:

For cancellations made between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date, a refund of 5% of the total amount paid until that date shall be granted, calculated based on the existing booking value.

19.2.4 Fourth Stage: Same-day cancellation:

In the event of a cancellation on the same day as the scheduled pick-up date, travellers shall not be entitled to receive any refund.

19.3 Payment and Refund Considerations:

The cancellation policy is integrated with the flexible payment options Indie Campers provided to the travellers making a reservation for a road trip. Indie Campers Group cancellation policies are designed to seamlessly integrate with our flexible payment options, ensuring a hassle-free experience for travellers who reserve a road trip with Indie Campers. When creating a reservation associated with the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation, travellers have the right to parcel their payments. The initial payment amounts to 50% of the booking value, while the remaining balance can be settled through a second payment, due 30 days prior to the pick-up date. Alternatively, travellers may choose to pay the full amount of the booking at the time of reservation. Please note that for all reservations made under the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation, within 30 days of the selected pick-up date, the total reservation value must be paid upon reservation. For reservations made with partial payment, the completion of the second payment is essential to ensure the reservation's validity. Failure to fulfil the second payment will result in automatic cancellation of the reservation, without any entitlement to a refund In the event that additional services are added to the reservation or modifications are made that increase the booking value, the corresponding additional payment must be made immediately upon request. This ensures the effective inclusion of the requested services within the scope of the reservation. Conversely, if additional services are added or modifications are made resulting in a decreased booking value, the refundable amount in the case of cancellation within 30 days and 1 day before the pick-up date will be proportionately adjusted. Whenever the entitled is entitled to a refund, Indie Campers shall process a transfer of the amounts to the travellers account within 5-10 business days.

19.4 Applicability to Rental Reservation:

This new cancellation policy is solely applicable to reservation involving Rental Business of Indie Campers Fleet. Reservation involving third-party vehicles shall not undergo any changes to their existing cancellation policies at this time

19.5 Refund Calculation Steps Explained.

As part of our commitment to providing a seamless and flexible experience for our valued travelers, we have established a refund calculation policy that applies to reservation changes and cancellations.

Increased Booking Value: If additional services or days are added to your booking, resulting in an increased booking value, travellers are required to make full payment for the additional cost immediately when contacting our Customer Experience team. This step ensures the validity of the reservation.

Cancellation Before 30 Days: Should a traveller decide to cancel their reservation before the 30-day mark, they will be entitled to a refund of the amount paid so far, excluding any process handling fees.

Failure to Complete Second Payment: In the event that the second payment is not made after all attempts, the amount paid upfront shall be forfeited, and no refund will be issued. Consequently, the booking will be cancelled.

Cancellation After Second Payment: If a traveller has made the second payment and subsequently decides to cancel the reservation, the refund amount will be determined based on the terms and conditions of the cancellation policy.

Decreased Booking Value: Should any extras or days be decreased from the booking, resulting in a decreased booking value, the Company will not issue a refund for these changes.

Refund Processing Fee: In certain cases, a process handling fee may apply to cover administrative costs. The amount of this fee will be clearly outlined at the time of cancellation.

19.6 Changes to the policy Please note that this Policy is subject to change at the discretion of the Company. It is the traveller responsibility to review the most recent version of this Policy available on our website or to contact our customer service for any updates. If the traveller requires further clarification or have any questions concerning our cancellation policy, we recommend reading the article on the help center or contacting our customer service team for guidance. By making a booking with the Company, the Traveller acknowledges that have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this Policy.

19.7 Indie Fleet Super Flexible Cancellation Policy conditions: Applicable to reservations until 28/01/2024 Indie Campers' fleet has the Super Flexible cancellation policy applied to all its bookings: Super Flexible Cancellation Policy: The Hirer agrees that if it cancels the reservation 17 or more days prior to the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller will be reimbursed the whole amount you paid until the date. Please keep in mind that both options are only available if the traveller akready paid the full amount of the booking value. The hirer agrees that if it cancels the reservation with less than 17 days and more than 72 hours prior to the scheduled check-in date, traveller will be refunded 50% of the booking value, or the travelleryou will be refunded with a voucher of the full amount of your booking value deducting a cancellation fee (15 % of booking value). For cancelations made within 72 hours prior to the scheduled check-in date, you will not be entitled to receive any refund or travel voucher Voucher Refunds: Effective immediately upon the deployment of the new Flexible Cancellation Policy, the option of receiving a refund in the form of a "voucher" shall no longer be available for new reservation assigned to this policy

19.8 Partially Refundable Cancellation Policy

19.8.1 Customers are entitled to a 5% refund of the booking amount if the cancellation is made more than one day prior to the scheduled pick-up date. No refunds will be issued for cancellations made on the same day as the pick-up date.

19.8.2. Booking Payment Options

First Stage: Cancellation more than 30 days to the scheduled pick-up date:

For reservations made more than 30 days before the pick-up date, a payment of 50% of the total booking amount is required at the time of booking. The remaining 50% will be charged 30 days before the pick-up date.

If the second payment fails, the booking will be automatically cancelled after 3 days of failed attempts. Please note that if the full booking value has not been paid by the time of the second payment failure, the traveller will not be entitled to a refund, and the customer will not be considered as being in the Second Stage

If the reservation is cancelled more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of the total (100%) booking value paid until that date.

Second Stage: Cancellation between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date:

Reservations made with less than 30 days to the pick-up date must be paid 100% in the first payment.

If the reservation is cancelled between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of 50% of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value that includes the value of any services that were added or subcontracted during that period.

Third Stage: Cancellation between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date:

For cancellations made between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date, a refund of 5% of the total amount paid until that date shall be granted, calculated based on the existing booking value.

17.8.3. Specific-City Cancelation Policies

Group A Cities (Lisbon, Madrid, Naples, Dublin, Cologne, Amsterdam, Marseille, Oslo, Anchorage, San Francisco, Orlando): All bookings in these cities require 100% payment upfront, regardless of the cancellation policy.

Group B Cities (Barcelona, Rome FCO, Catania, Stuttgart, Paris Charles de Gaulle, Stockholm, Bergen, Denver, Chicago, Auckland, Melbourne): All bookings in these cities will have both policies active, with the Partially Refundable Policy requiring a mandatory 100% payment upfront. The Flexible Policy will follow standard payment options as outlined.

Group C (Bilbao, Florence, Olbia, Edinburgh, Hamburg, Brussels Zaventem, Toulouse, Geneva, Helsinki, Seattle, New York, Miami, Brisbane): These cities apply the Partially Refundable Policy and the Flexible Policy with standard payment options as detailed in section 19.1.

Other Cities: Cities not included in Groups A, B, or C will default to the Flexible Policy, described under article 19.1, which is offered free of charge.

19.8.4 Flexible Policy Pricing

The price for the Flexible Policy is determined based on the booking's proximity to the pick-up date, with the policy becoming less expensive as the pick-up date approaches.

Vilkår og betingelser for bobilsalg

Terms & Conditions for Vehicle Reservation and Future Purchase in Europe + UK


1.1. These Terms & Conditions for Vehicle Reservation and Future Purchase (“T&C”) (except where varied by an express agreement between the Parties which is recorded in writing and signed by an authorised representative of the Seller) shall constitute the entire contract between the Parties.

1.2. The Buyer accepts the T&C as binding at the time he places his order through the Platform.


2.1 The Seller. It is the company belonging to the Indie Campers group registered in the Country where the selected vehicle is (“Indie Campers”), and which operates through the Platform (“Platform”)

2.2 The Buyer. For the purposes of these T&C, is the person who places an order through the Platform (hereinafter, the "Buyer")

2.3 The Parties. Indie Campers and the Buyer will be collectively referred to as the “ Parties” and, individually, each of them as the “Party”.


3.1 All notifications pursuant to this T&C shall be effective on their receipt date or, if after close of business, on the business day after

3.2 All notifications and communications between the Parties in connection with the T&C must be made in writing.


The Order on the Platform

4.1. The Vehicle. The object of the T&C will be a used vehicle belonging to a predefined category listed in the Platform (hereinafter, the “Vehicle”).

4.2 By means of these T&C, the Buyer will search on the Seller listed fleet for one or several Vehicles which are available for sale in the Platform and which correspond to the characteristics that the Buyer desires.

4.3 If there is a Vehicle which matches the Buyer's wishes, the Seller will reserve the Vehicle through the Platform and the Buyer will be given a call option, that gives the right, not the obligation, to exercise the call and buy the Vehicle at a specified price within a specific time period through the signature of a Sales Contract , under the terms of these T&C.


5.1. At the time of the reservation of the Vehicle, the Buyer shall make a payment of € 999.00 (nine hundred and ninety-nine euros), or the equivalent amount in the country currency, on the Platform in order to confirm the reservation.

5.2. With the exemption provided for in the next paragraph, the amount referred to in the previous number shall be deducted from the Final Price.

5.3. The amount referred to in 5.1 will be refunded if at the time of selecting the Vehicle there are no Vehicles with the characteristics requested by the Buyer.

5.4. The amount referred to in 5.1 can be refunded at any time until the selection of the Vehicle and the signature of the Sales Contract.

5.5. After the signature of the Sales Contract, the amount referred to in 5.1 is not refunded if the Buyer gives up the purchase of the Vehicle, unless there is a proven mechanical issue or other reason stated in the T&Cs.


6.1. In the last quarter of each year, the Seller will notify the Buyer that the Vehicle with the characteristics selected and reserved is available for selection, confirmation of purchase and, after that, proceed to the signature of the Sales Contract.

6.2. The Buyer may select from the range of Vehicles provided in the Seller list, with specific chassis within the characteristics previously agreed between Buyer and Seller (hereinafter the “Selection Visit”), in the last quarter of the year, on a day, time and location stipulated by the Seller and agreed by the Buyer.

6.3. The Buyer will be provided with a list of Vehicles available where he can choose on a first-come, first-served basis. If the Buyer chooses a vehicle that has already been chosen the Seller will present the remaining vehicle options.

6.4. In the Selection Visit, if the Buyer does not select any specific Vehicle, he forfeits the reserve and the existing call option and is entitled to a full refund of the amount referred to in 5.1.

6.5. If on the day of pick up of the Vehicle chosen the Buyer does not take the Vehicle, the Buyer loses the right to the reimbursement referred to in 5.1, unless at that moment the Vehicle selected is not present.

6.6. For all due purposes, the Buyer acknowledges that the Vehicles are used, with all the periodic brand maintenance done and used in the rental business of the Seller.


7.1. The Vehicle purchase price includes VAT, if and as applicable, pursuant to the relevant tax laws and regulations (hereinafter the “Price”).

7.2. Starting on the day of pick-up of the Vehicle, the Buyer has a 14 days return policy where the Buyer is refunded for the full Price of the Vehicle paid, if he wishes to return the Vehicle


8.1 At the time of placing the order in the Platform, the Buyer may pay by electronic payment via credit or debit card through the systems indicated, at all times, on the Platform. It might be required to perform a verification step with the card issuer during the Checkout process. It is also possible, depending on the country of purchase, to contract financing with the financial institution through the Platform to finance the Vehicle (see Clause 9 on financing).

8.2 Payments by credit or debit card are governed by the terms and conditions of the credit or debit card issuers. It is the Buyer responsibility to read the terms and conditions relating to these means of payment and ensure that they are understood and accepted.

8.3 Likewise, the Seller also accepts Payment by bank transfer through the payment platform available on the Platform.


9.1 The Buyer can pay for the Vehicle with financing, through the Seller’s Financing Partner or any company in its group and its service providers related to the request and execution of the Vehicle financing process (hereinafter, the “ Financial Entity ”) .

9.2 If the Buyer decides to request financing for his Vehicle, the Buyer may do so at the appropriate time through the Seller’s website, which will redirect them to the website and/or digital platform of the Financial Entity (whose operations are independent of the Seller). The response that the Financial Entity gives on the Web is only representative, it is not contractually binding for the Financial Entity, for the Seller or for the Buyer. The Seller is not responsible for the processing, management or authorisation of the financing process of the Vehicle, being the exclusive responsibility of the Financial Entity.

9.3 The financing agreement will be subject to a separate contract between the Buyer and the Financial Entity. The Seller assumes no responsibility in this regard.

9.4 The provisions of this section, relating to the financing of the Vehicle by the Financial Entity, shall not affect any other provision of the T&C relating to a different matter


10.1 The Collection of the Vehicle (hereinafter, the " Collection ") will be arranged with the Buyer on the day of Selection of the Vehicle and signature of the Sales Contract.

10.2. The Vehicle shall only be collected after the signature of all the necessary documentation for this purpose as well as after confirmation of the full payment of the Price.

10.3. If there is an agreement between the Parties, the collection of the Vehicle may be made at a later time than the one referred to in this clause 10.

10.4 In order for the Buyer to pick up the Vehicle, the Buyer needs to be accompanied by the proof of registration and the license plate plaques (a temporary registration is sufficient) plus proof of insurance.


11.1. The Vehicle is covered by a warranty for the minimum period applicable by law in each of the Seller’s Country applicable legislation, that can be found under this link: - in the specfic country tab.

11.2. The warranty will be provided by an entity appointed by Indie Campers

11.3 The Buyer will also benefit from the after-sale assistance for the period stipulated on the country legislation in adequate market conditions.


12 .1 At the time of Collection the Seller will proceed with a full inspection and recondition of the Vehicle before collection.

12.2 When collecting the Vehicle, the Buyer declares to be aware of the Vehicle's current conservation status (without any structural or mechanical problem or flaw).

12.3 Although the Seller will check the vehicles beforehand; the Seller cannot be held responsible for any undetectable mechanical problems.


13.1. The Parties agree that until all the necessary documentation is signed, as well as the delivery of proof of the effective full payment of the Price, the ownership of the Vehicle belongs to the Seller.

13.2. After the acts referred to in 13.1 have been performed, the Buyer can proceed with the registration of the Vehicle on his name. The Buyer needs to bring this proof of registration and licence plate in order to pick up the Vehicle.

13.3. Once ownership of the Vehicle passes to the Buyer the liability shall be borne by the Buyer.


14.1. The Seller grants to the Buyer a money-back guarantee ("14-Day Money-Back Guarantee") from the collection date of the Vehicle for a period up to 14 days after ("14-Day Money Back Guarantee Period").

14.2. During the 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee Period, the Buyer can request a cancellation of the order and return the Vehicle on the the location of pick up, provided that the Buyer has neither damaged the car nor driven more than 500 kilometres with it during the 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee period. If the Buyer damages the car or drives it more than 500 kilometres, the Seller can decide at its own discretion whether the 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee is still granted and, if necessary,the Seller can refuse to receive the Vehicle. In order to benefit from the 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee, the Buyer must communicate the decision to return the Vehicle in the 14 days period and agree on a delivery day that needs to be between the 14-Day Money Back Guarantee Period (“Delivery Appointment” (unless agreed by both Parties by written). In the Delivery Appointment the Vehicle will be checked for damages and the kilometres and the adjustments to the Price will be made.

14.3. If all the criteria are verified, the Seller will refund the purchase price, that is no longer refundable after the contract has been signed, as stated in the order, as soon as the Seller receives the Vehicle, and the car registration documents from the Buyer, together with all the documentation necessary to transfer the ownership of the Vehicle back to the Seller.

14.4. If the car has been driven more than 500 kilometres or damaged and the Seller still accepts the return of the car, the Seller will make the following deductions from the purchase price:

14.4.1. The actual depreciation due to the additional kilometres; and

14.4.2. The cost of repairing the damage caused to the car during the 14 day money back guarantee period.

14.5. If the Buyer will not be present on the Delivery Appointment to apply for the 14 day money back guarantee, the Seller assumes that the Vehicle will not be returned and the process is cancelled.


15.1. If any Clause of this T&C is held to be illegal, invalid or enforceable, in whole or in part, such Clause shall apply with the elimination or modification that is necessary for it to be considered legal, valid and enforceable and to substantiate the economic and commercial intent of the Parties.

15.2. The non-exercise, or the late or partial exercise, of a right which is granted to either Party under this T&C shall not imply the waiver of that right nor prevent its subsequent exercise.

15.3. Any amendment or addition to this T&C shall only be valid if it is contained in a written document signed by all the Parties.


For the purposes of the regulations in force regarding the protection of personal data and services of the information society and electronic commerce, the personal data, both those provided for the formalisation of this contract and those collected during the term of the object of this T&C, will be incorporated according with the privacy policy present in the platform


17.1. This T&C and all its provisions shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the Portuguese Law

17.2. Any dispute arising between the Parties about the interpretation or execution of the T&C shall be submitted to the competent Court.