The Perfect Listing Guide for Indie Campers Hosts 🚐

Creating an attractive and effective host listing on the Indie Campers peer-to-peer rental platform is the first step  for attracting renters and  providing the best experience. As part of the Indie Campers community, we invite you to align your listing with our brand's core values in providing  quality, comfort, and customer satisfaction to every traveller. In this article you can find our top tips for crafting the perfect motorhome and host listing:

1. Detailed and Clear Descriptions

Write a comprehensive description that covers all aspects of your  motorhome and  what customers might expect from renting with you. Highlight specific features like sleeping arrangements, kitchen amenities, and technical specifications such as mileage and fuel efficiency. Mention any Indie Campers-specific extras, such as pre-arranged travel routes or special amenities. 

Remember, your description is key to attracting renters: clearly detail what your motorhome offers to align expectations with the actual experience, and ensure it includes all necessary information.💡To craft the perfect listing description, aim for a minimum of 200 characters.

2. High-Quality Photos

Photos are often the first thing potential renters will notice. Follow  tips below to showcase your motorhome impressively and guarantee it stands out:

  • Use Bright and Natural Lighting : Take photos in bright or natural light, especially during early morning or late afternoon, to capture your motorhome in the best possible lighting.This helps highlight every detail beautifully.
  • Capture All Angles: Include various shots from different angles,  providing a full perspective of what your motorhome offers.
  • Use Wide Shots: Use wider angles to depict how each piece, like the dining table, integrates into the larger setting of the area it is placed in, offering a complete picture of the space.
  • Include a Natural Setting: Set your photos in a natural, inviting way that makes it easy for travellers to envision themselves stepping into a ready-to-use home away from home. You can achieve this by including people and travel essentials just as if you were on a roadtrip yourself.
  • Highlight Key Features: Focus on unique and standout  aspects of your motorhome, especially those that tie back to Indie Campers' offerings.
  • Include Lifestyle Shots: Add photos that showcase the motorhome in use, like an inviting set dining table, or a cosy reading nook or travellers enjoying a nice sunset. This helps renters visualise their experience and connect emotionally with the idea of renting your motorhome.
  • Consider Professional Help: If unsure about your photography skills, hiring a professional photographer can help ensure your photos capture the true essence of your motorhome.

💡For a perfect listing, upload a minimum of 6 photos

5. Create a Comprehensive Host Profile

Make sure you gain the trust of potential renters by creating a detailed host profile. Include information about your experience with motorhomes and any personal touches you bring to the rental process. Consider using a friendly and inviting tone while aiming for a professional description and don’t forget to include a profile photo.

💡For a perfect listing aim for host description with a minimum of 80 characters and a profile photo. 

6. Set Competitive Pricing

Research other listings in your area to ensure your pricing is competitive. Consider varying your rates for peak travel seasons or offering discounts for longer rentals. Highlight any Indie Campers-specific offering in your listing description.

💡The perfect listing has a minimum of 3 seasons created.

7. Flexible Cancellation

When listing your motorhome for peer-to-peer rental on Indie Campers, including a flexible cancellation policy can significantly enhance the attractiveness of your listing. Offering potential renters the option to cancel with minimal penalties not only increases trust but also encourages more bookings. Travel plans can change unexpectedly, and by accommodating these changes, you position yourself as a considerate and reliable host. 

8. Include Positive Reviews

Featuring positive reviews and testimonials in your listing is important, so remember to ask your travellers at checkout to complete the survey Indie Campers sends.
If you're new to hosting, focus on gaining these as soon as possible by providing excellent service and asking for feedback.

💡The perfect listing’s customer satisfaction score has a rating on average of 4.5

9. Responsive Communication

Respond promptly to inquiries and questions. Effective communication is key to reassuring potential renters and facilitating a smooth rental experience.

10. Offer Tips and Guidance

Provide renters with tips for enjoying the motorhome and suggestions for local destinations or RV-friendly spots that highlight the Indie experience.

11. Update Regularly

Keep your listing updated with any new features or changes to your motorhome. Regular updates help ensure your information is accurate and reflects well on your attentiveness as a host.


To ensure you've covered all necessary points, refer to the checklist bellow. It's designed to help you craft a listing that not only meets Indie Campers standards but also stands out on our rental platform.

By following these tips, you can create a compelling and trustworthy listing that attracts more renters and ensures a positive experience for everyone involved with Indie Campers.

  • Listing Description
    Is the description thorough, covering all aspects of the motorhome and the rental experience?
    Have you mentioned any extras or amenities?
  • Photography
    Are all photos high-quality and taken in good lighting?
    Have you included photos from multiple angles and of all key areas (interior, exterior, features)?
    Do the lifestyle shots effectively help renters visualise themselves using the motorhome?
    None of your photos mention any company names, phone, email etc in pictures? (this is not allowed on the Indie Campers’  marketplace)
  • Host Profile
    Is your host profile complete with a professional photo and detailed description?
    Have you highlighted your experience with motorhomes and personal touches in the rental process?
  • Pricing and Availability
    Is your pricing competitive based on market research?
    Have you considered seasonal pricing adjustments?
    Is your availability clearly stated and updated regularly?
  • Reviews and Communication
    Are you asking travellers for feedback
    Are you committed to responding promptly to all inquiries and questions?
  • Additional Tips and Local Guidance
    Have you provided useful tips for enjoying the motorhome?
    Are there suggestions for local destinations or RV-friendly spots?
  • Regular Updates
    Have you checked and updated your listing for any new features or changes?
    Is all information currently accurate and reflective of your motorhome's condition and offerings?

By going through this checklist before finalising your listing, you can ensure that it is not only comprehensive and attractive but also effectively set up to attract the right renters through Indie Campers.